[Addon v1.115] Advanced Alloys [Beta v0.8a] MC[1.5.2]

  • Oh sweet, glad you like it and are using it - looking forward to seeing it when you update next.

    yeah it should be in the next 24 hours if coding goes all well :) (witch it hardly dose :/ but it will be soon!)

  • Just found titanium ore - two things I noticed, one is that there's loads of it - I've only barely scratched the surface and I've already got more than 2 stacks of titanium now. I may of just been lucky but I explored a extreme hills and then an ocean biome and still had loads of stuff. I know you need quite alot for the new crystal but the titanium chest is huge and it would make other chest mods a bit redundant - maybe add a config file to let us set how rare it is, if you can do that :) Also it glows really brightly! I'm guessing this is just to help you debug it however. I don't mind it glowing if it's on purpose but again it's so plentiful and bright that you can use it as a replacement for glowstone if you didn't mind how it looked.

    • Official Post

    Would you register the following 4 Items with these Oredictnames at the Oredictionary?
    "10kkEUStore" for your Energycrystal but as "new ItemStack(ItemID, 1, -1)" so that it can be used with diffrent EU-Chargevalues
    "dustTitanium" for Titaniumdust (because i will add Titaniumdust myself)
    "ingotTitanium" for Titaniumingot (and ofcourse i will add an Ingot)
    "oreTitanium" for Titaniumore just to make it complete, but i dont need that personally.

  • Just found titanium ore - two things I noticed, one is that there's loads of it - I've only barely scratched the surface and I've already got more than 2 stacks of titanium now. I may of just been lucky but I explored a extreme hills and then an ocean biome and still had loads of stuff. I know you need quite alot for the new crystal but the titanium chest is huge and it would make other chest mods a bit redundant - maybe add a config file to let us set how rare it is, if you can do that :) Also it glows really brightly! I'm guessing this is just to help you debug it however. I don't mind it glowing if it's on purpose but again it's so plentiful and bright that you can use it as a replacement for glowstone if you didn't mind how it looked.

    yeah ill need to fix that, did realize how common it was :/ and ill turn off the glow i must of forgot to do that, it is for testing :)

    Would you register the following 4 Items with these Oredictnames at the Oredictionary?
    "10kkEUStore" for your Energycrystal but as "new ItemStack(ItemID, 1, -1)" so that it can be used with diffrent EU-Chargevalues
    "dustTitanium" for Titaniumdust (because i will add Titaniumdust myself)
    "ingotTitanium" for Titaniumingot (and ofcourse i will add an Ingot)
    "oreTitanium" for Titaniumore just to make it complete, but i dont need that personally.

    yeah sure ill add them in the next update :)

  • Also, can you fix the cable cutting speed for the chainsaw?

    Fusion Power Engineering Industries® Making Fusion™ Automation Chamber© is DONE!!!!!!!! HAYO!!!

    Hint: Click the Automation Chamber text to see how it looks :D

  • @Greg:
    Try cutting cables with the chainsaw, it takes the same amount of time as doing it by hand.
    Can you add a UUM recipe for Titanium ore? If not: @Greg Can you add a uum recipe for bauxite?

    Fusion Power Engineering Industries® Making Fusion™ Automation Chamber© is DONE!!!!!!!! HAYO!!!

    Hint: Click the Automation Chamber text to see how it looks :D

    • Official Post

    Try cutting cables with the chainsaw, it takes the same amount of time as doing it by hand.

    I was referring to the Drill/Saw having the identical miningspeed to the IC²-Ones.

    Can you add a UUM recipe for Titanium ore? If not: @Greg Can you add a uum recipe for bauxite?

    Lol, i forgot that. Until then, you can use Scrapboxing to get Bauxite, Aluminium and Titanium.

  • The osmium Drill/Saw have a bit higher speed.

    Fusion Power Engineering Industries® Making Fusion™ Automation Chamber© is DONE!!!!!!!! HAYO!!!

    Hint: Click the Automation Chamber text to see how it looks :D

  • hey everyone :) sorry i haven't updated much in the past few days been coding like crazy trying to fix some dam bugs witch are now fixed :D(sadly not the chest yet :/) but there are a few new features and i have someone to make me textures, so almost all new textures :D ill probable have beta v0.5 out in the next few hours soo yay :D

  • yeah ill need to fix that, did realize how common it was :/ and ill turn off the glow i must of forgot to do that, it is for testing :)

    yeah sure ill add them in the next update :)

    Do you have to make them not glow anymore i thought it looks really cool but a bit like diamond so the glow helps id the 2 seperatly

  • Do you have to make them not glow anymore i thought it looks really cool but a bit like diamond so the glow helps id the 2 seperatly

    um yeah if that's what people want ill make them glow just a little bit

    I wish there was a way to disable titanium from spawning in the world.
    Other than that, mod looks good.

    i am working on that :)