No opinion on invisibility suits.

Re-Suggestion : Invisibility Suit (Cloaking suit)
- SpwnX
- Closed
Thanks for your "no" opinion... anyway i will wait for other devs opinion then.
Calling the mighty dragon lord... -
The proper way - forcing the URL into the player and asking renderengine to download it.
Not to worry, I'm talking to cpw on a way to make the "proper way" easier.
The proper way doesnt work with any URL. I tried it but it didnt download the File (yes i'm sure its just the Dropbox, which does that).
Dont worry. My hack is only affecting people, who do the EXACT same hack.
About capes : they make players not invisible to others, if cloak suit comes it have to make renderengine stop rendering it.
RichardG whats your opinion about it anyway ? You didn't come here just to talk about devs capes did you ?I think i have to make my Capes Invisible when Invisibility is enabled.
It would be good as i (and you) may use MC invisibility (potions) to either walk in a pvp area or ambush someone.
If it applies the invisibility effect, the annoying little swirls will make you "Visible" to anyone within 16 blocks. Hide ALL potion effects while wearing, and as an added bonus, add basic tools that are invisible, like picks, swords, maybe bows, to allow you to be fully invisible. (Tools should only function like stone or iron, the price you pay for invisibility). And if possible hide capes too (Duh).
(Sorry for rant, I just wanted my ideas out there)
I like if players couldn't be perfectly invisible, those swirls are hard to notice, its fine.
If player is going to ambush or walk into a dangerous place just dont use any weapon/tool until he/she wants to leave invisibility mode.
Capes should stop rendering (greg even talked about it)
Hope this gets implemented, it will be fun =D -
Currently, my Capes are the only ones, which are invisible with that Potioneffect. Its impossible to do so, when using the "proper" way.
Btw. Theres an option to disable the Capes in 1.4.2.
Should be some means to counter such suit.
At first it is bad Goggles of Revelations cannot see it.
Some sound indication for OSD helmet suggested earlier.
Or may be Painter, used on invisible Suit will force rendering him in that color for some time...
Or touch CF block and Invisible Suit is broken completely... -
I like if players couldn't be perfectly invisible, those swirls are hard to notice, its fine.
If player is going to ambush or walk into a dangerous place just dont use any weapon/tool until he/she wants to leave invisibility mode.
Capes should stop rendering (greg even talked about it)
Hope this gets implemented, it will be fun =DThe thing is, why wouldn't I just brew a potion if the suit doesn't give me any extra effects? I can get 24 minutes of invisibility from a carrot and some gold, and having some benefits to the suit would be nice. Of course, there needs to be SOME way to detect them, like Goggles or a invisibility checker-type-thing that sets anyone invisible that passes over it on fire? Maybe?
On tools, it would be the "Upgrade" of the suit. If we say the suit is between Nano and Quantum, the tools should be slightly harder than Quantum to craft. This adds an "Upgrade" that is independent of the base component. (Basically, it's an indirect upgrade.)
The swirls are only visible if you have particles on - that's strategic.
I'm all in for an invisibility suit. Probably time to rebalance the whole 'suit' set eitherway, f.e. seperating cool functionality from godlike armor...
Well this could be interesting.
I'm all in for an invisibility suit. Probably time to rebalance the whole 'suit' set eitherway, f.e. seperating cool functionality from godlike armor...
You mean taking all special abilities from quantum suit and giving them to different suits?
Yeah! MC 1.4.2 made two of my suggestions be approved =D -
Yes! A Ninja suit! It should have super spider climbing abilities, super speed, super jump, super energy sapping abilities!..
You mean taking all special abilities from quantum suit and giving them to different suits?
Yeah! MC 1.4.2 made two of my suggestions be approved =DWe tinkered with that idea quite some time ago. But you know,
lazybusy and stuff...