Im looking for and open world fps where you can kill people and scavange. I would pefer games were you have to eat and drink. Also prefer if could use snipers and supressed weapons mostly. Im looking at Stalker call of Pripayt, Dayz standalone, and fallout new vegas with mods right now. Fallout 3 is not an option since it runs horibbly and farcry 2 becuase you can't scavange and many other gameplay problems. So if you have heard of a game like this please post below. Thank You for your time and effort.

Looking for another game.
- pablovansnogger
- Closed
No offence, but i don't think this is the best place to find a answer
No offence, but i don't think this is the best place to find a answer
Oh, ok. I just thought it wouldn't hurt posting it here too.
New Vegas. Best game ever.
y new vegas! while playing i didn't feel my body.
Of course you didn't. The raw awesome came oozing out of your screen and got absorbed into your body, where it restricted blood flow.
Of course you didn't. The raw awesome came oozing out of your screen and got absorbed into your body, where it restricted blood flow.
Hell yeah! New Vegas was the shit! On my third play-through, I made it all the way to Hoover Dam for the final battle in Hardcore mode the entire time, only to find out that my disk was scratched in such a way that made my game freeze and crash whenever I would press accept to finally finish the game 100% hardcore.
Check out dead frontier, I played that for a very long time. It's still a work in progress but its fun.
New Vegas. Best game ever.
Its a very good game but i wouldnt say best it is far from the best. Most buggy game ever created! But there is nothing like being suprised by a death claw.
Could any of you guys reccomand any mods?
Most buggy game ever created!
You DO play Minecraft, right?
Its a very good game but i wouldnt say best it is far from the best. Most buggy game ever created! But there is nothing like being suprised by a death claw.
Could any of you guys reccomand any mods?
Have you played Sonic 06? Minecraft is a perfect, bug free game in comparison to that thing (says this while trying to get through Flame Core as Sonic...)
New Vegas. Best game ever.
Though if you want to play Fallout then do yourself a favor and grab 1 and 2 from and play them first.