[in planning] IC2 microblocks and coverable cables

  • Thanks to the release, and terms of use, its now possible to have a free to use for various uses micro blocks.
    See Immibis Core with microblocks

    Planned features:
    1. Microblock versions of Re-enforced glass/stone, bronze block, tin block, uranium block, and anything else that would make a nice decrative block.
    2. Microblock coverable version of various IC2 cables, except for the 3x insulated HV cable (its almost a solid block anyway)
    3. Overrides existing cables and uses the same ID

    Current mod status:
    1. Decompiled Immibis Core to investigate data structures of covers.
    2. Write up list of extends/inplements header changes for cable blocks.
    3. Pondering how best to deal with Construction Foam, in and around cables. Should it co exist with microblock covers, behave as if a cover itself, or be disabled when a cover is in place.
    4. Wrote method to take ItemStack (eg mod blocks) directly, its untested until I manage to compile the code.

    // First, try to add to a nearby chest
    // Second, try to add to adjacent pipes
    // Lastly, throw the object away
    code comments in Buildcraft litterbug quarry

    Edited 2 times, last by fabricator77 ().

  • Immibis is here on this forum, you could try PM'ing him to find out how he does his coding and ask for his advice.

  • Ahem, if Eloraam permits it, then I'm doing it myself.

    Its nothing to do with Eloraam, Immibis has made his own version of microblocks. Its almost the same but has more blocks to choose from, and stores its data in a different format.

    // First, try to add to a nearby chest
    // Second, try to add to adjacent pipes
    // Lastly, throw the object away
    code comments in Buildcraft litterbug quarry

  • But they are/should be compatible with Redpower (according to Immibis).

    When did I say that?

    Disappointed with the bugs and nerfedness of AtomicStryker Corp's Advanced Machines, and the unupdatedness of Snyke's Enterprises?
    Need low-lag renewable power?
    Come to ImmTech Intragalactical this thread for free UUM!

    Note: UUM may stand for Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines and may not be actual UUM. The extra U was lost due to a bit error.
    Battery snot included.

  • How do you plan on making the recipies for varying hollow cover sizes for the different wires?

    Nope, no plan to do this at all. Fibre, insulated Gold and Copper cables all have roughly the same diameter, and its just not possible to make different sizes of hollow covers.

    // First, try to add to a nearby chest
    // Second, try to add to adjacent pipes
    // Lastly, throw the object away
    code comments in Buildcraft litterbug quarry

  • Finally got the BlockCable and TileEntityCable out of IC2 in a state where is possible to compile, but I still need to look at the rendering code as well. When I can get the cables working in my mod, then I can add the microblock code.

    // First, try to add to a nearby chest
    // Second, try to add to adjacent pipes
    // Lastly, throw the object away
    code comments in Buildcraft litterbug quarry