FTB packs seem to be put together by deranged monkeys. Mindcrack was OK, but even then the default settings are fucked up. Ultimate includes power converters of all things. Anybody know of a modpack/launcher that's both put together by people who respect the idea of game balance and don't feel the need to rip off mods they could have gotten permission for with 5 minutes work?
Sane non stealy modpacks?
- Requia
- Closed
Until Greg, I or someone like that make one ... no ^^. Makes one by yourself lol. And, as it's quite easy to disable mods with FTB, you can even use FTB with that feature. Moreover, if you find Mindcrack was ok (which is, to me, clearly wrong because even Mindcrack contains tons of OP mods
[CC, Forestry, SoulShard, Steve Carts, PORTAL GUN ...]) why don't you keep it ? I don't get it lol.
Mat you should know that I wont make Modpacks. I make one universal Mod, which can do almost everything!
Well, you'd better get going on a Industrial Conflict addon Greg, those noobs ain't going to stop those dumb suggestions.
Until Greg, I or someone like that make one ... no ^^. Makes one by yourself lol. And, as it's quite easy to disable mods with FTB, you can even use FTB with that feature. Moreover, if you find Mindcrack was ok (which is, to me, clearly wrong because even Mindcrack contains tons of OP mods
[CC, Forestry, SoulShard, Steve Carts, PORTAL GUN ...]) why don't you keep it ? I don't get it lol.
Essentially what I want from a modpack is to be able to talk to other people who use the modpack. With everybody moving off Mindcrack (which was marginally balanced) over to Ultimate (which doesn't appear to have any thought other that 'shove everything we can in' behind it). Talking to people on FTB communication channels has gone from difficult to impossible.
Mat you should know that I wont make Modpacks. I make one universal Mod, which can do almost everything!
I knew that ^^. But that won't be true until you add something to replace UE-addons (ICBM mainly ^^)
So you want a modpack where every mod is balanced out with each other?
The main problem is that every big mod adds it's own whole system of doing stuff (even Gregtech), so it is almost impossible to get those balanced. I'd recommend focusing on one mod (system) and maybe some addons (IC2 would be an example).
You could always, uh, umm... |<_<| |>_>|
It's not actually too hard. Most mods include rebalancing config settings. It's just a matter of having sane default configurations (IE, TE has settings to make pulverisers take diamond and steel, which balances them against gregtech hard mode macerators, and quantum armor can be disabled even though IC2 is installed), and leaving off some of the more insane shit (computer craft, Advanced Solars, power converters, etc). The only really tricky mod that isn't inherently busted is redpower, because it lacks some config options that it should have (like blacklisting other mods autominers).
It's not actually too hard. Most mods include rebalancing config settings. It's just a matter of having sane default configurations (IE, TE has settings to make pulverisers take diamond and steel, which balances them against gregtech hard mode macerators, and quantum armor can be disabled even though IC2 is installed), and leaving off some of the more insane shit (computer craft, Advanced Solars, power converters, etc). The only really tricky mod that isn't inherently busted is redpower, because it lacks some config options that it should have (like blacklisting other mods autominers).
1. You're accusing FTB of 'stealing mods'?
2. You do know that the server config. overrides the client config, so if you are only removing things, you don't have to change the default config.
3. Balances against all mods? Hah hah! No...
4. I'm PRETTY DAMN SURE Redpower doesn't break anyone else's stuff... maybe makes other mod applications a joke, but it's not like you can't still use them...Should be plenty of Youtube material out there that can teach you how to configure mods if you apply the effort to learn...
Is English your second language or something?
Is English your second language or something?
Actually, I think what you trying to ask me is 'are you stupid'?
Might as well go ahead and say that, since that's what you mean..
And if that's what you really mean, then what do you have against people who do have English as their 2nd language? (Keep in mind most of the people in here are from Europe)...
Your post has absolutley nothing to do with what I said. Given the choice between stupid and poor English skills I'm inclined to think poor English skills.
Your post has absolutley nothing to do with what I said. Given the choice between stupid and poor English skills I'm inclined to think poor English skills.
I'd say "fast reading", but I agree with you the post seems not related with the quote