Posts by Foghrye4


    If I want to start it on my SMP I get this crash:

    I hope, you mean: "When i start a single-player game with this addon (IHL Tools & Machines V0.460) installed, i have got that crash:"
    If you do, i need an IC2 and Minecraft Forge versions you have used and, may be, other mods you have installed, to try to repeat that crash and fix a cause.

    EDIT: No, i'm actually not.
    Hmmm... i'm thinking about to preserve old recipe, but add "artificial "ender pearl"" only useful for crafting Collectors (picture related).

    To make Collectors more expensive it's better to replace ordinary circuit to advanced one, isn't it? If that is not enough expensive, may be change HV cable to fiberglass.

    One of a new version i have disabled original event hook, because i find a new way to move source water blocks. Actually, i don't embody new system, because nobody asking. A funny thing - when you use a handpump, you got a approximately same effect, but it seems, Lefty, you want to moveable water source block back. Of course, you can download my old mod from minecraftforum, but it is a little raw. I've got a request in your face, so i will try to rewrite that part.


    I don't know how it works with GregTech.

    I don't know either. GregTech is not disabling recipes of this addon and, i think, machine blocks, electric engines, metal plates and other components still can be craftable (gregtech way, of course).

    GregoriusT, thank you!

    ItemStack crystal = IC2Items.getItem("lapotronCrystal").copy();
    Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe(new ItemStack(IHLMod.chargerEjectorItem,1), new Object[] { "PGP", "GCG", "GLG", Character.valueOf('P'), IC2Items.getItem("platelapi"), Character.valueOf('G'), new ItemStack(,1), Character.valueOf('C'), IC2Items.getItem("glassFiberCableItem"), Character.valueOf('L'), crystal});

    Now it is working.

    Khem... it was supposed to be a thread about IC2 API and addon development. I don't mind, if irrelevant questions will be erased from that thread, or moved to another section.

    About IC2 recipe manager. I tried to add this recipe:

    Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe(new ItemStack(IHLMod.chargerEjectorItem,1), new Object[] { "PGP", "GCG", "GLG", Character.valueOf('P'), IC2Items.getItem("platelapi"), Character.valueOf('G'), new ItemStack(,1), Character.valueOf('C'), IC2Items.getItem("glassFiberCableItem"), Character.valueOf('L'), IC2Items.getItem("lapotronCrystal")});

    No result. Nonetheless, this code is working:

    Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe(new ItemStack(IHLMod.chargerEjectorItem,1), new Object[] { "PGP", "GCG", "G G", Character.valueOf('P'), IC2Items.getItem("platelapi"), Character.valueOf('G'), new ItemStack(,1), Character.valueOf('C'), IC2Items.getItem("glassFiberCableItem")});

    It seems, that item damage is important as recipe input, although normal IC2 recipes are working with any charge level.
    How i can use items with any charge level as recipe input?

    My guess is that you have coded your block to check for blocks of ID 0 (air), instead of "is air".
    "Railcraft by default creates hidden blocks for player aura tracking, which are recognized as air if using Forge isAirBlock(), but probably won't be recognized as air by other mods (unless they specifically test for it)."

    You are absolutely right about that. Addon was fixed according to your recommendation and tested with railcraft (new version 0.451 attached to first message). Other changes needs a little bit more time.

    A1: it attach itself to any IC2 storage with empty charge slot, and even to generators.
    A2: Even more faster!? About lifespan. Collector discharge 1 eu per update. If i'm not wrong, there is an 20 updates per second. So, 20 000 eu/20 eu per second = 1000 seconds or 16 minutes. I was thinking about special "charger/ejector", that will spawn Collector, when it is charged. What you think about?

    I created video, describing few new and old features and presenting new item/entity in version 0.450, which i called "Collector". This "Little Satans' Helper" help to collect dropped items and put them at hopper nearby. Music taken from gods of industrial music in true meaning of "industrial" group "Control Human Delete" and album "Construct the Road through Space"(

    All hail Satan and mathematics!

    You don't need a special folder to ic2 dev. Place it anywhere you want. Run eclipse with your project, right-click your project root folder, select properties->Java build path-> Libraries-> Add external Jar and select ic2-dev to add.
    How to modify build.gradle file is written right in first message in this thread. Just don't repeat my mistake.

    Addon updated!
    List of new features since v0.443:
    1. Handpump now fill universal fluid cells (preferable).
    2. Tunneling shield now will harvest whitelisted blocks in reverse mode.
    3. Tunneling shield now have his own sound for base unit.
    4. Shield now wrenchable separately from base block. Just select transparent technical shield block and press right button with wrench in hand.
    5. Shaft now can be repaired, if at least one block remaining after explosion. Select that block with wrench and press right button if you have mining pipes in inventory.
    6. Addon is now configurable!
    Example of config file (generated automatically):

    "ts02BlockBlackList" means blocks, that shield cannot dig thru.
    "ts02BlockWhiteList" means blocks, that shield can dig in reverse mode.

    That function is used to determine blocks in lists:

    So be carefull to name blocks correctly. If any wrong block names presented in list, addon will generate error message and continue loading.

    If you have any suggestions (for example, about default values in config) - don't be shy and make it :!:

    Loses a few pipes when you wrench the unit, since it seems to always leave 1 or 2 out. I was trying at first to wrench the shield, which didn't work. I stumbled onto something, if you place the shield while the unit is in retract mode, it will place the shield on the wrong (opposite) side of the unit.

    That will be 2 more bugs. Confirmed. Fixed.
    Almost forgot. Also shield now hurt and toss away player and mobs, then working. On reverse mode it will only toss away all things.

    Bad news: I can't beat up 128 blocks limitation. It seems, that at that distance tile entities unloaded from client world. I must use something like a "world anchor" to outflank that limitation, but i still dunno how. I'd better make entity on batteries to dig holes any deeper.
    Good news: Ldog, you have your "reverse mode" button in gui. Download the new version.