Posts by SpeedDaemon

    If you're really concerned with the tiny amount of tin it takes (relatively) than just cycle buckets around to the generator directly. gets rather more complicated that way though.
    My current setup just makes lava cells which I load up to the generators manually. Much easier to just dump a stack in a generator. Course I only have 2 generators and have since used up all of my lava storage (must find a nice ravine to drain)

    Can't you just move your whole lava cell factory to the Nether? A buildcraft pump will more or less try to drain the whole lava ocean if you let it (not sure what their actual range is)

    Where's ore go from macheration?

    Everything that comes out of the macerators (except for 80% of the sand) goes to the bulk storage. If there's no room, or no place for it there, it comes back out the overflow, and either ends up in the valuables overflow chest, or the recycler (probably the chest, since you're not going to be macerating anything you're just going to toss). The macerator has been redesigned along the lines of Shadowclaimer's recycler, so you can dump whatever mixture you want in there (as long as it's maceratable), and it just recirculates until it finds an open machine. I probably need to add a filter on the manual input to reject anything that can't be macerated.

    There are also some (intentional) loops in there... If cobblestone storage overflows, it comes out and gets sent back to be made into sand, stairs, slabs, etc., which may ALSO overflow. The secondary products will end up in the recycler if they overflow, though. It wastes some power, but keeps those building materials in constant full stock.

    I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to wire up the item delivery system from bulk storage. The most elegant way to do it (put a RP2 filter on the destination chest with the item you want, then pulse the transposers on all of the storage chests) doesn't seem to work (not sure if it's WAD or a bug). The other options are wire one switch for each item (Wall of Switches from Hell), or use 8-10 switches to code in the item you want (Rat's Nest of Redwire From Hell - AKA "can't find your item with a Karnaugh map and a torch"). Leaning towards option two right now.

    Another thing you can do is add lava to the list of valuable ores in the IC2 config (it's ID 11), and then head to the Nether with a miner and some pumps :P

    Kind of cheating, but you don't need anything but IC2 stuff to do it.

    I'm planning for a base on a new map... Below is a schematic of the planned item flow.

    "Input" will probably be a teleport pipe so I can send stuff from whatever corner of the map I'm currently pillaging. Maybe a second one on a different freq. that goes straight into the recycler.
    The "bulk storage" is a large chamber of chests into which items get sorted as they come in. There are transposers on each chest that send stuff back up to the crafting area when triggered.

    All of the stuff in the bottom right quadrant is the subject of this thread.

    Am I forgetting anything? :)

    That would work, although this also means that my 40 BatBoxes will now go to waste. Oh well.

    Ill give that a try, thanks.

    I'm sure you'll eventually find a use for most of them :)

    They're good for buffers in the low-voltage parts of your system (between an LV transformer and machinery). Also useful in remote locations to run solar-powered stuff (miners, etc.) overnight.

    Or check out this thread for another project that uses a lot of batboxes. :)

    MJ forgot to mention that since solar panels only output 1EU packets, you should use tin cables. Tin cables can only handle a max of 3EU "voltage" right now, but can handle tons of 1EU solar panels just fine. Tin can go up to 39 blocks without loss, copper can only go 4. All of the tin cables you can just dump directly into your MFSU.

    Once you run the power through any transformer or energy storage block, you will need a minimum of copper cable, though, as they all output 32, 128 or 512 EU packets depending on their voltage rating.

    This is awesome. And it appears to be modular. Now, all we need is a blueprint.

    OK :D

    Re-did a section so the wiring will match up if it's repeated. This doesn't include the switch circuit for the lockout or the lights - you'll need to build that and hook it up where it makes sense for your installation. I also used something other than C-foam for the back wall, so I could hide most of the light wiring with the RP cover panels.

    One other important note - it IS safe to walk around on top of the wall (and even peek over the edge) while it's armed and has a pressure plate pressed.


    Pretty nice indeed.

    You could put RP's transposers next to the blocks with pressure plates on them... you'll probably need a repeater to make them activate only after the mob die.

    I'd have to do some testing to make sure, but I think powered transposers suck up anything in the two surrounding blocks. In that case, I'd put them in the ground every fifth block, one block in front of the pressure plates, so I could cover everything five blocks out from the wall. Probably piped straight into an automated warehouse or something.

    Edit: tested... it's only the one surrounding block that a transposer will grab items from, so it would have to be every 3rd block, and directly in front of the pressure plates.

    You don't even really have to manually replant. I saw a similar system, I'm not going to find it now, but you can design a base grid of dirt for the saplings to be planted on (usually [dirt] [air] [dirt] in a repeating pattern in a line for the most simple design) and use a BC Filler(with 9 brick blocks for the Fill option) to plant the saplings on the dirt (Fillers can work on a line or plane, so you may only need 1 filler for the entire process). When the Filler/s is/are activated, they automatically plant the saplings on the dirt.

    EDIT: You can even have any saplings piped to the filler, so you don't have to manually refill it.

    Well, the problem with the filler is that once it's finished, you have to remove and replace it to get it to do anything. That means running around with landmarks, re-doing the pattern, and putting the saplings back in. By the time you're done, you might as well have just replanted the saplings. :P Would be nice if they had "reset" switch, or something.

    You need at least two blocks between saplings to make sure they all grow.

    Don't know about you all, but I hate those mobs that wander up to your outer defensive wall and never leave. Especially the creepers (wonder why?), the spiders (they spidey-sense you through the wall and won't shut up), and the endermen (they're trying to steal the wall). I also hate wasting perfectly good arrows (and risking falling off next to a creeper) getting rid of them.

    So why not build a wall that can do all that for you? Here's a prototype of the MobZapper 3000! Turn the mobs into mob-kebabs!
    As soon as the mobs walk up to the wall, the pressure plates enable the Tesla coils. Each coil has a batbox (good for 4 shots), which is hooked up to solar panels. You probably only need about one solar panel for every other Tesla coil, unless you're dealing with a zombie apocalypse. They're all connected to one tin cable that's connected to the batboxes, so they get help from their neighbors. The red & white lights indicate whether the wall is armed or not.

    Here's the view from under the outer wall. The wire on the ceiling on the left runs under all of the pressure plates. The one on the floor on the right is hooked up to the lockout switch.
    Those two signals go through the AND gates and up the middle to power the blocks under the Tesla coils.

    Here's the inside of the wall. The redwire in here is just controlling the lights. All of the Tesla control stuff is under the floor.

    dam thats awesome thanks for the math speed :)

    YW :)

    I did some additional testing, and it looks like one pump can cool one combustion engine if it's powered by two redstone engines, two with three, and three with four. With some fiddling I was able to reduce the number of pumps required from 40 to 16 for 40 engines, which is a savings of like 300 iron. :)

    Not as pretty, though :(

    That is amazing. I have not experience much of BC at all but how much lava does it take err should I say to run per engine for time wise? Do you think that converting BC power is better then say massive solar arrays hehe?

    One bucket of fuel will run an engine for quite a while. You get around 625,000 EU out of a fuel bucket at around 12EU/t, so that would be about 52,000 ticks or around 40 minutes. The combustion engines will hold 10 buckets of fuel each, so it will run for a little under 7 hours and produce 250 mil EU without refueling.

    Probably less laggy than solar, but that generator there uses over 900 iron. :( Buildcraft pumps are really expensive iron-wise. Depending on how many buckets you need, it might actually be cheaper to build a CASUC reactor (except that that would probably blow up on an SMP server, and this won't). :P Something 1/4 the size is probably more realistic, and would still fill up an MV line. This one has an interlock on the control switches that force you to run the redstone engines on the pumps continuously for 10min (to warm them up) before it lets you start the combustion engines, so that's another consideration.

    What power converter mod were you using? I found well pun Power Converters to take any and all energy and it really sucks when doing work on creating things for example I have a large quarry if I pump in a MFSU it will drain the MFSU at like 512 EU... I had to use a batbox to downgrade it. So I was wondering if you had better suggestion.

    I'm using Power Crystals' Power Converters mod. Yeah, it sucks that you can't throttle them somehow. For quarries and stuff, the only way to do it without messing up your power grid is to keep them off of it, and use wind gens or solar directly connected. (4 wind or 12 solar is about right for a quarry)

    Aside from quarries and stuff (that can easily be off-grid), I'll probably be converting the other way, mostly. For example, I like the oil generator for using excess EU to cheaply store power as fuel, which can be quickly turned back into EU as needed.
    I built this, which has 40 combustion engines, and puts out 480EU/t. It's only 9x6x10 (modular, so it can actually be 9x6x(N/4), where N is the number of combustion engines you want/need/can afford).

    This uses IC2, BC, and Power Crystal's IC/BC power converter mod. I'm also using redpower2 redwire, but it isn't required.

    It's "semi-automatic" because you have to re-plant manually, and then start it once the trees are grown. However, after that, you do nothing until it's done. Don't have to feed it anything - it's even solar powered.

    There are 12 solar panels on top of the quarry frame, which is enough to run it pretty quickly (roughly equal to one combustion engine). The converter block has a redstone torch next to it, and deactivates the converter when the power is shut off to the torch (more on that below). You can't see in the screenshot, but there's just tin cable directly to the converter. Buildcraft sends all available power to a machine, even if it can't use it, so any storage you put in here is wasted.

    There is a diamond pipe that sends wood to storage, and saplings and dirt to storage adjacent to the farm. If I built it again, it would be a 1 x N or 4 x N quarry, to minimize time spent mining leaves (but you still need enough to get saplings).
    OK, so now the trees are all quarried, but quarries have a habit of going straight on to bedrock if you're not around to shut it down...
    Fortunately, once the trees are all gone, there's a perfectly flat dirt area left. A quarry will always go for one of the corner blocks first in such a case.
    The whole quarry has redwire around the edge, with the following arrangement in the corners. When the quarry mines the corner dirt block, it breaks the circuit, and shuts off the converter sending power to the quarry. It stores some power, so it will still tear up a row or two of dirt, but that ends up in a chest nearby and is easy to replace. The lever is what powers the detection circuit and starts/stops the farm.

    Well... in a standard generator, according to the wiki, 1 bio-fuel can = very slightly more than 4 charcoal.

    Which is easier/faster to make, a biofuel can (which doesn't stack) or 4 charcoal? :)

    about blastwalls - to fully shield your energy storage from most meltdowns you need two block thick wall of RStone, or 3Wall of obsidian, preferably 3/4 in direction of MFSU
    my mfsu survived a blast while being just 6 blocks away from mk3 reactor behind the wall of 1RStone and 2 Obsidian with RStone surviving it

    My testing (3x3 open area w/ reactor, surrounded half by reinforced stone, half by obsidian in a cube) required 4 layers to fully contain a meltdown. At 3 layers, there were holes in the containment chamber (on both reinf. stone and obsidian sides). At 4 layers, there were no holes anywhere. It was the same for the reinforced doors. The first 3 in the line were destroyed, and the 4th held.

    I think it was a reactor only (no extra chambers) about half full of uranium. Not sure if the amount of uranium has an impact on blast size...

    From the blast pattern, you could probably cheat a little on the 4-thick cube by omitting the edge blocks. (a significant 116-block savings)

    Excellent, I was afraid that putting in those values would try to have it use the drill on said blocks until they were broken; which wouldn't work and thus would make it get stuck.

    When I tried it yesterday on my test server, it didn't work very well for water. The miner (with a diamond drill, anyway) would get two or three waters, but then the drill would move on to the next level down. Doesn't really matter, since it's kind of silly to use an expensive miner/drill/OV/several pumps setup for water when a pump and small trench will do.