Useless and boring...
Useless and boring...
THIS! This will give me a reason to spend EU into illumination!
but i guess tesla coils become really less inportant this way...
Maybe make the lamp burn mobs only 1-2 blocks away?
+1 for sure
Credit card! cool!
What about this:
-making the coins not craftable into other coins tiers. so u are unable to convert coins into others.
-create a Credit-o-mat that have 2 function: act like a moneyexchanger to change the coins for a little cost of EU and act like cash machine to charge your credit card with coins.
-make Trade-o-mat and the Energy-o-mat be able to work also with credit card.
the recipie could be the follow:
Credit card:
Where R are Redstone, PS are Personal Safe, and P are Paper
Luminators are on a completely rework, so any discussion are useless
Uhhm i think you were at the wrong Thread. This is about Alternate Current, and not "Enchanting".
Maybe SpwnX become a spam-bot
cool, i'm ok with this but only if the solar panels's output are ULV.
so u can connect 5 solar panels together without using cable, acting like one but after that, if u connect the 6th it will explode for overload.
Completely remove the need of tin cable into solar is bad in my opinion....
Already suggested, and i think (and hope) it's also into the legendary to do list...
I'd rather have one painter and 16 dyes at my inventory and switch dyes at my desire.
This give me an idea: why have all this dyes/painters when we can use a tool that contain all the colors?
Let's do something like THIS:
The Spray Painter can be crafted in this way:
- - -
- -
Where P is a Paiter, S is CF Sprayer.
This alone do nothing and need to be charged with a Spray Painter Dyes Container that is crafted combining the 2 toner:
1 2 3
4 5 --> Toner A
6 7 8
9 10 11
12 13 ---> Toner B
14 15 16
- - - ----> SPDC
- - -
Where the number are the different dye colors.
Put the Spray Painter and a SPDC together like the CF sprayer with CF pallet and u can have a Filled Spray Painter!
The resulting Filled Spray Painter are used like a normal Painter BUT have 16 times the uses of a normal Painter AND pressing M button + RightClic will cycle from the 16 colors that u can use at your will until u have the uses avaiable.
Simple, easy and convenient.
Stop write everywhere that u have 6400 windmills into 100 towers that produce TONS OF EU...
All in this forum know that u have that eco-monster...
As i LOVE this mod, i wanna do something to made this wonder even better!
But as don't know a single command of java, i haven't the power to help actually...
So i thinked that the only way i can help, over try to make good suggestions in the suggestion section, is actually try to keep the wiki updated.
I made an account on the wiki site, but before i touch anything, i wanna ask if i'm free to modify something or i need some sort of authorization before from the admins or something like this...
As i really don't wanna create any sort of mess if this will create any problem, i'll simply give up this idea... i just wanna be useful in some way...
I know that radiation is an big scale problem due to his penetration power... but what about simply damage a player that come near than a certain number of block from any uranium source?
for example:
3 block distance for ore
5 block distance for ingot/cell
10 block distance for active reactor
it's like the electrocution of uninsulated wire but with a sfere shape... deal 1 point of damage every 10 seconds in the area and suppress normal healt regeneration...
Personally i don't like the radiation concept, but i guess this is merely lagfree and not THAT invasive like other person what to be...
Well, my 100 wind towers (6400 wind mills) really DOESNT lag me. [It is at SMP]
really? that's good... i don't really play smp much... i wanna, but if my pc go on 12 fps on ssp i find hard to go on multiplayer (i'll finally get a new PC soon so i hope this become possible)... so i can't imagine even 1/10 of the your surely impressing power plant ... i simply reasoning on very littler scale a personal use scale... i'll never needs more power that 2 mark II at full power, so u understand that i can't figure out what that massive EU production is for/are made from... maybe if u have 500 people on a server that makes sense... i'm a skilled builder on littler scale, i'm able to make a complete fully alimented and automated IC2 lab into a 9x9 room in no time with no cable in sight, but i'm a totally noob on a production of that type ...
the solution is simple:
the transformer isn't allowed to convert down to ULV...
Due to this fact, his range of conversion is 6 EU/t to infinite EU/t...
I guess if it's the case to limit even the infinite...
20480 EU/t makes me worries about lags seriously...
Not really, my idea is it also be a EU-Flow Limiter (You can decide how many EU/t can go through the transformer, in different packet sizes [ULV probably won't be supported as people would abuse tin cables])
So i can send any amount of energy through a transformer without limiting EU flow (LV transformer limits up to 128 EU/t , MV transformer 512 EU/t , HV transformer 2048 EU/t )
For example, if i want to transmit 20480 EU/t (40 MFSUS), into a single (long distance) Extreme Voltage cable, I would need 10 Reverted HV transformers to do the conversion to EV and also 10 transformers on every place i want to convert back to HV (making these on towns would be a real mess).
If i understand the concept correctly, i can set up any EU/t that i want into the packet size that i want, from LV to EV...
So if i have to send 20480 EU in one tick i can choose one of the follow type of sending option:
-10 x EV packets
-40 x HV packets
-160 x MV packets
-640 x LV packets
Not sure how much lag this can cause.
As i'm not a griefer and i don't love high eu loss, i for sure will choose one of the first two option due to the job...
BUT this is convinient only with ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF EU!
I also think that no one can afford such a EU flow and make it constant... so this is important only in moments of peaks...
So the main and most important capacity of AMVT, i think, will be the option to function like a compact all in one transformers, able to convert any size of packets into another in only one block...
And by the way, i'm a lover of compact setup, so i will anyway prefer this capacity to the other one
After a few i come to a possibly use of this:
if u can adjust the output of the battery, AND if u have to connect far away machines that accept MV for example, u can over-charge a little the cable over MV like 130 EU/t to compensate EU cable loss and feed the machine at max as possible, BUT this is a really hard and accurate set up... even a block of distance between batteries and machines can make the difference from "heaven of efficency" and "catastrofic boom"...
U haven't convinced me enough Greg... (can i call u like this? ^^)
Even if u have the possibility to set up 8 to 32 for the batbox, for example, u will want to have the MAX output to feed your machine as fast as possible...
I can't immagine an useful application of this as the union output-input of battery-enet-machine are far too convinient for correct setup.
Unless there are machine that can input beetween LV and MV or MV and HV i think this is cool but unneeded and also remove completely the need of transformer upgrade that become obsolete...
So, i'm ok with the AMFSU witch is a "upgrade" or even a better tier of battery, but only because this is like an MFSU with an HV-MV-LV transformer build-in and don't mess up with the low tier e-net as Fenix saied...
Anyway i want suggest my idea of recipie for this new IC2 miracle:
Where is x3 insulated iron cable and is MV transformer.
For the AMVT transformer:
Even if the voltage can be selected from input and output this is only a Transformer chain compressed into a block so i'm ok with this...
where is again MV transformer.
And also multi-block machines are already denied
Don't u think that make a player wear or pick up something against his will is a bit hard to do???
to do what u think i have to sneak near him, wait that he will be distracted by something and then drop on him the device first without expose me up, and second when he is collecting something because the "pick up" sound will allert him...
And even if i can accomplish that (and i can unlock archivement "level ninja" for that), for the victim is enough to open his invenctory for notice that a spy is on him...
I like the idea but i don't like how u thinked the whole thing...
i didn't understand some things:
1. i really not understand how this is configured... is like a miner or a block that push down another block with the help of conductive pipe?
2. How u can input and output EU from this? from the block on top?
3. once that it almost reach the "inner crust" it have to drill through the bedrock... as he can't replace it, and it can't ignore it what u do? simply delete the drill head and feign that it's going down or open a irrecuperable hole in the bottom of the world?
4. even if u make this thing able to brake out the badrock in this way, there is the VOID under this! -> MINECRAFTIA HAVEN'T A CORE! -> This suggestion is uncompatible with the existing Minecraftia.
5. why such a difficult and ULTRA EXPANSIVE thing when we have a well tested, cheap and efficient geogen? is a bit unrealistic, i admit this and we can work a for this, but why transform such a miracle of IC2 into the monster that u suggest???