OUTDATED: [Tutorial] Windmill Engineering (Best way to use IC² windmills)

    • Official Post


    Windmill Engineering by SpwnX! [Math included]

    If you don't want to read about mechanics and other blabling, go to spoiler "For lazy people". [Normal Setup]
    For compact one read "For the ones who want an even more compact setup..."
    Also, tower cable size shown is 16 blocks tall (64 windmills per tower), you can make it taller by adding 16 more ULV wires to the tower (128 Windmills per tower).

    For the ones who want an even more compact setup (and don't care about height and resources), here is a map explaining almost everything : WindTestMap - Fixed
    Safe height is Y 237

    If you have any questions, ask it in this post , i will reply as soon as i can.
    Special Thanks for Snyke for Wind mill formula :D

    • Official Post

    So what are the main differences between a old IC2 setup and an experimental one? I can't see anything difference apart from the way you'd collect all the outputs into more transformers as outputs increase EU/t beyond a single transformer.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    Wiring differences : Now, you have to control where all your energy goes or it will just exceed the maximum EU/t of your stuff and boom.
    Windmill fluctuation makes it a real pain to deal with, as you have to work with them considering the maximum EU/t (5 EU/t per windmill).

    Therefore, a 64 windmill tower could input a 320 EU/t stream in the line, 6400 windmills (100 towers) could input 32000 EU/t and handling that energy is not easy.

    Edit : However, it can get even worse, when EU loss gets implemented and transformers usage are required, which will make towers output spikes of 512 EU, with 100 towers there would be spikes of 51200 EU...

  • Is it even possible to handle this? even with a lot of transformer, wouldn't they explode because its POSSIBLE that they randomly receive more than 512 EU?

    I hope packets get inplemented again.

  • Wiring differences : Now, you have to control where all your energy goes or it will just exceed the maximum EU/t of your stuff and boom.
    Windmill fluctuation makes it a real pain to deal with, as you have to work with them considering the maximum EU/t (5 EU/t per windmill).

    Therefore, a 64 windmill tower could input a 320 EU/t stream in the line, 6400 windmills (100 towers) could input 32000 EU/t and handling that energy is not easy.

    Edit : However, it can get even worse, when EU loss gets implemented and transformers usage are required, which will make towers output spikes of 512 EU, with 100 towers there would be spikes of 51200 EU...

    Is energy loss not implemented in IC2 experimental?! woah that explains a lot, anyway, the range you must clear in order for a Windmill to work is to build then 4 blocks away from each other right?

  • sorry for nercoing a thread.. but hoping i can get some info..

    I thought windmills counted a cube space.. and so doing the setup you suggested gives plenty of power but puts enough items in that it can never overload even in a storm.

    but they wont ever go to there max power individually but as a group could overload the network?

    What cable would you suggest being used for a single tower? ( i plan to expand but want to know how to plan this out) tin which is 32 eu/t or should i make glass fibre ( which is currently stupid expensive) or use something else as a option HV/gold which does have loss but can take harder currents?

    i presume it would be better to make a central collection point of some battbox/higher unit that can take max load? and then move it to another place?

  • To Time all cabel have no loss use tincabel or coppercabel ;)

    i am weird.. i want to build it so i don't have to go back and re-build again when the EU is fixed and losses and cable limits are in and they would pop when it is done

  • Then use the current setup on the screenshots. Windmill tower + tin cables -> inverted MV transformer -> glass fibre to MFSU and massfab

    cool :) :) will be fun then :)

    how do you attach a lever to the transformer? and what benifit does it offer now? or is it a relic from the past?

  • Well, now that the windmill has been changed, can we be expecting an updated tutorial anytime soon?

    And yes, I know that the feature is new and in development, but it would be nice to know some of the basics of the new windmills, at least.

  • I seriously cant make a tutorial about it while its mechanics are often changing.
    However, once stabilished I will make one for sure.

    oh c'mon man..that 237 setup didn't work on 1.7.10..where I can see the new mechanics ?

  • So i've gotten to very very late game and used the Digital Miner in multiple places an got quite alot of machines and building stuff for the sake of building it an seeing how it works an what it does etc ... i got 10 Kinetic Carbon Wind Generators going but i dont see how to use or connect anything to the Generator's ... Am i missing something ?

  • So i've gotten to very very late game and used the Digital Miner in multiple places an got quite alot of machines and building stuff for the sake of building it an seeing how it works an what it does etc ... i got 10 Kinetic Carbon Wind Generators going but i dont see how to use or connect anything to the Generator's ... Am i missing something ?

    sadly this guide is no longer valid for the current version of IC2.. sorry :/

    new system has to have a rotor a box to spin in and a box that takes the spin and makes electricity