Automatic generat power when storage is empty?

  • Hey
    I have a set of generators connected to a mfe and then some batboxes and then to my machines

    I dont want the generators to run unless my eu storage is empty.

    How can i set this up so it automatically start to generate power when my mfe is empty and stops generating power when the mfe is full?

  • Hey
    I have a set of generators connected to a mfe and then some batboxes and then to my machines

    I dont want the generators to run unless my eu storage is empty.

    How can i set this up so it automatically start to generate power when my mfe is empty and stops generating power when the mfe is full?

    I thought of splitter cables and a BC Autarchic Gate connected to the generators.
    Basically, the gate would be in "Capacitor is full" and if it's true, it'll deactivate the splitter cable and the generators will fill the capacitor and then stop running.

  • Dont get it atall... how to set this up.

    I dont want to waste my generator fuel on them burning all the time just because my mfe is pushing out tiny amount of EU.
    I want the Generators to kick in when my EU storage is going down and i risk being out of EU.

  • Dont get it atall... how to set this up.

    I dont want to waste my generator fuel on them burning all the time just because my mfe is pushing out tiny amount of EU.
    I want the Generators to kick in when my EU storage is going down and i risk being out of EU.

    Let me repeat myself for emphasis:

    No Generators waste fuel when full except the Nuclear Reactor, which can be redstoned.

    If you somehow insist on using the most basic fuel-burning generator for EU, just use redstone to control hoppers that deliver the fuel. Same concept, really, just check the redstone states on the EU storage units.

  • That is actually not correct, regardless of font size.

    A regular generator will happily waste fuel because as soon as you ask it to start burning a unit of coal (worth 4000 EU), then it burns that unit of coal completely, no matter if the energy is needed or not. So you could technically have a recycler connected to you energy network, throw in one item for 45 EU recycling cost, and waste an entire 4000 EU piece of coal. Provided you only have one generator. Multiple ones might all light up at the same time if the storage unit sends a 32 EU packet. Up to 32 generators can start burning a new piece of coal then.

  • That is actually not correct, regardless of font size.

    A regular generator will happily waste fuel because as soon as you ask it to start burning a unit of coal (worth 4000 EU), then it burns that unit of coal completely, no matter if the energy is needed or not. So you could technically have a recycler connected to you energy network, throw in one item for 45 EU recycling cost, and waste an entire 4000 EU piece of coal. Provided you only have one generator. Multiple ones might all light up at the same time if the storage unit sends a 32 EU packet. Up to 32 generators can start burning a new piece of coal then.

    Greg already mentioned this, and I provided a solution to the problem.

  • This is a common issue early game, depending on what mods you play with there are multiple solutions.
    If you are running IC2 by itself you can use the redstone outputs on the mfe to produce a signal according to your needs.
    run a splitter cable between your generators and your storage to control when your generators come on. you could even just set this up so you can manually flip one lever to turn your generators on.
    BC has its gate options but I personally would shy away from that. (I don't trust buildcraft much.)
    If you know much about computercraft you can also wrap your storage units as a peripheral, do some basic math and get their charge percentage and then have it trigger your gens at a certain percentage.

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    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"