*cough* Aluminum *Cough* Revolutionary war *Cough* *cough* Unspoken agreement to be different than the UK *Cough*
*cough* *cough* undeleted by Greg *cough*
*cough* Aluminum *Cough* Revolutionary war *Cough* *cough* Unspoken agreement to be different than the UK *Cough*
*cough* *cough* undeleted by Greg *cough*
*cough* Aluminum *Cough* Revolutionary war *Cough* *cough* Unspoken agreement to be different than the UK *Cough*
*cough* *cough* undeleted by Greg *cough*
Meh, If you want, I'll put a link in the OP to a language file with the alternate spelling of aluminium when I'm done setting up the lang files?
You really ought to get that cough seen to
The next update will be for 1.7.2
The next update will be for 1.7.2
No! No!! NOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!
Please, all my mods haven't updated yet (Ships mod by Cuchaz, cause it's still in beta stage and he needs to fix before porting it to 1.7.2........)
(With all the tears: )
Okay, I'll stick with 1.6.4 until beta
OH thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, I'll not be able to beta test this mod for a long time:
I've got some exams presently...
I can still test betas
As do I have exams, If development seems slow right now, I'm sorry!
Exams will be over soon, and then I'll have my 3 months of nothingness
No rush, lost all my stuff in lava today away
Uh... I think you should think about what you said.
Losing stuff in lava is like a week break to avoid going mad and cheating.
Uh... I think you should think about what you said.
Greg!!! You know deleted things are meant to never be seen! Especially when its English vs. American. You wouldn't understand because you're german. I know that one time I made you change wolfram to tungsten, but that was it! We have three styles here, american, german (old world), and british. Now, which is actually right? Lets have a poll. And no lang file needed I think i can live with aluminium.
Greg!!! You know deleted things are meant to never be seen! Especially when its English vs. American. You wouldn't understand because you're german. I know that one time I made you change wolfram to tungsten, but that was it! We have three styles here, american, german (old world), and british. Now, which is actually right? Lets have a poll. And no lang file needed
I think i can live with aluminium.
Added a poll to the OP Everyone go vote for your favourite element naming style
You've also got French.
Je peux écrire en Français si je veux, il n'y a pas de problèmes. =)
Mais il n'y aurait pas des but réel à cela, donc je vais m'en tenir à l'anglais. Après tout, on se comprend mieux, n'est-ce pas?
En plus, le père de la chimie moderne: Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier était Français, nous devrions donc écrire les métaux (et autres éléments) comme ils s'appellent en Français. Si vous n'aimez pas cette idée, vous pouvez toujours utiliser le symbole du tableau de Mendeleiev, je ne vous en voudrai pas.
LOL, I'm just kidding.
If you can translate it, I'll be impressed. There are one or two little difficulties that Google Translate might not be able to translate, I think.
Answer to the poll: FRENCH!!!!!!!
Display MoreYou've also got French.
Je peux écrire en Français si je veux, il n'y a pas de problèmes. =)
Mais il n'y aurait pas des but réel à cela, donc je vais m'en tenir à l'anglais. Après tout, on se comprend mieux, n'est-ce pas?
En plus, le père de la chimie moderne: Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier était Français, nous devrions donc écrire les métaux (et autres éléments) comme ils s'appellent en Français. Si vous n'aimez pas cette idée, vous pouvez toujours utiliser le symbole du tableau de Mendeleiev, je ne vous en voudrai pas.
LOL, I'm just kidding.
If you can translate it, I'll be impressed. There are one or two little difficulties that Google Translate might not be able to translate, I think.
Answer to the poll: FRENCH!!!!!!!
Je parler de Francais, car j'ai étudier ca! par conséquent non, je n'ai pas utilisé google translate!
Je vais ajouter le Francais aussi, pour vous!
I think that this is correct Hehe, I in fact had a French speaking exam yesterday :') it wasn't anything major though, just a random little examination
OK, you're French is quite good.
Just to remind you:
Il faut conjuguer le premier verbe.
Quelqu'un parle LE Français, pas DU Français.
The rest is correct. You seem to have a good vocabulary otherwise.
I don't know if this is possible, but can I change my vote?
I put it on the other language button
Merci! Je me souviens de cela maintenant!
Je ne sais pas comment ajouter une cédille