[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] IHL Tools & Machines
Crash with Gregtech 6.02.00:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: gregapi.recipes.GT_ModHandler.getIC2Item(Ljava/lang/String;J)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;
at ihl.IHLMod.loadGT6Recipes(IHLMod.java:1162)I guess there is no need for full log.
I guess there is no need for full log.
You're right. Fixed. -
You're right. Fixed.
Thank you. That worked. -
Hi Foghrye4:
I have a crash report for you using latest GT6 (6.03.08 ).
Hi, Invincible92.
On unrelated to IHL:
This is how i spent my time now. -
Happy 0.600 everyone \o/
Happy 0.600 everyone \o/
I'd like to say that I used to look at this mod with condescension because it was too complicated, but I eventually realized that the mod has many cool ideas and now respect it, there has just been one thing I have yet to figure out though, what is its end game?
I just can't get a feel for the order of things. -
what is its end game?
There is no end game. A mod designed for people who want to transfer IC2 energy at big distances, while ignoring unloaded chunks in-between, and installing cheap lines fast.
Also for fast water and lava harvesting.
Sorry for a late answer, i missed notification on e-mail. -
is there a way to get version 0.594 of this mod? I need it to join the kirara server.
Thank you
This is awesome add-on, it perfectly fits my needs for my hardcore TerraFirmaProgrressivePack.
TerraFirmaCraft itself is very advanced mod with believable procedures, but its lifespan is located between stone age and medieval metallurgy.
The main issue with expanding this mod into modern technology is flattened progression difficulty curve,
because most of other mods still use standard 3x3 crafting grid.
I had also problem with some ore processing - TerraFirmaCraft offers barrel liquid/items processing, but it looks strange to dissolve bauxite conglomerate in NaOH in wooden barrel.With iron workbench and all those chemistry stuff it is now possible to make real-looking hardcore recipies, instead of 'put some ingots in 3x3 grid', and chemistry reactors (together with some IC2 stuff) can mimic real ore processing of aluminium, titanium, chromium etc advanced metals.
One thing bugs me - are there any examples of custom receipts for this mod?
It is unclear for me, how to set them (I'm familiar with minetweaker3). -
It was not quite clear for me, how to add Minetweaker support for my mod, so i design my own recipe modification handler. Please check file, named "ihl-recipe.cfg" in your config folder after first launch. There is examples in it as well.
It was not quite clear for me, how to add Minetweaker support for my mod, so i design my own recipe modification handler. Please check file, named "ihl-recipe.cfg" in your config folder after first launch. There is examples in it as well.
Is it possible to add some other examples?
Let say, electrolysis bath for refining copper in CuSO4 solution, with some platinoid-like metals mud as byproduct.By the way, what is a current state of art for this project?
I'm using custom items mod for some lacking chains, but maybe it would be obsolete in future? -
Let say, electrolysis bath for refining copper in CuSO4 solution, with some platinoid-like metals mud as byproduct.
Probably this will work:Codeaddrecipe ( labelectrolyzer, recipeinput(fluidstack(solution.bluevitriol,1000),oredict(crushedCopper,1)), recipeoutput(fluidstack(sulfuricacid,888),oredict(ingotCopper,2),oredict(dustTinyPlatinumGroupSludge,1)) )
it would be obsolete in future?
Yes. Currently I'm in love with Minetest and it 3d chunks (called 'blocks'). Everyone is welcome to clone original IHL and continue my work. -
Is it possible to customize casting recipies (for example add new sand form, liquid metal and output result)?
Is it possible to customize casting recipies (for example add new sand form, liquid metal and output result)?
No. Here is a list of possible casting details. If any item is registered in ore dictionary or item registry with name "prefixSuffix", where "prefix" - name of part (presented in this list) and "Suffix" is a name of metal - it is possible to made it by casting. For example, its possible to make "wireIridium" if someone add it by mod, but there is no crafting recipe for "wire" mold. You need to use minetweaker to add a recipe for mold with NBT tag "resultSuffix" = name_of_a_part.Code
Display Moreblock(1296), highPressureVessel(432), turboCompressorSetOfMoldedParts(576), rollingMachineSetOfMoldedParts(576), gasJet(36), setOfPartsForLVElemotor(288), pipelineAccessories(288), detonationSprayingMachineSetOfMoldedParts(432), blankChisel(36), carvingKnife(36), machineCasingSetOfMoldedParts(288), polishingPucks(288), extruderSetOfMoldedParts(288), handDrillSetOfMoldedParts(72), barD10(1), latheSetOfMoldedParts(144), viseSetOfMoldedParts(144), ingot(144), tub(144), nugget(16), screw(16), round(16), gear(576), bolt(18), stick(72), frameGt(288), toolHeadHammer(864), toolHeadHammerSmall(72), toolTinSnipsParts(72), ring(36), toolHeadPickaxe(432), gearSmall(144), wire(48);
... and "Suffix" is a name of metal
It can be any metal, or only these from this mod?
It can be any metal, or only these from this mod?
Any, that has molten form named "molten.<name of the metal>" e.g. "molten.iridium". From any mod. -
Is it possible to define both itemstack and fluidstack for chemically resistant oven?
I want to smelt ZnS to solid ZnO and gaseous SO2, but thre is one output slot, would SO2 exit to chimney knee above?