List of Names for the new tiered GT Machines, open for Suggestions, now also accepting Suggestions for the Base Texture!

    • Official Post

    Really the bronze blast furnace should be called the Gradient Master 3000 or something more appropriate based on it's texture :P

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • For the adjective issue, how about "Enhanced"?
    I also have some ideas for the naming of tier 5 machines (Not any of the basic machines though, I'm out of ideas already):
    Centrifuge: Cyclic Separator C-360
    Electrolyzer: Molecular Disintegrator E-4908
    Rock Breaker: Cryogenic Magma Solidifier R-8200
    Scrapboxinator: Trash Sifter S-5800
    Crop Harvestor: Kush Collector K-420
    Thermal Centrifuge: Blaze Sweatshop T-6350
    Ore Washer: Repurposed Laundry-Washer I-360
    Do those sound good?

  • i thought about tier 3-4 prefixes.
    4th tier may have "Prototype" prefix or postfix, because its prelast tier.
    3th tier can have many prefixes
    "Precise" like "Prescise Electromagnetic Separator", "Precise Recycler", "Precise Lathe", "Precise Scanner"
    "Universal" like "Universal Chemical reactor", "Universal Distilery"
    "Power" like "Power Compressor", "Power Forge Hammer"
    "Quick" like "Quick Canning Machnine", "Quick Packager", "Quick Printer", "Quick Brewery"
    "Turbo" like "Turbo Ore Washer", "Turbo Mixer"
    But i just didnt figured out how Autoclave goes.
    What do you think

    P.S:I was going to post a long list of tier 5 machines i made during brainstorme, but sudently i wasen't logged in some how. So my message was eraced.:(

  • Special names for the tiered machines are stupid. I like Advanced Centrifuge III etc. I have no idea wtf kind of machine a blend-o-matic is. Macerator? Food processor? Who the hell knows.

  • I agree. Its sometimes misleading. It takes me looking for a recipe not by name, but by its description. And imho "blend-o-matic" fits better to Mixer, not the Macerator. But from other side its fun somehow. Its like the top of the roof. Unique names for tier 5 are fine. But if other tiers would have unique names, then its gonna be a mess imho.

  • I agree. Its sometimes misleading. It takes me looking for a recipe not by name, but by its description. And imho "blend-o-matic" fits better to Mixer, not the Macerator. But from other side its fun somehow. Its like the top of the roof. Unique names for tier 5 are fine. But if other tiers would have unique names, then its gonna be a mess imho.

    I'd be totally satisfied if the "tier" name was in brackets.

    Blend-o-matic 3000 (Macerator III)
    Blend-o-tron 4000 (Macerator IV)
    Scuisinart 5000 (Macerator V)

    Or whatever.

  • Just keeping 3 tiers of everything would be kinda simple and tidy. Simple names.

    Advanced Macerator.
    Industrial Macerator.
    Advanced Industrial Macerator.

    Or something. Same would apply to all other machines.

    I'd rather see them tiered with names rather than number. Such as Advanced II or something. Industrial was my example, but I could see Superior, Greater, High-Tech... And... I'm really bad at this. =[

    [1.7.10][Kirara] New administrator of Kirara servers. A serie of well-made hardmode GregTech server. Come join the fun. ;]

  • Did you read the OP? i know that you used "industrial" as an example, but greg said in the OP that he wants toonly name multiblocks "industrial".

    Also, for the Tier 5 Macerator:
    This is actually a poop grinder.

    Edit: Or "Poop Grinder to Ore Processor", and in the Tooltip: "That's what I call recycling!"

    (if you don't believe me)

    would definitely have to have "macerator" in the name somewhere, then though.

    Native language german, please point out mistakes to me. forget it, my english is better than that of a good deal of people on the forums anyway.

    IC Related Quotes thread. If you ever need some good puns.

    Edited once, last by blub01 ().

  • I read the OP like a month ago and my memory's short, gimme a break. I'm not going to re-read every post I forget about in here everytime. ._.

    And yeah. An example. Only that. ;] But taking out the Industrial one, that still makes enough suggestion to tier at least 3 complete sets of machine, except for tier 5... 'Cause originality is not my forte. (To prove my point... Industrial.)

    [1.7.10][Kirara] New administrator of Kirara servers. A serie of well-made hardmode GregTech server. Come join the fun. ;]

  • Alright I'll give it a go. Format is # (tier). 0 is basic, 1 is advanced. These won't be named. 2, 3, and 4 are HV, EV, IV.

    (Alloy 4) Alloy Fusion Smelter
    (Assembler 2, 3, 4) Precision Assembling Machine, Factorial Assembling Machine, Nanotech Assembling Machine
    (Canner 4) Instant Canning Machine (to be similar to the fluid canner)
    (Cutter 2, 3, 4) High-Speed Cutting Machine, Precision Cutting Machine, Cleavetron 4000
    (Extruder 4) Polymorphic Metal Shaper
    (Scanner 4) Electron Tunnelling Scanner
    (Dissassembler 2, 3, 4) Precision Disassembling Machine, Multifunction Disassembling Machine, Nanobot Component Disassembler
    (Massfab 3, 4) Baryonic Mass Processor, Inverse Annihilation Matrix
    (Amplifab 4) Primordial Matter Reconfigurator
    (Replicator 2, 3, 4) Molecular Alignment Replicator, Atomic Alignment Replicator, Quantum Alignment Replicator
    (Fluid Extractor 4) Induction Crucible
    (Fluid Solidifier 4) Cryogenic Fluid Solidifier
    (Polarizer 3, 4) Vibration Polarizer , Induction Strike Polarizer
    (Autoclave 4) Hydrothermal Crystallizer
    (Mixer 4) Mixtec Mixer ("Blendtec Blender" knockoff)
    (Laser Engraver 4) Free-electron Laser Engraver
    (Hammer 2, 3, 4) Power Hammer, Dual Power Hammer, Massive Concentrating Hammer (The "M. C. Hammer")
    (Fluid Heater 2, 3, 4) Fluid Boiler, Flash Fluid Boiler, Supercritical Fluid Vaporizer

    Some (most) of the highest tier names I have here aren't in the 'very' creative category, and would also fit well with the EV tier if shoved back one.

  • NaquadahReactors
    Reactor I Basic Naquadah Reactor
    Reactor 2; Naquadah Reactor
    Reactor 3; Naquadorium
    Reactor 4; Oblivion Generator
    Reactor 5; Emperor Hadrius' suggestion #732

    Mac1; Prototype Macerator (less byproducts)
    Mac2; Macerator
    Mac3; The smashing Thingy
    Mac4; Maceratron 874
    Mac5; Grinder of Dimensions

    Electrolizer Prototype
    Dat Shocker
    Zap Box
    Blitz Machine

    Basic Centrifuge
    Neodrinian Centrifuge
    The Tech box 3000
    Seperatron moch 45000

    Large Generators coal/charcoal (consumes far more but, far higher output)
    C Machine
    Ze Power Plant
    Black Block Burner
    Big Boss Burner
    Almost a fusion Reactor

    you know i'm on my way when the entire landscape is quarried out of existence, it shall strike fear of your petty existence!

  • This thread is a year and a half old, and was set for gt5.


    Java script, which happens to be the language in which minecraft is coded