Plating doesn't transmit heat to HD's

  • Is it intended?
    Here is a proof:

    Seems like the HD doesn't recieve anything from the plating

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • May be it is not a bug?

    FoulFire, It was a LV-transformer explosion, but it took away some machines ^^

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

    • Official Post

    I'm pretty sure the disperser is just sending its heat to the hull (which subsequently dumps it with external cooling) quickly enough that it doesn't accumulate. Moving away the cooling cells above and below the plating does cause the disperser to get a damage bar.

  • Yes, it does, but... Well, if the plating can't transfer heat to the HD, removing the cells causes to heat accumulating by the plating. And then the HD can suck up to 6 heat from the plating.
    And about the damage bar, simple example: in this case the HD has the health bar:

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • Yeah, the code specifically doesn't have the plates transfer to the HDs. If thats not intended, then half a dozen falses need to be changed to trues. I think its a little odd though, but it might be a balance issue.