In the future, yes.

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Nuclear Control 2
Actually wait, please update Nuclear Control to the latest version and test it again.
Does the Generator Sensor Kit work with the Kinetic Steam Generator? I'm having trouble getting it to create a Generator Sensor Location Card.
Does the Generator Sensor Kit work with the Kinetic Steam Generator? I'm having trouble getting it to create a Generator Sensor Location Card.
I'd expect not, as the Generator Sensor Kit is for EU generators and the Kinetic Steam Generator produces KU not EU.
My mistake! lol
I can't get it working on a Kinetic Generator, also, which does produce EU.
I'm having a problem with remote themal monitor: after some time they somehow lock themselves out of energy network and don't receive any energy, so they don't work and blow up my reactor. Replacing them temporarily the problem, but previous positions (now empty spaces) still attract cable branches for some reason.
Also, this message appears when bug is triggered:
Code:44:18] [Server thread/WARN] [IC2.EnergyNet]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRemoteThermo@2d0a773a (shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRemoteThermo@2d0a773a) is still conflicting with shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRemoteThermo@451c5b9f using the same position (overlapping), aborting
mod list:
ComputerCraft@1.75,flansmod@4.10.0,malisiscore@1.7.10-0.14.1,NotEnoughItems@,ProjRed|Compatibility@4.7.0pre12.95,ForgeRelocation@,CCTweaks@,BuildCraft|Silicon@7.1.14,MrTJPCoreMod@,Forge@,IronChest@,ProjRed|Expansion@4.7.0pre12.95,ForgeMicroblock@,BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14,CodeChickenCore@,ProjRed|Integration@4.7.0pre12.95,BuildCraft|Energy@7.1.14,RelocationFMP@,IC2@2.2.815-experimental,mcp@9.05,ProjRed|Transmission@4.7.0pre12.95,journeymap@5.1.3,<CCTweaks ASM>@,BuildCraft|Robotics@7.1.14,ProjRed|Transportation@4.7.0pre12.95,FML@,inventorytweaks@1.59-dev-152-cf6e263,BuildCraft|Transport@7.1.14,McMultipart@,cfm@3.4.8,ProjRed|Fabrication@4.7.0pre12.95,BuildCraft|Factory@7.1.14,ProjRed|Core@4.7.0pre12.95,FloodLights@1.1.1-120,ProjRed|Illumination@4.7.0pre12.95,IC2NuclearControl@2.3.4a,Forestry@,weaponmod@v1.14.3,DyeableBeds@1.7.2 R2,ForgeMultipart@,malisisdoors@1.7.10-1.13.0,BuildCraft|Builders@7.1.14,OCS@1.7.5,MCFrames@1.0
Can I get the full log?
I finally registered. Lost password don't want to freaking restore.
Minecraft 1.7.10.
Mods I have:
Industrial Craft 2 Experimental 2.2.815 + API (same version)
Nuclear Control 2.3.4aFirst, when remote trigger placed:
> [14:34:15] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2.Network]: The field facing in shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRangeTrigger is not modifiable.
> [14:34:15] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2.Network]: Field update for shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRangeTrigger@1dfb2 failed.Second, when remote trigger rightclicked:
> [14:34:26] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2.Network]: The field card in shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRangeTrigger is not modifiable.
> [14:34:26] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2.Network]: Field update for shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityRangeTrigger@1dfb2 failed.I don't know why it disappeared, but in previous versions range trigger had an ability to deactivate when below top value and activate ONLY when higher then bottom value. It granted many options to control energy income for energy storages whithout unnecessary flickering from one state to another as it is for now.
Left button doesn't change anything. What purpose this button even exists? Reverse redstone signal? It doesn't change anything. Redstone signal acts the same way, no matter this button checked or not.
Also i can no longer put Energy Array Location Card into Range Trigger. Fix this too please. Please Fix.
Advanced Information Panel: Right Click -> Color Change -> Press Escape ...and buttons disappered! Fix.Advanced Information Panel: Put in or put out Energy Storage Location Card (or whatever it is):
> [16:05:16] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2.Network]: The field card in shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityAdvancedInfoPanel is not modifiable.
> [16:05:16] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2.Network]: Field update for shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.tileentities.TileEntityAdvancedInfoPanel@1a1e7b failed. -
The 812 network changes will be blocking the fields from being modified.
Can I get the full log?
Автор модификации, исправь ошибку с "дистанционным датчиком температуры" и "состоянием работы реактора" скидывать логи нет смысла, читай сообщения выше, там уже все описали
Автор модификации, исправить ошибку с "дистанционный датчик температуры" и "состояние работы реактора" кинуть логи смысла нет, читайте мое сообщение выше, там все описано -
Do you have plans for a 1.8.9 version? Not sure if you've started yet, but are those monitors giving you any trouble for the new 1.8 rendering? If you've not started, have you looked into it?
There are plans.
derp didn't see the new version
It's been a while since a new version... so here 's a new version! 2.4.0a! No fancy names this time, sorry.
The full changelog can be found here . We (actually mostly just DMF444) added a Vanilla Kit/Cards, which can monitor some of Vanilla Minecraft's utilities. There's also a few language update/additions and plenty of bug fixes. I know a lot of modpacks are being abandon in favor of 1.8/1.9, but please tell your local modpack makers to update to this version. If they don't, tell them I'm going to reveal a trick that will take down any server. hint- it may or may not have anything to do with typing "quit" into the server console
There isn't going to be any more feature additions for 1.7.10. Any future updates will probably be language updates or bug fixes.
Also, I'd like to announce there will not be a Nuclear Control for 1.8. And there will not be a Nuclear Control for 1.9. And no, there will be a Nuclear Control for 1.10.
"But, Bony! What about my
reactorsfancy monitors?!!"Well, don't worry about those! Starting soon, there will not be a Nuclear Control, but a World Control. World Control will be a lot like Nuclear Control, but it will be IC2 independent. But don't worry, the plan is have everything you can do with Nuclear Control possible with World Control. World Control development will start soon, building on 1.9.4 if/when it is stable.
What about the parts that aren't screen related like the thermometers?
Does anyone else have the information panel showing double the actual time remaining for MOX reactors?
That could be a bug by me... Since i hardcoded the time when i made the fix so NuclearControl does not require IC2 Core Classes..
New version . Fixes a thing. Please update. CurseForge might still be reviewing it, so wait a minute.
It's not that an important a thing...
EU masterrace