[Remake][1.6.4|1.7.10|1.10.2][Patreon][IRC|#IC2-Classic|EsperNet] IC2 Classic by Speiger

  • well then you should upload the crashreport also because i can not find any crash record in the log (which should be there noramlly)..
    Well powerloss was never removed... But i will test that.

    Well that video. After 30 seconds i had to shut it down else my face was hitting the monitor... and then i would be no longer able to code or make anything....

  • xD Well, did you test ? Try in a non dev environment, you will see that loss doesn't work in easy mode :c

  • xD Well, did you test ? Try in a non dev environment, you will see that loss doesn't work in easy mode :c

    *sigh* yeah i did not test it in a none dev invioment.
    As i said i will work on that as soon as possible...
    At the moment i try to get my mods stable... Because of the future... that is not so far in the distance...


    Thats something really funny. I just keep lauthing and do not keep up with breathing...
    A little bit to much fan support but really cool anime xD

  • Priority about IC2 classic : I recommend testing your mod both on dev and normal environment ^^

    Lol, kill la kill, it's on my to Watch list anime, meanwhile I recommend you :

    -Nisekoi ( second season just came out )
    -Yamada-kun 7 majo something xD

  • Priority about IC2 classic : I recommend testing your mod both on dev and normal environment ^^

    Lol, kill la kill, it's on my to Watch list anime, meanwhile I recommend you :

    -Nisekoi ( second season just came out )
    -Yamada-kun 7 majo something xD

    I am done with SAO 1 since season 2 started.
    Nisekoi yeah i love that romancecomedy.
    -Yamada-kun well maybe i look at it. I do not really like the combination... (Not a really fan of just throwing fansupport in a anime, if it is good placed then yay but everything else let me almost eat backwards... At kill la kill its to much for my opinien but well its good placed too, Actually this anime is the first one that explain why there is so much fansupport xDD)

    Well holding back now before i just throw to much in... If you want to give me something that i did not already watch:

    Note: i did not make to everything a rate because i want to give a statement before i rate.....

  • Woa, that's a lot of animes, finally someone who watched as much animes as me :D

    Unfortunately, my german understanding is very limited and Google traduction... Is a weirdo O.o

  • Woa, that's a lot of animes, finally someone who watched as much animes as me :D

    Unfortunately, my german understanding is very limited and Google traduction... Is a weirdo O.o

    XDDD German is in talking way easier then in writing^^"

    And the animes well that are only these i watche since 1-2 years ago. ^^" I actually watched much more (in types almost twice amount) animes, since the german tv was when i was a child not so extrem with cutting and so.
    (And now the german tv is cutting everything.... It is better to watch the original instead of the tv version (at least for some cases. It depends on the channel))

    Anyway i found your reactor bug. Well i do not believe that this is my bug... I think thats a bug from immibis version^^" (1.6.4) since i did not change the slot accessing at all^^"
    Anyway that one is fixed. Working on next soon. (In the week i have more time then in the weekend)

  • Yahoo ~ Also, did you tested power losses and the easy mode "machine don't take power if overloaded" mechanic ? It seems broken, try it in a non dev environment.

  • ^^" That is actually at the moment very lets say userfriendly mode.
    You need to go at least one full tier higher to activate that.
    So having 5-6 eu more (in the lv area) is not really much trouble.
    ^^" I just tested it with MFR --> BatteryBox.

    And yeah even that in a none dev invioment...

  • Are you sure it's working ? Gonna re-test that, but loss is not working...

    Also, I just noticed, BUT WHY ARE YOU BANNED O.o ? D:

    • Official Post

    That's what you get for not testing outside of dev environment :P

    Seriously though, I've no idea.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Chocohead : That joke... :P xD

    @Greg : Not all of his links are adflys links, if I'm correct, after SpwnX warning, he stopped using adFly, so he didn't mean't to keep his old adFly links :/

  • Adfly Link. That is the Reason.

    I'm posting this here so he knows about why he got banned since you cannot see the ban reason until you are not banned anymore. I was not the one behind the ban however.

    Yeah thanks Greg i knew it at that point (i was not able to read the mail but the first line of it since mouse over it tells you a preview), and yeah i knew work a little bit differend at these things :)
    Also thanks for the help.

    And also thanks to the Help to all other who helped me.

    That's what you get for not testing outside of dev environment :P

    Well to be fair it was in the Dev invioment also there, I simply made a derp bug and could not see it instant since it was really hard to make a easy mode... Well with the current release that is out since 2-3 days everything works fine :)
    And i think i will never get to the point where nobody says that thing again to me xD
    Redled Started with it (he is also a user here in the IC2 Wiki), and he was right and now you guys replacing him there which makes me kinda happy xD, since he left the MC area.

  • Update 1.7.10-1.0.6:

    I am to lazy to type everything again since i make a copy paste normally.

    If you want to see the changes you find them above the download at github.

    • Official Post

    Have you not pushed 1.0.7 yet? The newest one is 1.0.6 on Github

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Number derp. ^^"

    Anyway for everyone who just follows this thread.
    Look sometimes into the Github issus page, because there are also feature requests, or suggestions.
    And if you do not want to type there an answer you can do it here ^^"
    Also if i am not able to post again here (because of any reason) you see there if i pushed an update...