hey would it be possible for a addon to gregtech or anything too make gregtech more like a addon: something that adds in the new machines n stuff, but not the completely changed oregen, and maybe without the tools thing? i dont want too have 2 modular tool mods, tinkers construct AND gregtech. i just like ALL of what gregtech has too add, but not much of all of what it has to change

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
hey would it be possible for a addon to gregtech or anything too make gregtech more like a addon: something that adds in the new machines n stuff, but not the completely changed oregen, and maybe without the tools thing? i dont want too have 2 modular tool mods, tinkers construct AND gregtech. i just like ALL of what gregtech has too add, but not much of all of what it has to change
Modularize GregTech? I doubt that would work, since it has a lot of interdependencies between the oregen, tools, and machines - technically, it's already possible to deactivate the oregen in GT's WorldGeneration.cfg, but some of the machines require materials that very few (if any) other mods provide oregen for, and some machine parts require GregTech tools to craft.
Hey, Blood Asp. Remember a sulfide ores processing chain, which i added in GT for Kirara? Can you add it to GT so i could remove it from IHL?Yes, i can do that. Btw. i noticed that the rubber tree sap centrifuge recipe you add returns plastic. In GT5.09 that results in an exploit, since that recipe allows to go around the new plastic production.
Hello I wanted to play this gregtech with my friend. First we tried LAN and it crashed game or said fatal error.
Then I tried normal minecraft server and my friend had fatal error ocurred but I can join without problems ! -
Hello I wanted to play this gregtech with my friend. First we tried LAN and it crashed game or said fatal error.
Then I tried normal minecraft server and my friend had fatal error ocurred but I can join without problems !
What version(s) of forge are you two using? -
Yes, i can do that. Btw. i noticed that the rubber tree sap centrifuge recipe you add returns plastic. In GT5.09 that results in an exploit, since that recipe allows to go around the new plastic production.
Roger that. Will fix this.
EDIT: OK, everything is ready from my side. As well fluid "molten.rubberwithsulfur" renamed to "molten.rubber". Vulcanized rubber foil now registered in ore dictionary. Cables with insulation from non-vulcanized rubber now crafted with raw rubber. Extruder and wooden rolling machine now use raw rubber dust instead of IC2 rubber.
If you find anything else - just tell me. -
What version(s) of forge are you two using?Fixed IT
My friend was using bad forge version
But we cant find iron ore or diamonds.. I was looking in config and ore.mix.diamond is true. I am new to gragtech So I need some informations
Even trying to clear al stone using worldedit and nothing !! Isnt that becouse of project E ?
Try reading this: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5/Mining_and_Processing
Gregtech removes vanilla ore generation and uses its own. Try looking for HUGE veins of ore that usually measure 9 chunks or bigger. Iron can be smelted from Brown Limonite, Yellow Limonite, Banded Iron (found in limonite veins with malachite) and the Gregtech Iron ore (from copper veins). Diamond is found with graphite and coal at y-levels 5-20. Looking for specific veins may take forever but once you do, you're set for quite a while.
Update to GT 5.09.13
*Fixed hull recycling.
*Fixed typos.
*Fixed fusion mk3 overclock.
*Fixed sulfuric acid recipe overlap.
*Fix mass fabricator.
*Charcoal pit oredict support. -
*Fixed fusion mk3 overclock.
Could you please implement this fix to 5.08 too?
Unable to start game with forestry upper then 832 (unstable), seems they changed some code with bees.
Unable to start game with forestry upper then 832 (unstable), seems they changed some code with bees.
Disable bees in GT configs or don't use unstable version of Forestry.
It's not possible for BloodAsp to update that fast only to bring compatibility with version of mod which may contain bugs. -
Try reading this: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5/Mining_and_Processing
Gregtech removes vanilla ore generation and uses its own. Try looking for HUGE veins of ore that usually measure 9 chunks or bigger. Iron can be smelted from Brown Limonite, Yellow Limonite, Banded Iron (found in limonite veins with malachite) and the Gregtech Iron ore (from copper veins). Diamond is found with graphite and coal at y-levels 5-20. Looking for specific veins may take forever but once you do, you're set for quite a while.
Disable bees in GT configs or don't use unstable version of Forestry.
It's not possible for BloodAsp to update that fast only to bring compatibility with version of mod which may contain bugs.Thank you for adwise)
Unable to start game with forestry upper then 832 (unstable), seems they changed some code with bees.
Fixed it there: https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/pull/336
Blood Asp, can you comment this issue about Ore Salt from PFAA? http://www.minecraftforum.net/…tra-geologica?comment=546
How i can help to fix this issue?Edit:
About Fluorite: you can add simple receipt in some GT machine to get P (this is basic element of Fluorite how i read) from Fluorite, or something else. -
I wanted to burn my excess creosote oil, so I figured the steam boiler is the only thing that could accept it (fluid fuel), but either way I try it the controller complains about an incomplete structure. I tried first with bronze and ULV/LV Hatches/Busses (2 fluid in bottom, maintenance, opt. 1 soild in, rest firebox casings) Than a ring bronze plated bricks pipe casing, Than two lines bricks output hatches in the 2 other spots pipes in the center another ring layer and finally a ring layer with the muffler hatch in the center. even in creative with Tungstensteel and MAX hatches and rotated by 90 ° the structure reported to be incomplete. I am still on 5.09.12 didn't updated yet, if it is already fixed (didn't read the change log yet). I don't want to use the railcraft boiler, because I want to play with the large turbine later. and even the IC2 semifluid generator didn't took the creosote, and there are no single block generators for this stuff in GT, or I am missing a config setting.
large boiler tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx3frvf3gmA -
let me take a look, can't rember seen you that thing running in your GT5U series.
Edit: I am a dummy, I placed the muffler on the top, there is would be logical, but it belongs in the bottom ring.
Edit again: man, that thing tears though thats creosote, I wonder how many coke ovens I need to keep it supplied. When I start the large turbine (8000 EU per Bucket, but how much EU is a charcoal?).