I have a small issue: I have set "HideRecyclingRecipes=false" in the GregTech.cfg but the Obliberator does not show any recipes - and it doesn't accept anything from AE2 through the ME Export Bus.
I'm playing with GregTech v5.09.21 and AE2 RV3 Beta 6, which works fine except that issue.
Has anyone else the same issue or an idea how to handle it?

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
I have a small issue: I have set "HideRecyclingRecipes=false" in the GregTech.cfg but the Obliberator does not show any recipes - and it doesn't accept anything from AE2 through the ME Export Bus.
I'm playing with GregTech v5.09.21 and AE2 RV3 Beta 6, which works fine except that issue.
Has anyone else the same issue or an idea how to handle it?I think you're somewhat misunderstanding the configuration option. That's not for showing what can and can't be put in the Recycler machines (including the Oblitterator, which is just the highest tier of the recycler, which makes scrap faster than other tiers), but for showing or hiding recipes for getting raw materials back, such as by putting machines and components into a pulverizer or arc furnace.
As far as it not accepting things through the ME Export Bus, I can think of 4 possibilities so far based on the information you've provided:
1. The items you're trying to use are blacklisted for the recycler (you can try putting them in a vanilla hopper, and if they still don't go into the Recycler/Oblitterator, they're probably blacklisted, unless #2 below also applies)
2. You're trying to feed them into the output side (or maybe the front) of the Recycler, without using a screwdriver to make it accept input through the output side (I don't think the screwdriver will help if the export bus is on the front of the recycler).
3. You've got the export bus misconnected or misconfigured.
4. You've hit a compatibility issue between AE2 rv3 and GT5e (iirc, GT5e has only been coded for compatibility with AE2 rv2 stable) -
There is no such thing as Gregtech Fertilizer. IC2 has Fertilizer though.Oops sorry I meant IC2 fertiliser. Damn I'll have to find a way around it then, probably adding a recipe that changes fertiliser to bonemeal one for one. Thanks!
How tool hardening is going to be like? Because I have been working on a big project where the Gregtech tools can be crafted with some parts to make the tools better. Thanks!
A small suggestion: tool could affect movement's speed of a player depending on material tools made from. -
I think you're somewhat misunderstanding the configuration option. That's not for showing what can and can't be put in the Recycler machines (including the Oblitterator, which is just the highest tier of the recycler, which makes scrap faster than other tiers), but for showing or hiding recipes for getting raw materials back, such as by putting machines and components into a pulverizer or arc furnace.
As far as it not accepting things through the ME Export Bus, I can think of 4 possibilities so far based on the information you've provided:
1. The items you're trying to use are blacklisted for the recycler (you can try putting them in a vanilla hopper, and if they still don't go into the Recycler/Oblitterator, they're probably blacklisted, unless #2 below also applies)
2. You're trying to feed them into the output side (or maybe the front) of the Recycler, without using a screwdriver to make it accept input through the output side (I don't think the screwdriver will help if the export bus is on the front of the recycler).
3. You've got the export bus misconnected or misconfigured.
4. You've hit a compatibility issue between AE2 rv3 and GT5e (iirc, GT5e has only been coded for compatibility with AE2 rv2 stable)Thank you for the explanation of that configuration option! Now I understand it properly.
About the ME Export Bus:
Usually it works very well to export from the AE2 Network into the upper side of the GT Machines and import using the ME Import Bus placed to their bottom side.
Just the Oblitterator does not accept cobblestone for some reasons at any side from the ME Export Bus. But placing cobblestone manually into the Oblitterator works fine.
The ME Export Bus shows "Device online" so it should work properly.
I'll do some more tests when I'm back at home. -
Thank you for the explanation of that configuration option! Now I understand it properly.
About the ME Export Bus:
Usually it works very well to export from the AE2 Network into the upper side of the GT Machines and import using the ME Import Bus placed to their bottom side.
Just the Oblitterator does not accept cobblestone for some reasons at any side from the ME Export Bus. But placing cobblestone manually into the Oblitterator works fine.
The ME Export Bus shows "Device online" so it should work properly.
I'll do some more tests when I'm back at home.
Recycler can recycle everything but only non-blacklisted things can go in automatically and give scrap from recycling. Cobblestone, therefore, is blacklisted.
Thank you for the explanation of that configuration option! Now I understand it properly.
About the ME Export Bus:
Usually it works very well to export from the AE2 Network into the upper side of the GT Machines and import using the ME Import Bus placed to their bottom side.
Just the Oblitterator does not accept cobblestone for some reasons at any side from the ME Export Bus. But placing cobblestone manually into the Oblitterator works fine.
The ME Export Bus shows "Device online" so it should work properly.
I'll do some more tests when I'm back at home.
With GT installed, cobblestone is blacklisted in the recycler by default (as are most other forms of stone, wood, and dirt iirc) - it will go in if you place it manually and get processed, but it has a 0% chance of producing any scrap (that's what the blacklist means for the recycler), which is why it won't accept it from export buses, pipes, hoppers, etc. (although I think if there's already some in there that was placed by hand, it will accept more from automated sources)Edit: if you're just trying to get rid of excess cobblestone, there are alternatives that can more easily be automated: if you have BuildCraft, you can set up a chest with a Wooden Pipe, Redstone Engine, and Void Pipe; if you have Railcraft, you can build a Void Chest (not 100% certain it can accept items from automated sources); you obviously have AE2, so you can build a Matter Condenser.
On an unrelated note, I've put together a list of oddities I've noticed in GregTech. I asked about justifications for a few of these a while back in a separate thread, shortly before GT5u came out. Now instead of only being able to work around them with MineTweaker, I can consider trying to make a Pull Request to address some of them. However, first I want to ask again if anyone can provide justification for them, to dissuade me from doing so.
1a. It takes 10 times as much time and EU to smelt steel dust in an EBF compared to smelting wrought iron to get steel (setting aside the time it takes to prepare the wrought iron and oxygen)
1b. It takes almost twice as long and more than twice as much EU to smelt one pile of aluminium dust in an EBF than to smelt three [green] sapphires or three rubies (which will provide enough nuggets for one ingot).
1c. An MV-tier fluid extractor can get liquid aluminium, steel, tungsten, etc. from many different items, including ingots and plates, but even an IV-tier fluid extractor is unable to process the simple dusts (unless the blast furnace requirements are turned off in the config, which also allows smelting the dusts in a simple furnace).2. Cobaltite ore, which can be smelted directly to cobalt ingots for a tier 3 pickaxe, can be mined with a tier 1 pickaxe, while the Garnierite ore above it in a Nickel mix vein, which smelts to nickel ingots for a tier 2 pickaxe, requires a tier 3 pickaxe to mine.
3. The GT chainsaw shears leaves with apparently no way to turn that feature off, but won't shear vines or sheep. Having the chainsaw double as a branch cutter (when used directly on the leaves) would make more sense to me.
4. Most machine components of a given tier require a specific cable type (with the strange exception of allowing either annealed copper or regular copper cables for MV), instead of allowing any of the appropriate-tier cables to be used. However, the required cable type isn't always the optimum for that tier (e.g. gold cables have higher loss/meter than silver cables, even if they carry more amps), or even the right tier (a ULV machine hull requires lead cables, which carry LV, instead of red alloy cables; an IV machine hull requires tungsten cables, which only carry EV on their own (even if 4 amps), even though osmium and platinum cables carried IV even before graphene cables were given a recipe; an LuV machine hull requires 4x tungsten cables, which carry 16 amps at EV, while several cable types exist that carry LuV: Naquadah, Niobium-Titanium, Vanadium-Gallium, and Yttrium Barium Cuprate; there are currently no cables that directly carry ZPM or UV, but those machine hulls require 4x and 16x osmium cables respectively, which normally only carry IV, instead of using thicker LuV cables or superconductors, or coming up with new cable types to carry ZPM or UV)
6. LuV (tier 6) machine casings require chrome plates, which are much easier to obtain and manufacture than the tungstensteel plates required for IV (tier 5) machine casings (since chrome can be extracted from more common ores and requires fewer processing steps than tungstensteel).
7. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon, yet by default there isn't a simple processing recipe for getting carbon dust from graphite dust (even though ashes, dark ashes, coal dust, and diamond dust can easily be converted to carbon dust)
8. An HV-tier centrifuge or electrolyzer can store 64,000 mB of fluid in the input slot (and presumably also the output slot), but an HV-tier fluid canning machine can only store 48,000 mB of fluid.
9. Multiblock machines have no progress bar to show how close they are to finished with the current operation.
10. What is the point of having double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple ingots and plates? They have lower maximum stack size limits, so there's no storage advantage, and using the triple ingots/plates as intermediate steps for dense plates etc. actually ends up taking more total EU.
11. Many crafting recipes that only use 1 or 2 component types plus hard hammer and/or wrench can also be made in the assembler, but some can't, e.g.: IC2 basic machine casing, some of the casings made from frame boxes and plates, coil blocks, fusion casings, and the upcoming turbine casings.
Thank you all!
That explains it to me why I can't use cobblestone to get scrap - although it doesn't make much sense to me to blacklist them. Maybe to prevent a too easy way to get scrap... -
Thank you all!
That explains it to me why I can't use cobblestone to get scrap - although it doesn't make much sense to me to blacklist them. Maybe to prevent a too easy way to get scrap...
Exactly. If it weren't blacklisted, you could set up a Rock Breaker machine feeding into the recycler, and very quickly get absurd quantities of scrap, with full automation. -
3. The needs maintainance Cover also outputs a Signal when the Turbine is below 25% Dura. Also Nuclear control Information Panels can now directly Show remaining Dura.
@Blood-Asp I really can't find how it is supposed to output a Redstone signal when turbine is below 25%.
Reading source code, I found nothing about a turbine durability check for Redstone emission:
https://github.com/Blood-Asp/G…ver_NeedMaintainance.java -
Magnetic materials retain same physical properties.
A magnetic sword is no better than a blessed sword.
A magnetic screwdriver tip has some use in real life. But in Minecraft, there is nothing like tiny screws handling mishaps.
Even a Minecraft Compass does not use a magnetic iron rod ingredient.You sure have a point there, but why exactly does a regular Steel Sword has Sharpness II, while a magnetic Steel Sword does not? Or does magnetism prevents it from being sharpened? x-x
Also, what exactly is the point of radioactive tools? Most of them (Excluding Naquadriah for example) have no clear benefits towards other, more common materials, but have the massive drawback of the radioactivity enchantment. While it sure is realistic, nearby entities (Mobs, Animals) should be effected by the radioactivity too, to make it atleast somehow worthwhile, given the requirement of a Hazmat Suit (which doesn't has much durability) to even properly use them.
Is it possible to repair GT 5 Meta tools?
By the way, are there any plans to add Chrome-Vanadium-Steel? It is a more or less common Steel IRL for tools for example. This could also add a bit more use to Vanadium, as its only use so far is for Vanadium-Gallium wires/cables.
Is it possible to repair GT 5 Meta tools?
Sort of. GT electric tools at least can be put in a disassembler, as long as they haven't completely broken, to get back some or all (depending on the machine tier) of the components used to make them, though afaik it doesn't provide a way to determine ahead of time how much time (and EU) it will take for a given disassembly.By the way, are there any plans to add Chrome-Vanadium-Steel? It is a more or less common Steel IRL for tools for example. This could also add a bit more use to Vanadium, as its only use so far is for Vanadium-Gallium wires/cables.
GT 5.09 has Vanadiumsteel (which includes chrome in the mix). -
Also, what exactly is the point of radioactive tools? Most of them (Excluding Naquadriah for example) have no clear benefits towards other, more common materials, but have the massive drawback of the radioactivity enchantment. While it sure is realistic, nearby entities (Mobs, Animals) should be effected by the radioactivity too, to make it atleast somehow worthwhile, given the requirement of a Hazmat Suit (which doesn't has much durability) to even properly use them.
Use Radio-Active materials to craft arrow tips and arrows.
They are very handy to fight the Ender Dragon.
RadioActive material arrows only harm target on hit. So they are safe in your inventory. -
Exactly. If it weren't blacklisted, you could set up a Rock Breaker machine feeding into the recycler, and very quickly get absurd quantities of scrap, with full automation.Well, now you just need to extend it with a auto crafting table that crafts something not blacklisted and you have the same automation again...
Not really a solution to that issue.It would be better to work with some kind of scrap values that determines how much scrap you can get out of a given material. The recycler then should count those values and produce a scrap item after a given value is reached.
In that case cobblestone or stuff like that should get a quite low scrap value that makes that automation above not really valuable.
On the other hand you should accept that cobblestone (or equivalent stuff) is still matter and at least because of that should have some kind of effect on getting scrap or UUA.
At the end it should be changing one form of matter using a quite huge amount of energy into another form of matter.
Because of that the Mass Fabricators shouldn't produce UUM without a given amount of UUA.
At the moment you can get UUM without any kind of scrap/UUA which makes much less sense except you want to produce UUM out of pure energy. But as E = mc2 states this should require a REALLY huge amount of energy in that case and a large multi block machine like a fusion reactor... -
I had a similar idea where you had set value for each material kinda like the atomic number, but a bit different do to balance. then the more complex, or rare a material was the more EU and UU needed. but the UU would be just a base, you would need to add in the elemental material, protons & electrons, from the recycled materials. UU would be from everything recycled, think of it as neutrons. stone and such would only give that UU call it UUN. then you would need to add UUE and UUP to it to get to the atomic number your wishing to create. then everything could be recycled. the only thing I would blacklist would be microblocks and and such. parts or machines would need to be recycled in arc furnace or macerator first.
I had a similar idea where you had set value for each material kinda like the atomic number, but a bit different do to balance. then the more complex, or rare a material was the more EU and UU needed. but the UU would be just a base, you would need to add in the elemental material, protons & electrons, from the recycled materials. UU would be from everything recycled, think of it as neutrons. stone and such would only give that UU call it UUN. then you would need to add UUE and UUP to it to get to the atomic number your wishing to create. then everything could be recycled. the only thing I would blacklist would be microblocks and and such. parts or machines would need to be recycled in arc furnace or macerator first.
The most representative recycle value already exists in fuel value.
It represent the amount of chemical energy contained.
That would still make stone products with 0 recycle value. I think this is ok and balanced.
That would also allow recycling fluid fuels with high scrap rate.I'd use the following formula:
scrap_chance = fuel_value / 1600Would give the following rates:
Wood Stick → 100 / 1600 = 6,25%
Wood Slab → 150 / 1600 = 9.375%
Wood Log/Plank/Dust → 300 / 1600 = 18.75%
Coal/Charcoal → 1600 / 1600 = 100% (1 scrap for each)
Lithium dust → 6000 / 1600 = 375% (3.75 scraps for each)
1000L Diesel → 25000 / 1600 = 1562.5% (16.62 scraps for each 1000L)
1000L LPG → 30000 / 1600 = 1875% (18.75 scraps for each 1000L) -
Just turning it down to fuel values is quite too unbalanced and unsatisfactory in my opinion.
Iron for example has no real fuel value but is still a valuable material. And stone or cobblestone aren't completely useless at all even if there are plenty of them available.
And to be honest, stones are a mix of different minerals and possibly rare earth (depending of the stone type) that can be possibly quite useful if they are extracted or separated.
The main issue there in my opinion is that cobblestone can not only be mined but also infinitely produced using machines like the Rock Breaker or by simply placing water nearby lava.
That is why stone or especially cobblestone needs to have a low value (but still a value) when it comes to produce something like scrap for the Amplifier in order to balance it out somewhat.
And/or it should require more time and energy to be processed into scrap. That could balance it out somewhat more.
And I would still make scrap/UUA a requirement in order to produce any UUM.Maybe different types of scrap would be also interesting to balance it out a bit.
Light Scrap = small amount of UUA per unit
Medium Scrap = medium amount of UUA per unit
Heavy Scrap = large amount of UUA per unit
Very Heavy Scrap = very large amount of UUA per unit.
Two factors should decide what type of scrap should be produced out of an item/block:
1. The overall atomic weight of the item
2. Can it be produced infinitely and how easy and fast does the production work?About the different UU stuff:
The idea itself is not so bad but any element (or atom) consists of protons, neutrons and electrons, just in different amounts.
In that case I would suggest different energy requirements to split up different materials like wood or stone into the atomic ingredients. In that case stone or cobblestone should require a high amount of energy and time to be divided into the different atomic ingredients in order to balance it out.
The amount of the ingredients could be measured accordingly to the overall atomic weight of an item/block. -
Gregtech is just implementing IC2 API with its machines.
All these thoughts and suggestions on handling recycling values should be directed to IC2.IC2.ini has a whitelist feature, at least you can create your own recyclable item list there.
Recycler, UUA, UUM, Replicator are IC2 API Implementations
I'm not so sure those claims are entirely accurate. UUA is GregTech-specific, and the GT Replicator behaves very differently from the IC2 Replicator.