Can you give me permission to repost GregTech5 Unofficial Mod to MCMod( you can see this thread too:A Web Site————Minecraft Mod Wikipedia(

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Normally i would say to simply link to the official downloads, but i know that they often do not work in china. So as long you add links to the official downloads/forum thread, reposting them is fine.
Is anyone aware of information on how to create the Clean Room multiblock? Im not sure how it works or how its built.
Greetings miners,
can anyone recommend me some decent looking UPDATED resource pack? Could not find any working.
Thank you very much
Is there a possibility that Gregtech adds only new things, otherwiese nothing??
i added Gregtech gregtech-5.09.29.jar in Infinity Evolved and a lot of recipes are very different.
Almost all changes GT does to vanilla recipes can be disabled in the config.
And where exactly?
Sorry, im not such a good Pragrammer like you
Edit: I found the config file but where I can disable the changes from GT to vanilla recipes?
Nobody? D:
Question if I am missing something in GT5U 5.09.29 when trying to go from the steam age to electrical age (I believe its still to make a basic steam turbine) I am unable to make the coated circuit board since I am unable to make the 3 wood planks needed. The only recipe is 8 wood pulp in a compressor make the wood plank. The issue is how do you get wood pulp in the steam age? It looks like there are a bunch of recipes from electric machines. The only one that might make since is the Pulverizion recipes. I do not know if the stream macerator might work. The issue I have is early game diamonds to next to impossible to get. Has anyone been able to make the early circuits and have any suggestions?
BTW thanks Blood for continuing GT5.
Question if I am missing something in GT5U 5.09.29 when trying to go from the steam age to electrical age (I believe its still to make a basic steam turbine) I am unable to make the coated circuit board since I am unable to make the 3 wood planks needed. The only recipe is 8 wood pulp in a compressor make the wood plank. The issue is how do you get wood pulp in the steam age? It looks like there are a bunch of recipes from electric machines. The only one that might make since is the Pulverizion recipes. I do not know if the stream macerator might work. The issue I have is early game diamonds to next to impossible to get. Has anyone been able to make the early circuits and have any suggestions?
BTW thanks Blood for continuing GT5.
Find a vein with garnerite/nickel/cobaltite. Make a pickaxe from cobalt. Find the diamond and dig it with a pickaxe.
Or find a vein of coal. Make industrial diamonds.
Find a vein with garnerite/nickel/cobaltite. Make a pickaxe from cobalt. Find the diamond and dig it with a pickaxe.
Or find a vein of coal. Make industrial diamonds.
I was wondering how to get the next level mining without needing electric machines. So this makes the steam macerator a requirement now to make the circuit boards where the steam macerator could be skipped before. I just wished that the steam macerator needed a diamond dust cutter of some kind instead full diamonds. A suggestion would be a steam wood cutter that would use a diamond dust cutter and make 4 planks and some small piles of wood pulp. It gives another way to get wood pulp and have a use for the diamond dust in the stream era. You would still need the saw for sticks though.
Thanks for the suggestion for the cobalitite....I guess it back to mining again.
I was wondering how to get the next level mining without needing electric machines. So this makes the steam macerator a requirement now to make the circuit boards where the steam macerator could be skipped before. I just wished that the steam macerator needed a diamond dust cutter of some kind instead full diamonds. A suggestion would be a steam wood cutter that would use a diamond dust cutter and make 4 planks and some small piles of wood pulp. It gives another way to get wood pulp and have a use for the diamond dust in the stream era. You would still need the saw for sticks though.
Thanks for the suggestion for the cobalitite....I guess it back to mining again.
I had same problem. Easiest way is to find cobaltite or with luck enough iridium shards (compressor -> iridium ore -> iridium pickaxe). I found them in spawner room twice (you need it to pick some obsidian for industrial diamonds).
Coal is pretty common.
If you find cobalt instead of iridium shards then you are ready to go same way.
Longer way is finding small diamond ore at levels 5 - 10. Good luck with droping diamond instead of dust/chip/etc.
I was thumbing through NEI to find uses for this Molybdenum ore I found, and stumbled across the recipe for HSS-G. Unfortunately, it requires large quantities of Tungstensteel dust, which seems really awkward to make - the only (useful) NEI recipe I can find involves making a Tungstensteel rods in the lathe and collecting the scrap. Is there another method to get the dust that I'm missing?
(GT5U 5.09.29)
The "recycling" recipes are hidden within GT so the amount of recipes shown in NEI is not that big. Basicly you can put everyting that contains tungstensteel in the macerator/pulverizer and you get tungstensteel dust.
Same for every metal. Only the recycling recpes for iron are not hidden so there is an example to look at for a pattern.
Oh, okay! Good to know.
(I'm not anywhere near being able to make Tungstensteel, having just barely got my first MV machinery working, so I don't have any to experiment with)
My electric blast furnace keeps swallowing steel dust I feed it, without giving me any products. I'm 99.999% sure that I haven't done anything wrong, the structure is correct, or at least the machine doesn't complain about it not being so, it is all in one chunk, I feed it with four energy hatches, in turn fed by 4 basic stem generators that all have enough steam, and they are placed right next to the energy hatches, so resitance from cables shouldn't be a problem. Yet when I put the dusts in the input bus and start the machine, they are consumed, but they never emerge in the output bus. I'm on 5.09.22, is this a know issue or something? Does anyone have any idea what to do here?
Have you fixed all the maintenance problems on the EBF? If you haven't (usually because no soldering iron/ducttape) it'll take 5A of LV power to finish. (120EU/t + 10% = 132, which is more than four inputs can supply.)
That's probably the problem then, god, sometimes GT really is retarded. But I realized I have the forstery sodlering iron, so it should be ok
Thanks for replying so quickly.
Will my steel come out again, after fixing the problems, or are they gone forever?
They're gone for good - multiblocks that run out of power mid-operation drop the recipe materials into the Void. Alas.
Noticed, and I'd forgotten that the soldering iron form forestry doesn't work, 'cause no durability. But I got it to work by cheating in some tape. Someone should probably consider lowering the cost of steel to 100 volt.