Does someone have contact with the dev?
[Kirara 3.0] - A series of well-made GT hardmode servers. --- Official Random Thread.
Does someone have contact with the dev?
I do.
That changes the size of every biome. Do I need to mention again that RTG has a problem of assigning the same size to every biome, when they are clearly not intended to be this way?
Silly ishi as always juding alpha version.
Not a big surprise. -
Oh that's it Bloody, we didn't see the bias - It's his old boys who develop RTG; they finally made a mod, he's got faith in them, it'll be the best worldgen mod you've ever seen if you just wait for the version that comes out soon!
Silly ishi as always juding alpha version.
Not a big surprise.Question is - how long it until playable version is realeased?
And is it worth delaying for another month just for RTG? -
Question is - how long it until playable version is realeased?
And is it worth delaying for another month just for RTG?
That's why we are having a voting on spreadsheet. People will decide for themselves if it's worth waiting or not. -
That's why we are having a voting on spreadsheet. People will decide for themselves if it's worth waiting or not.
While I've initiated this voting I somewhat doubt now that it will matter much. Hopefully it will.
I'm all for supporting mods that have potential, but that doesn't mean we have to use it on a server that is meant to provide a stable and immersive player experience. It could get better in the future, but it's not good right now, and I get the feeling that if we keep waiting on RTG, KR will be delayed so long that GT6 ends up being finished before we get to play on it.
I'm all for supporting mods that have potential, but that doesn't mean we have to use it on a server that is meant to provide a stable and immersive player experience. It could get better in the future, but it's not good right now, and I get the feeling that if we keep waiting on RTG, KR will be delayed so long that GT6 ends up being finished before we get to play on it.
Exactly my thoughts.
In case we are having ATG, we should go for EBXL instead of BOP.
Also, ATG world will be deleted and soon replaced by RTG world (likely with BOP). -
What is status about a hardmore gregtech server?
We are 2 players looking for hardmode - currently playing beyond reality pack but we dont mind something even harder.
We play alot and want a community with other players - we can supply free server hosting on a 300/300 fiber connection with 100% dedicated hardware i7 4th gen 16 gb ram, ssd disk.
What we need is stable players and community - is kirara starting up new stable server and if so when? Can we help with anything to speed it up or to make it better.
Comments please
Our server admin is currently AWOL and has not updated KHC - the new KR server will be very minimal in terms of content compared to packs like Beyond Reality, as it'll mostly be IC2/Gregtech + supporting mods, and not significantly nerfed from the vanilla Gregtech experience (other mods are changed to be more on par with GT, but GT is not made harder AFAIK).
While I love the idea I do not believe we have the manpower to create and properly maintain a true hardmode server pack like KHC - though you should discuss the matter with keda who is the current de facto server admin, as Arch is missing.
KR will be released on Monday with ATG (unless there is a miracle update from RTG that fixes the biome size issues). ATG world is just be temporary until RTG is fixed. Any items you have can be transferred through player.dat and AE2 cells I could spawn in when the time comes to move. But yeah building elaborate bases is not recommended for now.
Regarding GT6 on KHC, .58 crashes so it will have to wait until Grag can release something that works.
Any ETA on when that transfer might happen?
And how exactly will it happen? I mean, Overworld regen or movement to completely different server, so everything in Nether, End, Moon etc gone as well?PS: also, are we sticking with BOP or use EXBL now and then switch to BOP?
If we had an ETA on RTG, there would no need to use ATG.
Also keda: Can you now, that the pack is final, post the full modlist and a zip with configs and scripts? So a final test can be done?
I for my part will ask a few friends if they want to start with me on monday.
Hello Kirara admin
I have a thread running on this forum about a new server - would you mind reading it and give a comment on your thoughts about us working together. Blood Asp made a sugesstion in the thread and i would like yo hear your input.
Hey guys,
is there any official info about what's coming? Modlist, configs, scripts, server setup?
It seems to me the info is spread all over this thread and other sources even. It's hard to know what's up. -
Current KR modlist:
- Forge (…e/forge/index_1.7.10.html)
- ATG 0.12.0 (…ernate-terrain-generation)
- appliedenergistics2 rv2-stable-10 (…cts/applied-energistics-2)
- Aroma1997Core (
- AsieLib 0.4.4 (
- bdlib (
- BetterRecords 1.2.0 (
- BiblioCraft v1.11.4 (
- BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty] v1.9 (
- BiblioWoods[Forestry] v1.7 (
- BiomesOPlenty (
- Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.7 (
- Chisel (
- CodeChickenCore (
- Computronics 1.5.9 (
- CustomChestLoot 1.1.1 (
- ExtraCells 2.2.73b129 (
- fastcraft 1.22-ctest17 ([WIP|1.7.10] FastCraft 1.21 (Note: All Posts of new Members need to be approved first, so if you press the submit button but no new post appears here, it is in the folder of posts to be approved first, and Player will receive them a few hours later))
- FastLeafDecay 1.3 (
- Forestry 4.1.1 (
- ForgeMultipart (
- GalacticGreg 0.7 ([GregTech-Addon-Addon]GalacticGreg 1.9 - Gregtech Oregen on Galacticraft Planets)
- Galacticraft-Planets (
- GalacticraftCore (
- gendustry (
- GraviSuite 2.0.3 ([Addon for MC 1.7.10 IC EXP] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3 ! [SSP/SMP])
- GregsLighting 1.11.2 (…ecraft/mods/GregsLighting)
- gregtech 5.09.11 ([GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.)
- GTTweaker 1.0.9 ([GT-5.08.** & Minetweaker-3.10 Addon] Addon Version 1.0.9 - Adding custom Recipes for all Gregtech 5 machines (Now with Fusion Reactor))
- IC2NuclearControl 2.3.1a-Butt ([Addon] Nuclear Control 2)
- ihl-tools_n_machines 0.581 ([Addon for IC2V2][V0.582][MC1.7.2-1.7.10]IHL Tools & Machines)
- immibis-core 59.1.2 (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…mods/autobuilt/index.html)
- industrialcraft-2 2.2.791-experimental (
- ironchest (
- malisiscore 0.12.10 (
- malisisdoors 1.10.1 (
- MicdoodleCore (
- MineTweaker3 3.0.10B (
- ModTweaker2 0.9.4 (
- Morpheus (server-side) 1.6.10 (
- NotEnoughItems (
- OpenComputers (
- PlayerAPI 1.4 (…t-mods/1277996-player-api)
- Railcraft (
- redlogic 59.1.11 (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…mods/autobuilt/index.html)
- SmartMoving 15.6 (…mods/1274224-smart-moving)
- SmartRender 2.1 (…mods/1274224-smart-moving)
- StevesCarts 2.0.0.b18.jar (
- Thaumcraft (
- ThaumicEnergistics (
- ThaumcraftMobAspects 1.7.2-2A (…ts/thaumcraft-mob-aspects)
- ThaumcraftNEIPlugin 1.7.10-1.7a (…cts/thaumcraft-nei-plugin)
- twilightforest 2.3.7 (
- UndergroundBiomesConstructs 0.7 (…rground-biomes-constructs)
- Ztones 2.2.1 (
Config & scripts will coming soon. -
Release postponed until wednesday since it turned out we weren't prepared enough. Polishing on the worldgen still going on, and we are likely going to use CC + ATG + EBXL.