i get: Failed to load mod from "mod_ModularForceFieldSystem.class"
and i think i know why..
look in the downloaded beta 6 file.. cant be loaded because the files and folders are duplicated.
please repack and upload the beta6.
i get: Failed to load mod from "mod_ModularForceFieldSystem.class"
and i think i know why..
look in the downloaded beta 6 file.. cant be loaded because the files and folders are duplicated.
please repack and upload the beta6.
Hey, if you would like some assistance coding this, feel free to drop me a pm! I Am getting pretty good at this.
Display Morei get: Failed to load mod from "mod_ModularForceFieldSystem.class"
and i think i know why..
look in the downloaded beta 6 file.. cant be loaded because the files and folders are duplicated.
please repack and upload the beta6.
I'm not getting that failed to load mod, and I just checked my current MFFS file, and it has the same double structure as I believe you're talking about
You could try deleting the duplicated file/folders, the ones with the \ in the beginning, and see if it works then. (Any archiver program should let you press Del key to delete the items from the archive)
there is no \ files in my zip.. downloaded it two times today to be sure i have no download error.
No one has any idea how to fix the mentioned issue with forcefield blocks just not popping up? Projektors are linked, generator has power, activate the level and the block lights up, but no nice new force field. Have done this on all projecktors on SMP, beta 5.
I really wanted to focus on the beta 6, but have been writing a quick hotfix for Beta 5..
Fix: Crashbug IC1.70 + " MFFS nuclear reactor containment" in Beta 5_1
Thanks for the hotfix. Works like a charm on our server. I take it since you took the time to do that its gonna be a while till beta 6 is smp. This will definately tide us over till then
Found a small bug with the Nuclear Reactor Containment field where the texture is messed up when using the Better Grass mod built into OptiFine HD.
It is using the correct texture for both the top and bottom, but the sides it is using the iron block texture.
This is not a big problem, but if it is an easy fix that would be appreciated as i personally like using Better Grass.
I have a problem trying to use MFFS containment for my breeder reactor.
The breeder i run is neutral (heat should be stable) and requires full water cooling outside. The problem is that once blocks of water in the top layer evaporate the MFFS containment field doesn't replace them, and i have no way to get them into the field.
I've set it to shut down once heat goes above 9200, and flip the shield off and back on to regenerate the water. But that's sub optimal (cooling back down takes time during which the reactor is stopped, and once it turns back on more water evaporates and the process starts over) and dangerous (if something else unexpected fails, turning off the shield on a reactor that's about to go orbital seems like a bad idea lol).
It would be cool to have some upgrade that could regenerate water blocks, or an option to make the containment field bigger so that water source blocks could stay outside the 5x5x5 area...
QuoteI have a problem trying to use MFFS containment for my breeder reactor.
The breeder i run is neutral (heat should be stable) and requires full water cooling outside. The problem is that once blocks of water in the top layer evaporate the MFFS containment field doesn't replace them, and i have no way to get them into the field.
I've set it to shut down once heat goes above 9200, and flip the shield off and back on to regenerate the water. But that's sub optimal (cooling back down takes time during which the reactor is stopped, and once it turns back on more water evaporates and the process starts over) and dangerous (if something else unexpected fails, turning off the shield on a reactor that's about to go orbital seems like a bad idea lol)
Yup, I've found in my breeder yesterday also. In next version i will fixed it
QuoteIt would be cool to have some upgrade that could regenerate water blocks, or an option to make the containment field bigger so that water source blocks could stay outside the 5x5x5 area...
is Pointless IC2 reactor used only 3 * 3 * 3 for cooling
Display MoreFound a small bug with the Nuclear Reactor Containment field where the texture is messed up when using the Better Grass mod built into OptiFine HD.
It is using the correct texture for both the top and bottom, but the sides it is using the iron block texture.
This is not a big problem, but if it is an easy fix that would be appreciated as i personally like using Better Grass.
I myself do not use OptiFine HD... if you can tell me what I need to adjust i will change it
is Pointless IC2 reactor used only 3 * 3 * 3 for cooling
Yeah, but they don't carre if it's a source or flowing block, and in your source blocks are outside evaporation range, the water just keeps flowing if it evaporates
Anyway cool to hear that it gets fixed
Mod works great, no issue so far for me.
Did notice that the cooler block doesn't seem to be using ice fast enough to keep my reactors temp down. It slowly lets like 20 or so heat accumulate till its critical. Wouldn't be a issue but I can connect a ice chest directly to it and keep the stacks at 64 and stay under 300 solid. It would be awesome if the coolers use speed could be increased since then we could use all reactor chambers for cells and spam the cooler block with ice.
EDIT*Was thinking about it, it seems to "use" the ice were the reactor each pulse uses ice from all spots in inventory. This could be the issue, instead of quicker it needs to look at the coolers inventory and pulse each stack like the reactor does.
Not sure if any one else noticed but the changes for BuildCraft-IndustrialCraft Crossover Mod v1.24b/IBv.06 allow you to connect through a reactor chamber to the reactor inventory. Originally you had to sac a chamber to use pipped cooling but with this you can use a full six and still pump ice.
Mod works great, no issue so far for me.
Did notice that the cooler block doesn't seem to be using ice fast enough to keep my reactors temp down. It slowly lets like 20 or so heat accumulate till its critical. Wouldn't be a issue but I can connect a ice chest directly to it and keep the stacks at 64 and stay under 300 solid. It would be awesome if the coolers use speed could be increased since then we could use all reactor chambers for cells and spam the cooler block with ice.
EDIT*Was thinking about it, it seems to "use" the ice were the reactor each pulse uses ice from all spots in inventory. This could be the issue, instead of quicker it needs to look at the coolers inventory and pulse each stack like the reactor does.
Not sure if any one else noticed but the changes for BuildCraft-IndustrialCraft Crossover Mod v1.24b/IBv.06 allow you to connect through a reactor chamber to the reactor inventory. Originally you had to sac a chamber to use pipped cooling but with this you can use a full six and still pump ice.
in the ModularForceFieldSystem.cfg you can adjust the cooling values
reaktorheatcontrolice=100 -heat
reaktorheatcontrollava=100 +heat
reaktorheatcontrolwater=50 -heat
The cooling module should not be as strong as ice even in the reactor..
So either less EU and to secure Boomm ..or more EU and more Damage if Boooomm
And why should an expensive machine be less powerful than ice in a reactor? Considering you have to use ice in the machine as well, this logic makes no sense...
And why should an expensive machine be less powerful than ice in a reactor? Considering you have to use ice in the machine as well, this logic makes no sense...
expensive because of avoid explosions damage and can use for auto Breeder ... my logic make sense this is for me the essential.
Display Morein the ModularForceFieldSystem.cfg you can adjust the cooling values
reaktorheatcontrolice=100 -heat
reaktorheatcontrollava=100 +heat
reaktorheatcontrolwater=50 -heat
The cooling module should not be as strong as ice even in the reactor..
So either less EU and to secure Boomm..or more EU and more Damage if Boooomm
wow so the module isn't even using the ice for the full 300 it should be?... hmm... yeah thats kinda meh
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see the issue in the module using ice like the reactor both for its value and the way its processed (each pulse using a block). I'll probably change the config to use the full amounts and see how that works out.
Display MoreI have the same problem. I have installed Java (JRE) 1.7, newest MineCraft client & Server, Red Power 2 4b (incl. all modules), IC2 latest and prerequisites & computercraft.
It does work, but as said above, after copying all the server files (with the prepared world in it) to another PC the force fields won't come up. The textures (and redstone wire) shows that the modules áre powered, but just don't generate the field.
And I have walked through where the field had to be so they are not just invisible.
The server was prepared on my main pc so I could use it at a friend's place, but unfortunally above happened...
I love this mod as well, so please keep up the good work!!!
P.S. What does the network code card do? I would very much love more info on the items available.
Does anyone have any idea what is causing the above or how to resolve it? I'm having the same issue and can't seem to find any response with further information sadly.
I got a neat "bug" for you
it happnds ween i install your mod i mast have this plz help me!!! it is not a id i have all the configs from Direwoffl and all his mods
Minecraft has crashed!
You need to follow these steps:
1. Work out which mod is the cause of your problem. Is there something in the log below that points to a certain mod? If you recently installed a new mod then it is likely the cause of this problem
2. Google for the mod authors forum.
3. Read the First Post and the last 3 pages of the thread and see if other people are reporting similar issues
4. Post the following Error Report in the forum.
Generated 3/8/12 8:54 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.1
OS: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1
Java: 1.6.0_30, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]
--- ModLoader 1.1 ---
Mods loaded: 311
mod_ModLoaderMp 1.0.0
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.1.1
mod_AdditionalBuildcraftObjects 0.9-71 (MC 1.1, BC 3.1.3)
mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.3
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.3
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.3
mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.3
mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.3
mod_LogisticsPipes 0.1.8 (built with Minecraft 1.1.0, Buildcraft 3.1.2, Forge 1.3.1)
mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.3
mod_zAdditionalPipes Rev34.0
mod_EE EE2 v1.0.0
mod_BuildCraftZFP (Forestry Package)
mod_IC2 v1.71
mod_BCIC2Crossover IBv0.06 for MC 1.1, BC 3.1.3, IC2 1.70b
mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v3.2
mod_Garages 1.1.0v1
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.1.1
mod_PortalGun 1.1.0v5
mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4d
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4d
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4d
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4d
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4d
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4d
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4d
mod_SneakyPipes 0.0.2 (Minecraft 1.1.0, Buildcraft 3.1.3, Forge 1.3.0)
mod_WirelessRedstone 1.5
mod_WirelessRemote 0.5
--- End Modloader ---
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:236)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:585)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:851)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)
at afq.<init>(afq.java:80)
at afq.<clinit>(afq.java:9)
... 3 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glGenTextures(GL11.java:1373)
at ep.a(SourceFile:22)
at yz.b(RenderEngine.java:188)
at forge.MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture(MinecraftForgeClient.java:62)
at core_LogisticsPipes.load(core_LogisticsPipes.java:456)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:824)
... 6 more
at core_LogisticsPipes.load(core_LogisticsPipes.java:456)
Looks like that might be a place to start?