[IC2 Exp | 1.12.2] IC2Guns addon
I'm facing an issue with canning machine recipe:
Display MoreNBTTagCompound fullMagazineNBT = ItemMagazine.getNBTForAmmo(ItemMagazine.MAX_AMMO); addCanningRecipe(input.forExactStack(new ItemStack(magazine, 1, 0, emptyMagazineNBT)), input.forStack(new ItemStack(cartridge, 20)), new ItemStack(magazine, 1, 0, fullMagazineNBT)); ... public static NBTTagCompound getNBTForAmmo (int value) { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setInteger(AMMO_KEY, value); return nbt; } ... private static void addCanningRecipe (IRecipeInput container, IRecipeInput filler, ItemStack out) { Recipes.cannerBottle.addRecipe(container, filler, out, false); }
Debugger shows that addCanningRecipe gets output item stack with NBT ammo MAX_AMMO = 20, however, this recipe produces a magazine with NBT ammo 0. Is it an API bug, or am I doing it the wrong way?
By the way, I'm totally not a Java programmer, so beware of ugly code. -
An addon style we've not seen in a long time, looking forward to see how it turns out.
As for your NBT issue, the ItemStack constructor is a little misleading in that whilst it takes in an NBTTagCompound, that's only for Forge's capabilities and not the ItemStack's own NBT. You'll want to do something like
JavaaddCanningRecipe(input.forExactStack(makeMagazine(0)), input.forStack(new ItemStack(cartridge, 20)), makeMagazine(ItemMagazine.MAX_AMMO); ... private static ItemStack makeMagazine(int ammo) { ItemStack magazine = new ItemStack(magazine); magazine.setTagCompound(ItemMagazine.getNBTForAmmo(ammo)); return magazine; }
That way the NBT is properly set for the ItemStack (using setTagCompound).
Hey, can someone attach a compiled version of this mod to this thread? I tried compiling it myself and either there's something wrong or I'm too dum dum to compile it myself, thanks.
try downloading the repo, run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, and after that finishes, try gradlew build. the built mod should be in built/libs. Thats for Windows, idk about the other OS's though...
I don't think that gradlew eclipse is needed before building...
try downloading the repo, run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, and after that finishes, try gradlew build. the built mod should be in built/libs. Thats for Windows, idk about the other OS's though...
I don't think that gradlew eclipse is needed before building...
Well yes, I did those steps, this time I tried it on another CLI tool and not powershell, and it.. worked?
Also how do you load a magazine into the rifle, can't seem to do anything with the rifle even after filling a few magazines and having them in my inv, etc.
The rifle doesn't seem to be finished yet, it's just an item which doesn't stack at the moment.
Also how do you load a magazine into the rifle, can't seem to do anything with the rifle even after filling a few magazines and having them in my inv, etc.
It's not finished, I've been working on it only for 4 days. I'm going to finish it in a week.
Alright, thanks.
Also, when starting my forge server with the mod I got this crash:
Hope that helps if you're planning to make this multiplayer compatible in the future.
Hope that helps if you're planning to make this multiplayer compatible in the future.
Of course.
I got this crash
Thx, seems like localization is client side only.
This is such a great idea. If you polish this and give some decent configure options via the configs I be happy to add this to my pack. I'm making a pack with mostly IC2 / TR mixed in and NO Tinkers. I think this would do wonders
This mod idea does carry such possibilities and oportunities. Would love to see something other than ICBM or Flans mods (nothing personal JambioFlan! loved your mod since 2010).
Is this dead? The Github link from the first post is broken.
This addon idea is one thing Industrialcraft was always lacking, so would love to see this completed.
Is this dead? The Github link from the first post is broken.
This addon idea is one thing Industrialcraft was always lacking, so would love to see this completed.
Yep, I got overcringed by Forge mess (and Java, hecking hate it), so I just gave this up. Sorry.
Here is source code (Idea project) for what I currently have. You can freely use it, try to finish this addon or even integrate it in IC.