Hi everyone,
I've been getting quite a few requests to continue with my soartex inspired texture replacement and start working with IC². But since I hardly have any time to spare, and on top of it I'm not skilled enough with photoshop to meet my own high standards and editing single texture takes forever, I'm asking help and contribution from community. If at any time you feel like you have minute to spare and think that this is the day to draw new enhanced rubber ball, do so and send your end result to me so I can add it to this pack.
Idea is to have customisable texture repository for IC² where users can send more content and try to update existing textures. In the mean time I use tool made by flying sheep until I can replace it with something more functional and suited for this task.
There's currently no upload option or autoupdate yet, so you'll have to send me your files and I'll update manually. But I'll implement something better eventually
For example if you wish to edit and update some textures. Just send me block_0.png and little note what you did. png-file may be named whatever you like.
"I remade 32x iron and electro furnace textures, here's warbaque.png file that contains the changes!"
Click download link to the file you wish to customise and download
Customise textures to your liking and click image when happy
If block textures, save as block_0.png, else if item, save as item_0.png
Move files to industrialcraft-2-client_VERSION#.jar/ic2/sprites/
64x textures
block_0.png TODO
block_machine.png TODO
block_machine2.png TODO
block_generator.png TODO
block_cable.png by Dannyboy
32x textures
block_machine2.png TODO
block_cable.png TODO
Screens etc...
Storage blocks:
Transformer blocks:
Nothing yet
This will propably spread to other mods in the future such as RedPower and BuildCraft if there's enough interest.