Tin always seems to be deeper than Uranium, for being cheaper than Iron it seems to require significantly more mining to find/gather it.

Suggestion: Shallower Tin
uranium can be found on sea level, what are you talking about?
also there's plenty of tin starting from level 40 on my map at least (generated on 1.15, doubt somthing changed)
if you are intrested i can generate new map in 1.23 from same seed and check it out -
Iron and Copper are always (on every seed I've played SSP and SMP) found a fair distance (60's) above Tin (50's) which seems much further down. Is this intended or a typo in a config file?
Copper shares the same spawn ratio with Coal, its findable anywhere.
Iron below a certain point, Tin even farther.
I assume its to keep Bronze from being too readily available, as once you hit a spot of tin, you'll have way too much of it lol
You have to go down there for your first redstone /anyway/ so there's not really a huge deal about it being so low (as an automated miner /has/ to be one of your first priorities after making a basic workshop).
has to be is such an ugly word
i almost never used autominer, it's too ineffective and slow
i'd rather wander into a cave with trusty batpack, diamond drill and M1 Carbine (have WW2 gunz) than use that thing, expand the network, use it again, goto 2 -
Copper spawns below 60 i guess, with a focus on 40.
Tin spawns on 40, downward.
Uran spawns in minimal veins quite everywhere. -
Equivelent Exchange makes redstone/glowstone from coal as soon as you hit iron and get your transmutation table up. Pity there's no TransTable recepies for tin/copper. I guess that's Addon material
cmon, EE is more of a TMI than legitimate mod
cmon, EE is more of a TMI than legitimate mod
Eh? No way, Have you any idea how long it takes to build a Klein Star or a Dark Matter Locus legit?
That's true about the dark matter stuff, takes a while, but... All you need is one glowstone aggregator, then all you have to do is wait. Good mod, but it's rather overpowered. I personally only use it when I have to, or when I wanna mess around or something.
Just my two cents.
That's true about the dark matter stuff, takes a while, but... All you need is one glowstone aggregator, then all you have to do is wait. Good mod, but it's rather overpowered. I personally only use it when I have to, or when I wanna mess around or something.
Just my two cents.
Agreed. I've messed around with EE, but I only have used it when I was waiting for IC2 for 1.8.1
I've found that in certain area, EE and IC2 play very well together. EE lets you turn cobble into redstone and coal to make your machines, and even provides lava for your GeoGen. Once you're collecting diamond for your dark matter, convert your diamond ore into gold ore, and then macerate it to get twice as many diamonds than placing and digging the diamond ore to get your diamonds.
I've found that in certain area, EE and IC2 play very well together. EE lets you turn cobble into redstone and coal to make your machines, and even provides lava for your GeoGen. Once you're collecting diamond for your dark matter, convert your diamond ore into gold ore, and then macerate it to get twice as many diamonds than placing and digging the diamond ore to get your diamonds.
eh, 1gold ore=2gold dusts
2 gold dusts=2 gold bars
2 gold bars= 8 iron bars
8 iron bars= 12 glowstone blocks
12 glowstone blocks= 1.5gold ore.problem, physics?
The thing about the Aggregators is that it is not making mass from nothing, but rather, Photonic energy. It is making Mass from Energy. so, it does follow physics, by bending the rules. not breaking them.
so the saying would be "Problem, Conventional physics?" i think. I myself love using EE and IC2 hand in hand EE is not all too overpowered... when you break it down... no pun intended. EE on it's own... a Diamond takes 512 stone, or 2048 dirt to make. That is alot of resources, alot of mass. Add in energy and efficiency from IC2, the cost of mass is halved, through basically, purification. but it still requires the input of energy from the machines to grind, and then smelt.
AS for tin's depth, i find it annoying, yes... but i can handle it. figured i'd pop that on, to not be /completely/ off topic.
512 stone? my cobblegen (+ induction furnace) laughed at that miserable amount
and it's not even on full power yet -
512 stone? my cobblegen (+ induction furnace) laughed at that miserable amount
and it's not even on full power yetdesign please
? -
shoud be easy enough to figure it out
BC quarrys powered by energy couplers, connected to chest, from which stuff is pumped to furnace -
Ah I see I don't like quarries too much they make ugly holes in the ground but I guess I could cover them Up nice set up though =)
yeah i forgot to mention you make cobblegen in quarry mining area ( limited with landmarks for compactness)
so basically it just jumps between 3 pieces of cobble (2 pieces if underpowered) and mines them up indefinetly
made a few chests of scrap using this, hooked up to 3 recyclers