suggestion: add uum recipe for uranium back

  • that is only if you have scrap to make the mass fab, run faster. (and it is 200.000 EU)

    and for that you need 40-45 scrap for each uum you make = 240 scrap for 6 uum (1 uranium)

    and the recycler have 1/8 change to make 1 scrap = 1920 blocks (30 stack) * 35 EU = 67500 eu to recycle the blocks

    now will you mine 30 stacks each time you will make 1 uranium? i don't think so

    well then lets us make a cobblestone generator with a miner.
    then the energy is

    that is a total of 181000 EU extra for each uum.

    so a uum made with scrap is a total of 381000 EU

  • Miner? Why so complicated. With redpower you make a eu free cobblestone generator and with only IC2 you can make a cactus farm. Yes the recyclers will use up some energy but it will still be like 3x eff than just without scrap. So eff needed before you get any surplus eu would be ~2 which is easily achievable. My CASUC reactor alone as over 4 eff ad in a breeder and effective eff will be over 7 eff.

  • why miner?
    couse other mods can bring a unpbalance to some system, like the redpower free cobble gen you surggest.

    and i think we have moved to far from the topic.
    should the recipe for uum uranium be added back to the game?

  • >should the recipe for uum uranium be added back to the game?

    Yes, it should ^_~
    I've never used this "exploit" because it's too much maintainance required. But there are should be an option to do that.
    What i really don't like in the reactirs - that scary CASUC reactors... Aren't they too unbalanced?

    Cutiemark crusaders - engineers, Yay!
    Blown up: Industrial Blast Furnace, Industrial Wiremill, Singularity compressor, Extractor.

  • i believe they shouldnt have been take out to begin with but just had the recipe changed to like 7 or 8 uum as they dont have but 1 7 uum recipe and no 8 uum recipes which i suggested before they even took it out to balance it and to answer a previous question no uranium cells do not always turn into depleted cells they will just disappear. you could also use windmills for power as they run non stop but you cant use tin wire unless the output is 3 or less and has to be spaced a certain distance apart and very high in the air to get decent eu from them so imo reactors are the best source of power not including the uum you would have to spend on coaldust and tin and such if your too lazy to go mining for those resources. also the time it would take to setup a cactus farm is quite a bit and even then most likely wont keep the mass fab stocked with scrap unless you have a few hundred cacti falling off every couple seconds

  • Kane Hart, will you ever need to change those solars? No! Makes part fo teh game boring, especially since if we're going to get inf. energy, it shouldn't be lag-inducing infinite energy! :P

  • Exactly. In response to this post, I made the following tweaks to the jar my server runs on :

    1. Solar Panels only produce 60% of the output energy they normally produce
    2. Wind generators are cut to 70% of their normal output energy
    3. Water Generators require flow blocks around them to work, not still water (so slightly harder in placement)

    And of course, to compensate for this dumb nerf of not being able to make uranium from UUM : nuclear fuel lasts five times longer.

    So you don't get infinite energy from that Mark V CASUC...but the fuel for it lasts about 13 real life hours. Also, breeding is unchanged, so you can breed a LOT more fuel per cycle if you keep swapping fuel.

    These changes are signficantly more realistic, I feel. Solar photovoltaic is a LOW density energy source...peak output can be high but the sun is actually only out full strength about 4 hours out of 24 hours in a day. You'd need a LOT of panels to compete with a nuclear reactor. Same for wind. And it isn't possible to get energy from water in real life unless the water is moving.

    And finally, real nuclear reactors can run for years on one load of fuel, and obtaining the fuel is cheap compared to the other costs of running a nuclear plant. It is possible to get huge gains with breeding even with water cooled reactors in real life. This change also has the effect that any reactor that is not a Mark 1 is going to blow up eventually on my server. A Mark II won't work : the reactor calculator may tell you it's safe, but you'd be wrong...

    These changes make building a complex and dangerous set of nuclear reactors (or 1 mark I CASUC) a more viable option than the 2000 solar farm shown above.

  • Miner? Why so complicated. With redpower you make a eu free cobblestone generator and with only IC2 you can make a cactus farm. Yes the recyclers will use up some energy but it will still be like 3x eff than just without scrap. So eff needed before you get any surplus eu would be ~2 which is easily achievable. My CASUC reactor alone as over 4 eff ad in a breeder and effective eff will be over 7 eff.

    We should never be setting the balance of IC2 based on how other mods let you cut corners. The energy cost to produce the UUM to make uranium should be fair solely on what it takes to make it in "vanilla" IC2. If you're going to bring other mods into it, then let's just talk about Too Many Items.

  • you cant use other mods to balance IC2.

    i personally dont see any reason to allow user to completely automate every aspect of the gameplay, this is totally stupid.

    everything shoud require user interaction to work.

    cut 30% of solars production? wtf lol i need 130 solars to produce 100eu, just place quarry and go afk for hour - sorting pipes and autobench will craft solars for me, later i will place them with filler, done.

    i need 1000eu?

    deployer + bukets

    6 pages manual for nuclear energy ha, dont need it, single machine will make it better.

  • everything shoud require user interaction to work.

    The point is, this is not fun for many of us. Otherwise why would we be using also BC/RP?
    If you want to make automation more expensive, fine, but making it impossible... meh.

    Please, correct my English.