That is a pretty good idea, however, this would not be my reccomendation as even with gold or tele pipes, it still wouldn't be nearly as efficient as Glass fiber or other cables, which send power instataniously, unless using a transformer to convert from low to higher voltage.

Completely Lossless Infinite Range Energy Transportation
That is a pretty good idea, however, this would not be my reccomendation as even with gold or tele pipes, it still wouldn't be nearly as efficient as Glass fiber or other cables, which send power instataniously, unless using a transformer to convert from low to higher voltage.
you seem to not get the point. Projects such as this and my "silly ways of moving power about" thread are more about lossless but ultimately impractical ways of moving power about.
I could still see this being used for some far flung area with a couple teleport pipes and chunk loading blocks though.
"wouldn't be as efficient" is just a matter of distance. anything beyond 200+ blocks would be hideously expensive to send power the traditional way. -
I don't see why EE is such a hated mod...I mainly use it for converting annoying leftovers into useful blocks. The ability to churn out diamonds is something I use every now and then....although the current ver is a bit OP...48 shrooms/ 24 pumpkins = diamond but I don't think Ill do that too least for IC items
Partly because of the people who set up a process using macerators that gives them unlimited materials which they can turn into diamonds & iron. -
To be honest, you don't even need macerators. A bucket of lava, a bucket of water, a couple redstone and a block breaker... repeat as desired for diamonds out of thin air.
To be honest, you don't even need macerators. A bucket of lava, a bucket of water, a couple redstone and a block breaker... repeat as desired for diamonds out of thin air.
Try getting dark matter WITHOUT any other mods.
You notice I did mention the block breaker... my point is that macerators are not even close to the most efficient way to generate stuff for EqEx. Three block breakers around and Alchemical Chest with a Gem of Eternal Density in it will generate a diamond every 42 seconds or so.
Block breakers also work for scrap generation if not using cobble from quarries in BC.
I dont understand people who use IC2 and complain about EE. IC2 with its UUM generation creates any block from nothing, given enough time, just as EE does.
I dont understand people who use IC2 and complain about EE. IC2 with its UUM generation creates any block from nothing, given enough time, just as EE does.
It's a matter of scale. To make a diamond in IC2, you need 9 UU-M. That requires 306 scrap, which needs 2448 cobble (38.25 stacks). To make a diamond in EE, you transmute 6 stacks of cobble.I'd say that a variation by a factor greater than 6 means they are hardly comparable.
reminds my old idea from ic1
I'd say that a variation by a factor greater than 6 means they are hardly comparable.
The problem with this, is that setting up a server on your own machine, which is just as easy to do as modding a minecraft install, allows you to leave the world running all the time, generating EU to make UUM. Even with just a few wind generators, you can have enough UUM for all the diamonds you need, all while you go off to school or work or hang out with friends. I guess I just dont see a difference between making a few wind gen's then putting 9 UUM in a crafting table and swapping in and out all the steps in EE to make cobble into diamond. In fact, the EE model probably would take more of my time.
Sorry about the thread jacking, I will leave this one alone from now on.
Block breakers also work for scrap generation if not using cobble from quarries in BC.
I dont understand people who use IC2 and complain about EE. IC2 with its UUM generation creates any block from nothing, given enough time, just as EE does.
It might be because UUM is incredibly lossful while EE is lossless. (I use EE in singleplayer, because it's fun. I don't care about balance in this world)
1 UUM, with scrap, takes 41.67 coal worth of energy.
That means you can turn 375 coal into a diamond, and there's no way to turn a diamond back into coal.
It also takes advanced technology and lots of time.
If you converted the UUM back into coal, you'd waste 98.4% of your coal doing so.In EE, you can turn 96 coal into a diamond. You can just as easily turn your diamond back into 96 coal.
You don't need any advanced technology, only a philosopher's stone.
What's more, a single collector can upgrade redstone to mobius fuel (which you can convert back to redstone) at a rate of 4 EMC/second. A diamond is worth 1536 EMC, so you can get a diamond every 6.4 minutes with a collector. That means it pays for itself in just under an hour.
If you were to get a diamond every 6.4 minutes with a mass fab, you need an average input of 195 EU/t. That's 390 solar panels, which will take almost 61 stacks of iron to make, and countless other materials. I shouldn't need to point out that 61 stacks of iron and 79 stacks of rubber is a lot more than 9 diamonds and 6 glowstone blocks to make a collector.Simply put, EE will give you a lot more stuff than IC for a lot less capital.
I guess I just dont see a difference between making a few wind gen's then putting 9 UUM in a crafting table and swapping in and out all the steps in EE to make cobble into diamond. In fact, the EE model probably would take more of my time.
Actually, the EE model takes only a minute or two to make a diamond, with no power required. Set up 3 of ShdwDragn's clockless block breakers and you have 6 stacks of cobble in about 90 seconds. There's your diamond.
To make 9 UUM in 90 seconds in IC2 would require 500 EU/t - so 500 solars, or a really reckless nuclear reactor. Quite a far cry from a trio of block breakers.So your comparison of leaving the server running all the time is irrelevant - the basis of comparison still fails on the amount of resources required. No matter how long of a time period you have to work with, EE still can produce diamonds faster, with far fewer resources required for the setup.
It's pretty clear that you aren't actually familiar with EqEx in actual gameplay.
Actually, the EE model takes only a minute or two to make a diamond, with no power required. Set up 3 of ShdwDragn's clockless block breakers and you have 6 stacks of cobble in about 90 seconds. There's your diamond.
To make 9 UUM in 90 seconds in IC2 would require 500 EU/t - so 500 solars, or a really reckless nuclear reactor. Quite a far cry from a trio of block breakers.So your comparison of leaving the server running all the time is irrelevant - the basis of comparison still fails on the amount of resources required. No matter how long of a time period you have to work with, EE still can produce diamonds faster, with far fewer resources required for the setup.
It's pretty clear that you aren't actually familiar with EqEx in actual gameplay.
You'd actually need 1000 solars, given that your block breaker system will run at night.
I'd forgotten about that mechanic (block breakers + EE) - I deliberately don't do that, although I do turn cobble from my quarry into diamonds. I still have an insane amount of diamonds anyway, from condensors + antimatter relays + watch of flowing time. -
So your comparison of leaving the server running all the time is irrelevant - the basis of comparison still fails on the amount of resources required. No matter how long of a time period you have to work with, EE still can produce diamonds faster, with far fewer resources required for the setup.
It's pretty clear that you aren't actually familiar with EqEx in actual gameplay.
No, my comparison is EXPLICITLY about the time, not the material.
And I actually do play with EE, and am doing so at the moment. Have fun with the personal attacks.
No, my comparison is EXPLICITLY about the time, not the material.
But diamonds ARE material.
Still, if you wish to discount that, we'll focus solely on the time factor. We've established that you can harvest enough cobble to make a diamond in less than 90 seconds with 3 simple block breakers.
Your challenge is to come up with something that can generate 9 million EU in less than 90 seconds. I await your attempt to prove your point. Good luck!QuoteAnd I actually do play with EE, and am doing so at the moment. Have fun with the personal attacks.
It's not a "personal attack" to observe that you clearly do not comprehend the capabilities of the mod. I only say that you don't know what you're talking about, because you clearly don't. -
LOL. Some of you people really amuse me.
You get all offended when someone says "why not just use TMI?" (use NEI I say :P) and then you turn around and say the same thing, but your threshold of when it is cheating and you might as well just use TMI is "THE RIGHT ONE"For everyone hating on EE (and I agree it could use more balance, conversions should involve loss) try playing with just EE. It takes forever to get enough dark matter to make stuff. Besides materials people tend to forget that energy and time are also resources (granted EE you can energy pretty much for free, but then so does IC2). Cobblestone being a renewable resource is a vanilla issue. Wood & plants being renewable, well that is kinda the idea of plants, but I believe their usefulness was scaled back (could be wrong). Granted you can combine BC/Powercraft, Thaumcraft/RP, Forestry & EE to make it all automatic. Add IC2 in to make it produce double. I'm sure we can fit railcraft, steves carts, Milleniare and Minecolony in there somewhere to make it even more powerful (did I leave anybody out?)
You can make the game play itself and be completeley uneccessary. If you find enjoyment in that who am I to tell you you're wrong.
You don't build a Rube Goldberg machine because it does anything useful or efficiently; you do it because it is fun.
All of us on this forum (I'm going to go out on a limb here and say we all use IC2, call it a hunch) want some degree of automation in our Minecraft game or we wouldn't be here. How much is an individual choice.So anyway, to the OP, very cool & clever idea. Regardless if I would use it or not, I have to admire it for those 2 points. Thanks for sharing.
For everyone hating on EE (and I agree it could use more balance, conversions should involve loss) try playing with just EE.
I don't hate EE. In fact I used it in my 1.81 and 1.0 builds. But I don't think it's fair to say that making diamonds in IC2 is anywhere near as easy as making them in EE, in terms of neither time nor material. -
I'd like to comment on EE, the only reason I originaly downloaded it was to do something with the 60 odd double chests of cobble and dirt from the BC quarry (I still currently prefer it's clearing, I tend to 'move in' to the first 64x64 hole.). I havn't used it at all since Forestry came on the scene
Although even now moving sand to dirt and back and forth might be useful.
I don't hate EE. In fact I used it in my 1.81 and 1.0 builds. But I don't think it's fair to say that making diamonds in IC2 is anywhere near as easy as making them in EE, in terms of neither time nor material.No, but then you don't need as many diamonds with just IC2 as you do with EE. I'm still on the fence about whether I will continue to use EE (because there is nothing better than quantum armor & a laser rifle), but it is still a pretty awesome mod.
I'd like to comment on EE, the only reason I originaly downloaded it was to do something with the 60 odd double chests of cobble and dirt from the BC quarry (I still currently prefer it's clearing, I tend to 'move in' to the first 64x64 hole.). I havn't used it at all since Forestry came on the scene
Although even now moving sand to dirt and back and forth might be useful.
No need to be embarrassed. I just can't bring myself to let all that dirt and cobble rot away but I get tired of storing it too. The philosophers stone gives a use for it.
Handy storage too if you think about it. Convert everything into diamonds and what not to save space and then transmute into lower materials as needed. I am anal about my landscape and it takes 3/4 stack of dirt to refill the average creeper hole!Considering too that I've got IC2, BC, Forestry, EE, Railcraft, Stevescarts, Thaumcraft, Minecolony, Twilight Forest, Powercraft and a ton of other small mods running and everyone adds their own tools, materials and other widgets inventory management has become a colossal pain in the ass for me. I have to think very carefully about what activity I am going out to do everytime I leave the house and pack accordingly. Hell, even Mo' Creatures takes up inventory space cause nothing sucks more than trying to run home for an apple and saddle and back before that rare wild pegasus despawns.
The only mobile I am seeing in my mobile mining operation is the amount of jackassing around I have to do to load and unload stuff. I'm pretty sure it would be faster to mine the old fashioned way.
For inventory management alone EE will probably make my keepers list.
I know all of this has nothing to do with the original thread did we get here anyway?
I know this thread is over a week old, but just let me drop in and say that the new version of EE, v6, has had MASSIVE rebalancing. For instance, most Philosopher Stone transmutations are gone. But that's not just it. Cobble was devalued to dirt-level, 1 EMC. Diamond was boosted to 8192 EMC. You need 128 stacks of cobble to make a single diamond now. Of course, you can still use iron and gold (16:1 and 4:1 respectively) to transmute diamond using the Transmutation Tablet, but those aren't the most readily available resources either. I'd say getting 4 stacks of gold is almost as time-consuming as getting a stack of diamonds.
In general, EE6 seems to be much more balanced when used in tandem with other mods.
Ah, but who am I to judge? I use Thaumcraft, which has the insanely low Dirt-Diamond conversion rate, about 300:1. On the plus side, Thaumcraft is not exactly the most unbalanced mod aside from duplicating.