Let me start by saying that this is not meant to inflame in any way, just my perspective on the issue...
Blunty- Alblaka's 'update request = ban' mentality is crap. I get that the forum software you're using doesn't allow for mute's and such (use different forum software perhaps?), and that constant requests from people get annoying, and that you don't OWE anyone, anything. I totally get all that.
What I don't get is why you have to posture yourself the way you do about it? Why can't you make an easy to find post, link it prominently (above "IndustrialCraft² recent version:: v1.337! (For Minecraft 1.8.1 Beta)" in the announcement box up above, maybe?) Having some idea of what is going on make the waiting a bit easier, and I do not get at all why you have to be 'ask = ban'. Look at the way SpaceToad handled it... he made a post saying 'Yes, I'm aware... on vacation, it'll probably be a couple weeks.' Simple.
You take the 'you'll get it when(if) we feel like giving it, you'll be happy to get it when you do... and if you don't like it then piss-off.' Why can't you just say what you're planning so that people can make their own choices on when/if to upgrade...
Instead of banning people on your own forums and having the IC2 thread on MCforums locked and freaking out on your users you could have just made a post that said 'Look, we're releasing a 1.8.1 bug-fix release 2 weeks after MC1.0. After that we will start working on making a MC1.0 compatible IC2- expect not to have a 1.0.0 IC2 for at least 4-6 weeks." Makes that 4-6 weeks suck significantly less when you know it's going to be 4-6 weeks.
I'm not saying a 'Here's what we have planned' post would solve everything, god knows that people can't search before they post... but if you had handled this differently you'd be a lot closer to being in the right and my argument wouldn't have a leg to stand on.