Old version (without new tool, but with bugs):

IC Related Quotes
- Alblaka
- Closed
Maybe too much purple drink?....Skipped a letter
Greg's been at the drink before writing changelogs
The modded minecraft bible has spoken!
And so Judgement came. The skies opened forth into the void, and through it's gaping maw came the light of the heavens and the trumpets of angels. A figure came upon a steed of shiny chrome, with fiery red gems for eyes, and his breath was the white vapor of sublimating liquid nitrogen. The figure wore a robe of worn leather, charred at the edges, and his face was carved of stone and the pock marks of pickaxes. His eyes burned like buckets of lava and his voice a creeping hiss. And this message did he deliver unto the world of man, "Lo, and behold. All earth before and beneath the feet of man shall be hollowed and cored, and the wires and pipes of progress shall weave a fine tapestry of ingenuity. High shall the carved marble pillars mark his achievements and crumbling be the dynamited shelter. The sky shall be paved in cobblestone and the seas shall be fed to the steam boilers, the forests burned as charcoal and the nether itself bucketed and burned to smelt of ore, and this progress shall mar from the world's beginning to the End. It is by His word that I proclaim this decree, for my name is Steve." -Book 1, verse 108, The Minecraftocalypse.
Greg's file naming structure (and said files) baffles Backdraft.In case anyone complains it's IC2 related quotes and therefore must be text, a picture speaks 1000 words, so there's 6000
from the official IC² wiki:
Welcome to Apertura Agricultures.
Starting today, you will start a new life in our dedicated Crop
Enrichment Center, spending all your free, reserved and eventually paid
time on discovering, breeding and analyzing new plants and their uses
for this concern. If you succeed or at least do your job with best
effort, you will be granted a life among the noble upperclass. If you
fail... there are still some free jobs in the "Bio-Organic Fertilizer
Developement"-Section.Starting with the basics, you'll need to craft/buy/aqquire/steal a
set of what will be referred to as "Crop(sticks)". This term is not to
be confused with the crop used in disciplinary measures against
unwilling employees.
Create these cropsticks by arranging a few common sticks in this shape:X_X
Always remember; our guide artists are considered
mentally-unstable and will eventually take critique of their work as a
personal offense, to which they may react with the excessive usage of
explosives or firearms. Please don't be afraid by this and still state
anything about the graphics and recipe displays of this guide. Your
statement will, of course with your name, a picture and your physical
address, be transmitted to the given mentally-unstably artist.After succeeding in this incredible difficult task and proving
your IQ does not equal 0, you may continue by preparing the basic soil
for your cropxperiments. Please be advised, the term cropxperiments is
copyrighted by Apertura Agricultures and may only be used within the PR
department. Any un-permitted use of this term will be reported to
mentally-unstable artists.
Cropsticks can only be planted on pre-tilled soil. All cropsticks handed
to you by the control staff are complex machines with sensors refusing
to be placed anywhere but in tilled soil.
Placing these cropsticks should prove easy for you, if it doesnt,
remember to press them down with your RIGHT hand until it does 'click'.Congratulations on your first successfull cropstick-installation.
As a sign of gratification you will receive a cookie at the end of your
work shift. Please remember your work shift being a 24/7 employment for
the next 45 years.The proof! GLaDOS has infiltrated IC²!
I just noticed that Alblaka has written this in the Agriculture Tutorial. So it actually is:"The proof! GLaDOS has infiltrated Alblaka!"
EDIT II.: The same post count, now with
doubletriple the amount of IC related quotes!I declare, this will be the year of IC2! We'll rise again, fellers!
Assuming updates become more of a regular event. IC2 hasn't updated in a year
Like this? -
:they have to each other that the they aren't visible.
And people think our documentation is bad, no idea where they're getting it from. -
I can't do anything about the Real World being terrible at Game Balance.