Could we post to-be servers in this section? As in servers that will exist as soon as the SMP comes out.

RULES regarding threads in this section
- Alblaka
- Closed
Could we post to-be servers in this section? As in servers that will exist as soon as the SMP comes out.
Question: Define exactly the terms of this "However, you're not allowed to create an own system selling partial rights to people (>Premium Accounts)."
I ask because a very common trait among many vanilla Bukkit servers is to allow donators special access to things like warp points, portable chests, or any number of other features. Where do you delineate between selling partial rights and simply incentivizing donations? I can certainly understand where you would be wary of those who would lock IC items behind a paywall of sorts, at the same time, not being able to incentivize donation definitely skews the upkeep model towards the P2P style in my mind.
-Thanks, Lhowon.
Question: Define exactly the terms of this "However, you're not allowed to create an own system selling partial rights to people (>Premium Accounts)."
I ask because a very common trait among many vanilla Bukkit servers is to allow donators special access to things like warp points, portable chests, or any number of other features. Where do you delineate between selling partial rights and simply incentivizing donations? I can certainly understand where you would be wary of those who would lock IC items behind a paywall of sorts, at the same time, not being able to incentivize donation definitely skews the upkeep model towards the P2P style in my mind.
-Thanks, Lhowon.
Wanted to ask similar question:
Is it OK to sell rights or some EXTRA features? Like ability to use command </kit> time after time to players which donated? Or like colored nicknames and some extra protection zones (like enderman griefing, no pvp and such)? -
I ask the same question.
The only thing I want to give my donators is a yellow text colour (and of course a listing on the donator page) but on the other hand servers where donators get to use creative mod and such get reaaly boring (you build a statue only to see someone whodonatedpaid 50 cents has built an exact replica in 5 minutes out of iron blocks. -
Could we post a request for our servers to be sticked here to?
I dont know any ops to talk with, :p
http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&threadID=3371&pageNo=5 -
I know that some of the modders really hate technic pack, not sure if you guys do or not, but are we allowed to post tekkit servers on this page? or do you guys oppose using technic in any form?
The only reason I ask is because the technic people run their forum like grammar nazi's and constantly shut down and ban people for minor stuff all the time.
I would like to add that it is illegal (see to publicly redistribute .minecraft folders or minecraft.jar files. All servers caught redistributing one of these in public (do so in private) will have the infringing download removed.
I host free server for projects and would like to know, if i can advertise my hosting abilities here as I want to help smaller servers without much resources to grow by providing better architecture to host on?
I'm already hosting 4 Servers, but im nowhere near my capacity and always happy to add more servers to my Network. -
Could someone plz answer this question! Is is ok to reward people for donations? such as make chestshops,use tpa, custom title, etc?
Serveral people have asked this plz answer -
I have the same question as above, but also would like to know, you say here "The server must have a set of rules or any sort of guidelines"
Does that mean it can't be anarchy? I mean we have some basic rules like, no hacking, no spamming, and no excessive swearing, but that's it.
I myself prefer anarchy (got used to it on a russian server with IC2, BC, RedPower, Forestry a while back). -
I have the same question as above, but also would like to know, you say here "The server must have a set of rules or any sort of guidelines"
Does that mean it can't be anarchy? I mean we have some basic rules like, no hacking, no spamming, and no excessive swearing, but that's it.
I myself prefer anarchy (got used to it on a russian server with IC2, BC, RedPower, Forestry a while back).I could also use clarification on the rules question. I don't want anarchy but I didn't have much in the way of rules and restrictions planned aside from the general respect set of no hacking and stealing and such.
I would also appreciate clarification regarding proper server status. I have what should be a ~24/7 server but it is run from one of my own decent machines at home rather than a paid server center. I wasn't clear if you only wanted people to ask for sticky if they are using server centers or not. -
Hello i tried to pm some guys, but had no answers
Could you please sticky my server? Joobs playground [IC2] [Forestry] [RC] [Computercraft] [Mystcraft] [Buildcraft!] 1.4.2Thanks!