Name: Nuclear Jetpack
Description: [WARNING: some of the following maybe purely for flavor] The Nuclear Jetpack is a miniaturized iridium reinforced nuclear reactor core that has been striped of all its energy making bits to save weight and in their place is added airscoops, failsafes, and a pressure chamber. The logical way it works is a uranium cell heats forced in a air and coolant mixture from one of the jetpack and when sufficient pressure is built up directs them out the other end of the jetpack allowing the jetpack to propel buster steve into the air. When the reactors supply of coolant is expended an integrated redstone fail safe is triggered and the reactor core shuts down. the jetpack can be "refueled" by placing it and 4 cooling cells in a canning machine. After a certain period of flight time (however long a full reactor cycle is) the jetpack's uranium will be depleted (prducing a depleted nuclear jetpack) and requiring it to be refueled for real this is a simple process of poping the jetpack and a uranium cell in a crafting grid to replace the jetpack's uranium cell. In all cases the jetpack carries enough pressure reserves to reach sea level and forces is low the operator to land safely when pressure is low. The jetpack also features an unlimited fight cieling(ok 256m the word of jeb has spoken) and hover move.
ingredients: 1 reactor core, 4 coolant cells, 1 advanced circuit, 2 iridium plates, 1 uranium cell
then just strap it on and let'r rip!(pun intended "green steam"(flavor not serious))