Display MoreBC is still alive. It has :
1. autocraft table (almost the only under forge);
2. gates (almost the only way to know most block's states);
3. two great addons (which should be incorporated imho);
4. large scale machines like quarry and builder (kind of magic but works);
5. simple transport system (Eloraam's are better);
6. simple energy system (Eloraam's are better, IC2 too);
7. something else I forgot.
8. To kill BC you need alternatives for all sides.
1. Eloraam you forgot something.
2. Only applies to BC-Blocks so without BC you will not need them, also they are not SMP-Compatible
3. Logistic Pipes? Then whatfor is my Projecttable good?
4. Quarry? QUARRY??? This thing is Shit! Look at my Redpower-8x8-Tunnelboringmachine at Bedrock and say it's not better than that
5. Yes Tubes are better and bugfree-er.
6. True, Electricity and Blutricity are better than BC-Pressure.
7. You mean the Builder? I already have Turtles for that.
8. What did you say?