I suggest that we add a fire extinguisher. When explosives are lit, or your home is burning because of a fireplace error, or you walk into lava, it could put them out. It would be crafted with CF sprayer and
. It would consume water cells. Or construction foam.
Fire Extinguisher
- NuclearStudent
- Closed
Drat, someone beat me to posting an idea for this. S'what I get for goin to work.
+1 on the idea though I think the recipe could be a bit more complicated.
Maybe have to assemble a nozzle to an empty extinguisher and fill in canning machine with water cells or a dry/wet chem mix.
my take is in the spoiler if anyone wants to take a peek.
and the canister
empty extinguisher would be
Where tap = nozzle and cell = canisterFor a dry chem we could use a copper based extinguishing agent like the US Navy did. Though it's meant for metal fires but since this is industrial craft I bet we can handwave it as a metal fire somehow what with all the fine particulates in the air from our macerators HAYO
Copper Extinguishing agent
which is our agent which we put in the canning machine to fill the extinguisher.
Now might be wondering why the resin, I would imagine to make it stick to the stuff on fire to keep the copper on to act as a heat sink to drop the material from it's flash point. -
Why complicated? Putting out a fire in minecraft its as easy as punching it with anything. Even punching it with fire in your hand will extinguish it.
Perhaps the fire is in a place you cant reach without breaking blocks or it's higher then you can reach without taking time to climb. Time which the fire can use to spread and consume.
Or perhaps the fire is just too large to punch out by yourself before it does a looot of fire damage to your home/factory/the forrest surrounding your factory/home which will then cause lots of lag.
True you can build out of incombustible materials but visually they are unappealing at times.
I never said the fire extinguisher its a bad idea (Just a meh solution for a meh problem that only happens during meh times), but for it to have any use its like you said, it either have to be fast or long range or aoe. Also its not necessary to go to such complicated lengths in his creation when the problem isn't worth it most of the time. (Spending more time making the fire extinguisher than actually putting the fire out, no just no)
More time spent making it then using it.
Could be applied to a multitude of safety tools and systems made for emergency use.
A thought did just occur to me though. using a water bucket might wash away certain things in the flow of said liquid (redstone/torches/other blocks that come off with water). An extinguisher wouldn't do such a thing and as you pointed out, would be like an AOE ( I hope anyway, not sure how the OP planned that part of his extinguisher)
Better make some passive extinguisher, which auto activates when fire touch it and extinguish a large volume around.
The only Fire Extinguisher I see being added to IC2 is an explosive the size of a nuke that only puts out fire, and nothing else.
Because the only real way to fight fire, is with fire.
Or explosives. Explosives always beat fire.
We're trying to put out a small fire, not an oil derrick fire!
We're trying to put out a small fire, not an oil derrick fire!
Doesn't sound IC2y.
Go big, or go bigger. There is no going home.
if we wanted to go big wouldn't we just rig a teleporter to teleport out the air and choke all the fire(and everything else) in a 10 chunk radius?
related: the next version of minecraft makes wood slabs flammable. as a result ic2 should add an auto sprinkler system for buildings
if we wanted to go big wouldn't we just rig a teleporter to teleport out the air and choke all the fire(and everything else) in a 10 chunk radius?
related: the next version of minecraft makes wood slabs flammable. as a result ic2 should add an auto sprinkler system for buildings
One, 20 block diameter is amazingly small.
Two, that would kill everything. Kind of not what is wanted...
Three. Explosions. Are you really arguing against explosions? -
I'm not arguing i'm just having fun with your "go big or go bigger" comment
One, 20 block diameter is amazingly small.
Two, that would kill everything. Kind of not what is wanted...
Three. Explosions. Are you really arguing against explosions?yes, because I'd rather have my house burned down than have it blown to bits
an explosive the size of a nuke that only puts out fire, and nothing else.
yes, because I'd rather have my house burned down than have it blown to bits
I believe you missed my original post. It doesn't deal damage.
Perhaps the fire is in a place you cant reach without breaking blocks or it's higher then you can reach without taking time to climb. Time which the fire can use to spread and consume.
Use a damn hose!
Could be added, but I don't think many players would use it.
But ... if it make IC² more complete ...
Why not. -
Maybe it could consume coolant cells, and freeze water when you spray it on water?
add a function to the freezing terraformer to suppress all fires