1 Stack of coal holds much more energy (76440 EU for coal can vs. 256,000 EU for 64 coal) and the coalfuel generation process is labor-intensive and somewhat expensive (costing 1.25 tin ingots per can iirc). When would you use it?

When would you use coalfuel?
- quantumleaf7895
- Closed
Never, I get past generators as fast as possible.
I usually end up with one of 4 scenarios depending on stuff:1: Solar (most frequent occurrence here)
2: Wind (haven't done any since the world height)
3: Geothermal (depends on lava sources)
4: Nuclear (namely, an auto-shutoff CASUC system that fills 4 MFSUs)only done #4 once but it worked great while I was still playing that world. The ~256 solar panel worth I had at that point went straight to the mass fab.
my latest world I just went with mr. old standby solar. Had 4 geothermal and a scrap system that lasted just long enough to get me a q-suit set. Had 2 BC tank from sea level to max height, one full, another mostly full. -
When all my Dynamite needs are fullfilled so i can make Superfuel.
*sticks Pump over lava in Nether*
*Attaches appropriate pipes/engines*What's Coal Fuel?
Only in multiplayer and then only at the Beginning, because I need the Coal for more Diamonds (Glassfibrecables), and i use Thaumcrafts Alumentum as Generatorfuel in Singleplayer.
After that i use manned Watergens (with Redpower) and Lava for Energy, and my CASUCs are only for Massfabrication.
So everyone's as stumped as me?
If you are using straight IC2 and wish to avoid building too many solars, then coalfuel (boosted with whatever dusts you can spare) are the next step after burning straight coal. I would imagine you can move past coalfuel once you find and pump a decent sized lava lake.
i would use coal fuel when i play mystcraft and find a world made entirly out of coal
i would use coal fuel when i play mystcraft and find a world made entirly out of coal
That sounds more like a world full of diamonds to me... especially if it's an eternal day world...
If you are using straight IC2 and wish to avoid building too many solars, then coalfuel (boosted with whatever dusts you can spare) are the next step after burning straight coal. I would imagine you can move past coalfuel once you find and pump a decent sized lava lake.
Problem is you find lava alot earlier than you can get a coalfuel chain up. On top of that using lava is easier and cheaper and gives more energy.
Even if coalfuel and biofuel output get doubled i wouldnt use it. ITS THAT CRAPPY....
considered the effort, a tree farm is a better alternative. biofuel and charcoal/scaffolds to burn in the generator.
So, we've demonstrated that there's no real situation where coalfuel is a viable power source. How about this: What's better, geothermal power or forestry biopower gen + biofuel? (not biomass)
So, we've demonstrated that there's no real situation where coalfuel is a viable power source. How about this: What's better, geothermal power or forestry biopower gen + biofuel? (not biomass)
while I haven't used the biopower gen much i'd say that one by far as biofuel is much easier to make. Not to mention seemingly a lot more effective with saplings from a treefarm. also not to mention that it doesn't use tin on cells -
I have to admit, I haven't used either -- for me, 12 wind gens + MFSU has always been enough power gen/storage for me. I probably need to step up my generation, though -- If i want to get any teleporters or terraformers up, I'll need more power. But besides those and UU-Matter, what is there to draw large amounts of power?
I have to admit, I haven't used either -- for me, 12 wind gens + MFSU has always been enough power gen/storage for me. I probably need to step up my generation, though -- If i want to get any teleporters or terraformers up, I'll need more power. But besides those and UU-Matter, what is there to draw large amounts of power?
super overclocked insta-process machines? an EV electric fence? a uum water fall in your bedroom? a chest full of quantum suits? agriculture?
So, we've demonstrated that there's no real situation where coalfuel is a viable power source. How about this: What's better, geothermal power or forestry biopower gen + biofuel? (not biomass)
Oooooo... Now THAT's a question... let's see..
On one hand, you get alot of burst power, your storage counts for a greater yield of energy, AND there is an entire realm dedicated to the stuff...
But on the other, you can develop fully automated process to continually generate your energy via Minecraft's inherent use and design of vegetation...
we've demonstrated that there's no real situation where coalfuel is a viable power source. How about this: What's better, geothermal power or forestry biopower gen + biofuel? (not biomass)
They both give 20k eu at 20eu/t, so it depends on availability of biomass and lava.
I do consider both somewhat underpowered, and prefer using forestry biogas engines running on biomass (not fuel) then converting MJ=>EU with one of the crossover addons (currently favorite - transformers) -
They both give 20k eu at 20eu/t, so it depends on availability of biomass and lava.
I do consider both somewhat underpowered, and prefer using forestry biogas engines running on biomass (not fuel) then converting MJ=>EU with one of the crossover addons (currently favorite - transformers)Yeah... I get the feeling that using converters in such a way would be OP as hell due to their design... but meh..
Whats Coal fuel?
*sticks Pump over lava in Nether*
*Attaches appropriate pipes/engines*What's Coal Fuel?
Whats Coal fuel?
the ic2 version of oilwhat? you knew that already? then why did you say.. OH! you were joking. no i don't think it was funny toolboxes have beaten that kind of joke to death./joke