im looking for a specific type of game but i am having no luck finding a game of the genre.
First of all im looking for spaceship (but not limited a spachship. any vechile game) where you can buy different hulls and buy and put parts that afect the ship for examp you could make a tank to take alot of damage or sacrifce movment speed and armour to make one good at range and dps. / i have found one game similiar to this S.P.A.Z. and maybe eve online but i have not investigated it because it is pay monthly.
Secound game i am looking for is a shooting game. i want a shooting game that has indepth customization such as the new ghost recon game ( or similiar to the army of two 40th day weapon customization trailier where you can put m4 barrels into a ak gas system and use a sniper stock. or if you have ever played around with willow tree and borderlands. and not just like the fisrt army of two where you just buy linier upgrades for a weapon that does not add any cons.) i am mostly looking for weapon custimaztion but if the game has armour and equiment customaztion that would be wonderful. (please do not suggest "ouuhhh i think crysis had some indepth realtime customaztion." or " buy call of duty you can put attachments is the best evarr " because that is all i have found in other forums i have searched.
Thanks for anything using your time to help me.
edit: ps: like this but in a game