Hello, potential Consumer of GregTech Intergalactical,
Today we will show you the newest Invention of our Factorybranch, the "Electric Chunkloader"!
You have may seen it already, by our Concurrents like Railcorp, Telepipe or even by Miracleworks, it is capable of running your Factories 24 hours a Day, 365.24 Days a Year, without interruption, if you have enough Energy to run it that long. "But it costs me 32 EU/t, why i should use it?", Good Question, lets answer with one of our special Features, like independence from Railcorps Chunkanchors, Telepipes Chunktethers and these strange magical Earthrunes made by Miracleworks. If these companies are not there and you have to use Chunkloadmechanisms, what are you doing? Going to Powertech and asking for a Chunkloadgate? NO, they don't even made one! We are using a Chunkloadmechanism from Forge-International and a lot of our Circurity to enable YOU, an HAYOish independence of these Companies.
Of course, we are not showing you our Blueprints for that Device, you have to buy it from us, for only 2 Stacks of UUM!
not including shippingcosts, we are NOT accepting Credits and we are currently out of stock!
So and that's the Suggestion explained for lazy people:
This is a 3x3 Chunkloader, which costs EU (configurable, but i would say 32 EU/t by default) and can, if unwanted, be disabled via config.
IC² is a Factoryutilitymod, it should have its own EU-eating Chunkloaders.