[Addon MC r1.2.5 and MC r1.4.6/7] UU Matter recipes for Redpower Materials v1.1

  • And here's another tiny little recipe mod from me.

    This lets you craft marble, basalt, gems, nikolite, silver ore and tungsten ore from Redpower 2 using UU matter. It works by reading in Redpower's config file and working out which block and item IDs it uses. You can actually run this mod without Redpower (though you do need IC2), but it won't do anything (kinda pointless, really).

    You'll need to run Redpower at least once (so that it generates a config file) before this mod will create its recipes - if it's a fresh installation of both, just run Minecraft/the server once, close it and then start it again

    Stick the relevant zip file into the .minecraft/mods/ directory of your installation and away you go. Just as in my nuke cells recipe mod, clients don't need the mod installed to connect to a server running it or to create RP2 resources on said server, they just won't see it appear in the output slot.


    8 marble:
    :Matter: [] []
    [] [] []
    [] [] []

    6 basalt:
    [] [] :Matter:
    [] [] []
    [] [] []

    1 ruby:
    :Matter: [] []
    [] [] []
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    1 emerald:
    [] :Matter: []
    [] [] []
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    1 sapphire:
    [] [] :Matter:
    [] [] []
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    12 nikolite:
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:
    [] :Matter: []
    [] [] []

    1 silver ore:
    [] [] :Matter:
    [] :Matter: :Matter:
    [] [] :Matter:

    1 tungsten ore (yes, that is a diamond in the middle):
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:
    :Matter: :Industrial Diamond: :Matter:
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    v1.0: create marble and basalt with UU matter.
    v1.1: create gems, nikolite, silver and tungsten as well

    2013-03-07: updated mod to support the various beta versions of IC2 for Minecraft r1.4.6/7

    Known bugs: I don't know how to hide these recipes from NEI.

    And before the flood of "ZOMG YOU DECOMPILED REDPOWER YOU ARE A BAD MAN!!!shift-one" comments comes in, there are no components of Redpower in here and no kind of interfaces to its code. Check the source if you don't believe me.

    Since I copied a decent quantity of code from Forge's config parser, this mod will most likely fall under the Minecraft Forge Public License. This does, of course, make no difference whatsoever to my normal view on things (take the source code, do whatever you like with it).

  • Looks useful. :D

    And before the flood of "ZOMG YOU DECOMPILED REDPOWER YOU ARE A BAD MAN!!!shift-one" comments comes in, there are no components of Redpower in here and no kind of interfaces to its code. Check the source if you don't believe me.

    inb4 happens anyway

    EDIT: Perhaps UUM recipes for the gems?

  • Gems and that blue stuff from UU matter would be a nice feature for a later update.
    No rush, but it would be nice.

    Apprentice Redstoner, Professional Slacker

  • Gems and that blue stuff from UU matter would be a nice feature for a later update.
    No rush, but it would be nice.

    Adding gems, silver, nikolite and tungsten would actually be a pretty quick and easy change - all I need to do is pick their block/item IDs out of the config file and add recipes. The hardest part is actually going to be balancing the costs - you get 16 fired stone from 1 UU matter, so I halved it for marble (it's rarer) and then took it down again to 3/4 for basalt (rarer still, more explosion-resistant). Bear in mind that diamond already costs 9, so making it cost more UU than that would be somewhat difficult, unless... somehow I could put a multiple itemstack in the crafting requirements.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

    • Official Post

    Tungsten could be a large Problem due to having to cost at least 18 UUM. If there would be Tungstendust in IC², then you could make an 8-UUM-Recipe for it.

    But now seriously, Tungsten has actually no use, except throwing it into my Crucible (i gave it a Visvalue of 250 via config). I guess Pahicraft Incorporated gave it an EMC of 2 Diamonds, but EE is not used by me.

    I will try your Addon, when you addedthe other Recipes for Nikolite and the Gems. I would use 7-UUM-Recipes for the three Gems and a Recipe similar to the Redstoneone for Nikolite. For Silverore i would prefer a 4-UUM-Recipe, so thats between Gold and Tin in UUM-Valuability.

  • Tungsten could be a large Problem due to having to cost at least 18 UUM. If there would be Tungstendust in IC², then you could make an 8-UUM-Recipe for it.

    But now seriously, Tungsten has actually no use, except throwing it into my Crucible (i gave it a Visvalue of 250 via config). I guess Pahicraft Incorporated gave it an EMC of 2 Diamonds, but EE is not used by me.

    I will try your Addon, when you addedthe other Recipes for Nikolite and the Gems. I would use 7-UUM-Recipes for the three Gems and a Recipe similar to the Redstoneone for Nikolite. For Silverore i would prefer a 4-UUM-Recipe, so thats between Gold and Tin in UUM-Valuability.

    Added recipes for the other Redpower items. I've priced the gems at 4 UU matter each (because they're almost useless), 12 nikolite for 4 UU matter (twice the cost of redstone), 1 silver ore for 4 UU matter (that stuff's quite rare) and 8 UU matter + 1 diamond for 1 tungsten ore.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • Due to a brainless mistake on my part (gave it the server's file location code - stupid Forge, why can't you have a "locate Minecraft dir" function for both client and server), the client mod would not have worked. I've uploaded a fixed version - use that instead.

    EDIT: ignore this, don't download it - it'll crash your Minecraft. You might need to use the newest version of Forge (I'm on

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

    Edited 2 times, last by DoomFruit ().

  • I was planning to figure out how to do this myself but was too lazy. Thank you. Bookmarked for later assimilation.

    Oh and... DoomFruit: MissingNo. avatar?

  • I was planning to figure out how to do this myself but was too lazy. Thank you. Bookmarked for later assimilation.

    Oh and... DoomFruit: MissingNo. avatar?

    Yup. My favourite Pokemon.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • Is this going to be updated for the new version?

    It already works - any mod that worked for IC2 v1.95 will work for 1.103 unless the mod author has done something very strange. Title edited to reflect this.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • I've forked this project on my github (https://github.com/pantheis/UU-RP_Recipes) and made the following changes:

    Separated Client/Server specific code into CommonProxy.java files
    Added mcmod.info file
    Added proper CraftBukkit port based on craftbukkit-1.2.5-R5.0-MCPC-SNAPSHOT-182.jar
    Moved IC2 recipe additions to modsLoaded() so that we don't try to add recipes using blocks that haven't yet been initialized, which can still happen even with a getPriorities "after" line.

    This update may not be backwards compatible due to reorganizing the mod a little.
    I'm attaching the 1.1.1 fork I made below. The bukkit port has been quickly tested. Please let me know if there are any issues.

  • It already works - any mod that worked for IC2 v1.95 will work for 1.103 unless the mod author has done something very strange. Title edited to reflect this.

    Thanks but I wonder why would you want to make tungsten? Does it have a secret use or something? I heard it is worth a lot of EMC in EE but I am not using that.

    Just rel@x, everything will be ok.

  • Cool, thanks. I'm quite nooby at Minecraft modding (I have no idea what a CommonProxy is), so any bugfixes are quite welcome. I can't really test the Bukkit port myself, since I use a vanilla server.

    Thanks but I wonder why would you want to make tungsten? Does it have a secret use or something? I heard it is worth a lot of EMC in EE but I am not using that.

    I know of no use whatsoever for tungsten. But it might have a use in the future, so why not give it a recipe.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • Cool, thanks. I'm quite nooby at Minecraft modding (I have no idea what a CommonProxy is), so any bugfixes are quite welcome. I can't really test the Bukkit port myself, since I use a vanilla server.

    CommonProxy.java is just a file name I made up. You use the same file name on both client and server sides of the code and have the same functions within it. You can use this so client only things happen on the client and server only things happen on the server. The common code base calls CommonProxy.Function(var1, var2) etc, and on the side that nothing should happen, the code is blank in the CommonProxy.java file, while on the side that should have something happen, you have actual code.

    Luckily, this is a thing of the past (mostly) once we're all under MC 1.3.2. :)

    • Official Post

    CommonProxy.java is just a file name I made up. You use the same file name on both client and server sides of the code and have the same functions within it. You can use this so client only things happen on the client and server only things happen on the server. The common code base calls CommonProxy.Function(var1, var2) etc, and on the side that nothing should happen, the code is blank in the CommonProxy.java file, while on the side that should have something happen, you have actual code.

    Luckily, this is a thing of the past (mostly) once we're all under MC 1.3.2. :)

    You know that you now have to make that Proxysystem in 1.3.2, or? Its now easier with Forge, but its still necessary and pretty usefull.

  • You know that you now have to make that Proxysystem in 1.3.2, or? Its now easier with Forge, but its still necessary and pretty usefull.

    Ouch. I haven't even looked at MC 1.3.2 yet, since there are no mods out for it (well, not the important ones, anyway). I'm not looking forward to learning the new system.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

    • Official Post

    Ouch. I haven't even looked at MC 1.3.2 yet, since there are no mods out for it (well, not the important ones, anyway). I'm not looking forward to learning the new system.

    These may help you:
