Awesome mod, awesome recipe! The gravitation suit uses way to much energy though imo
Looking forward to 1.106 update (I'm not asking for an update!
Btw. why is this still in "Pending Addons"? It seems pretty well-functioning to me
Awesome mod, awesome recipe! The gravitation suit uses way to much energy though imo
Looking forward to 1.106 update (I'm not asking for an update!
Btw. why is this still in "Pending Addons"? It seems pretty well-functioning to me
Would be kinda silly for it to be dependent on another mod tho
But the idea of the helmet sounds awesome
How about any other power generation techniques? A nuclear reactor in your helmet might not feel very comfortable and safe, but at least that'll keep you running for a loooong time.
Don't forget Sentinel Prime died in the movie Might never hit 1.106
Don't forget Sentinel Prime died in the movie
Might never hit 1.106
It will. Otherwise i would cry alot
Patience guys I will add new version soon as posible ! I wiil be some cool things in new updated
Patience guys
I will add new version soon as posible ! I wiil be some cool things in new updated
I hope that includes some configs to disable things if they are a bit to overpowered for us
I hope that includes some configs to disable things if they are a bit to overpowered for us
What things ? Addon have 2 items now. I can add disable gravichest option, but this item is primary in addon.
What things ? Addon have 2 items now. I can add disable gravichest option, but this item is primary in addon.
I was more referring on future additions Sometimes devs add something to destructive or to cheap and where a person like me would love to just disable it
For example on my one server all we do is use the ultimate lap pack.
Would be kinda silly for it to be dependent on another mod tho
But the idea of the helmet sounds awesome
Well, this mod could check whether Compact Solars is installed. If it is, it'll use the HV solar array and if it isn't, it'll use something equally expensive.
EDIT: BTW, I think it would be cool if you could place the superconductors in the world, as a cable without any energy loss.
EDIT: BTW, I think it would be cool if you could place the superconductors in the world, as a cable without any energy loss.
And not having max energie packet size
my recipe would look like this:
avanced alloy = A
60k Cooling Cells = C
Goldblock = G
For 12 superconductor cable.
Not cheap but payable.
Any update on how the switch to IC2 v1.106 is coming?
Edit: removed offending EE2 & gravisuit files. Hopefully Pahimar and SeNtiMeL will patch them in!
Bukkit source for the FlightWrapper, in case anyone else wants to use it or the OP wants to adopt it. It shouldn't be too hard to adapt this to other environments besides Bukkit; it's not very complex code.
To use:
- when your mod enables flight for a player, use addEnabler(player, identifier), where player is the player object and identifier is a string identifying your flight method. It won't add multiple copies of the same identifier, but you can have more than one if you have different items or situations that could enable flight.
- when your mod disables flight for a player, use removeEnabler(player, identifier). It's safe to do this even if the identifier is already gone or the player isn't in the list, so feel free to do it every tick.
- call update(players) at least whenever your mod changes anything, if not once per tick, to 'apply' the changes and sync the client and server.
Did you obtain permission from EE to modify&redistribute their files (and same thing applies to Sentimel)?
Any update on how the switch to IC2 v1.106 is coming?
Prob pointless anyways to update since IC does not even having working suits for SMP nor does anyone want to make a patch for it
Did you obtain permission from EE to modify&redistribute their files (and same thing applies to Sentimel)?
Nope I'm still new to this. Sorry! I took down the files and left the one that I made so the OP can use it (I also sent it to Pahimar to include it in EE2)
Just FYI, I already contacted Pahimar about EE2 and fixing the flight support to not cause problems with other mods and the response I got was that EE2 is not being updated for Minecraft 1.3.2 so no effort is going to be taken to fix EE2. EE3 will not have this issue and that will be out for Minecraft 1.3.2.
In the mean time, if you are still on MC 1.2.5 and using EE2, you'll have to fix the flight mode yourself.
Edit: removed offending EE2 & gravisuit files. Hopefully Pahimar and SeNtiMeL will patch them in!
To use:
- when your mod enables flight for a player, use addEnabler(player, identifier), where player is the player object and identifier is a string identifying your flight method. It won't add multiple copies of the same identifier, but you can have more than one if you have different items or situations that could enable flight.
- when your mod disables flight for a player, use removeEnabler(player, identifier). It's safe to do this even if the identifier is already gone or the player isn't in the list, so feel free to do it every tick.
- call update(players) at least whenever your mod changes anything, if not once per tick, to 'apply' the changes and sync the client and server.
It's not need for my addon, because this function is already in main class. I check who enable flight. Fix needed only for EE2, because EE2 not recognize which mod enable fly.
Because it's very advanced tech
No cheap craft recipe.
For Russians
Не должно быть дешевого рецепта, чтобы было куда стремиться
оу вот подарочек http://forum.industrial-craft.…/smilies/quantumBoots.png