QuoteXycraft Corn for example
Xycraft? Isn't that currently unfinished and so obviously unreleased?
QuoteXycraft Corn for example
Xycraft? Isn't that currently unfinished and so obviously unreleased?
I'm sorry but enough is enough. EVERYONE keep saying "(item x) is to OP, it has to be nerfed" it is in my opinion that some items are OP for a reason, they are a goal to strive for and if you think it is OP, don't use it. Now granted there are some items that need to be nerfed (Xycraft Corn for example) but i belive that the Quantum suit should actually get a upgrade (customisable quantum chestplates) and not a nerf. Again, sorry Kane-Heart, there have just been to many to OP posts around the internet lately,
Thankfully Greg Thinks the same as I do that the QSuit is to high tier level and to easy to craft and to easy to power. Where it does fall is how fail it is like the boots run out power 5x more.
Xycraft? Isn't that currently unfinished and so obviously unreleased?
Yes, but if you have seen the livestreams and videos that have got Xycraft corn in it, you see that in it's current state, it fills equal to/more then a cooked item
Thankfully Greg Thinks the same as I do that the QSuit is to high tier level and to easy to craft and to easy to power. Where it does fall is how fail it is like the boots run out power 5x more.
Again, sorry. it wasn't directed at you but at people who think that Modded End Game Minecraft is to OP. I probably should mention that one of the earliest mods I used was EE in 1.7.3 when it was really OP but also really fun and really rewarding if you made them without transmutation, a skill i still use to this day
All I hear is you like cheating. EE Sucks because how cheap it is. If you looked into GregTech its about not only higher tier items but also some balance on recipes.
All I hear is you like cheating. EE Sucks because how cheap it is.
Didn't you once say that IC2 itself is ruining your server from cheapness with mass fabrication afking?
All I hear is you like cheating. EE Sucks because how cheap it is. If you looked into GregTech its about not only higher tier items but also some balance on recipes.
When i used EE1, all it had was Philosopher's stone transmutation and the gem of eternal Density. The gem was the LAST item I made, I NEVER used the transmutation recepies, and, due to a mental trait of mine, I NEVER CHEET!!!!!!!!!! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL!
Didn't you once say that IC2 itself is ruining your server from cheapness with mass fabrication afking?
Yup, We do the best we can nerfing things like disabling certain recipes and even banning recyclers and etc.
Nice mod, i like wireless Energy transfer, maybe make wireless item transfer for quantum chest haha thank you
"EE is only OP if you use it that way."-CrazyCrafter
I agree with his statement
i like the way how greg does with balancing recipes for some ic2 basement items.. and about EE - its Creative nothing else.. if you cry about it don't use it -
i already suggested a change on Quantum but i think it have been forgotten, or AL is allready working on it. Well it would be nice to configure the Energy drain lvl of nano and quantum. its like "If you don't like it then disable it. -simple.
Greg 5* for your tier 4 addon i really like to see how it grows <3
Quantumsuit will get nerfed a bit, as soon as i add the "advanced Quantumsuit" (need better Name), and that as soon as i can make SMP-Working Jetpacks (as soon as IC² fixes that), and that as soon as i can override Quantumspeed and Quantumjump.
Memo to myself: Fix Uraniumcells not giving depleted Cells with my Nuclearfix. Please bug me when i forget to mention it in the next changelog.
Jetpacks do work in SMP since the latest fix
Jetpacks do work in SMP since the latest fix
Really? Well then, guess what the next Feature will be. (But that could take until the next Weekend)
Quantumsuit will get nerfed a bit, as soon as i add the "advanced Quantumsuit" (need better Name), and that as soon as i can make SMP-Working Jetpacks (as soon as IC² fixes that), and that as soon as i can override Quantumspeed and Quantumjump.
Memo to myself: Fix Uraniumcells not giving depleted Cells with my Nuclearfix. Please bug me when i forget to mention it in the next changelog.
Are you allready talking about "Advanced Quantumsuit" features or is it a Secret. i would like to hear something about it(Just to think about a name to help u) but if its a secret i'm really interressted about that and its features.
and wow lot of complex features
Really? Well then, guess what the next Feature will be. (But that could take until the next Weekend)
JetPacks/Suit works just fine with the fix posted in the pending addons section.
The Tool I'm suggesting would be a sort of BetterThanDiamondrill tool. It would throw Water + Chemics Strange Things + Sand/Gravel/Flint/even Iron Dust if you want that would dig extremly fast (not faster than ML but without losses + small chances of extra loots, for example dust for ores)
So this item would be awesome, thinking it could also give you extra loots, but would have some essentials problems:
1 It consume Energy, a bit more than Diamond Drill, so if ou want to use it, you should use a lappack with but ...
2 It would have to be repaired with Water Cells (or bucket for tinpinchers ^^) or by using a pump.
3 Water would be consumed, but Sand/Iron Dust /Chemical WhatYouWant/Gravel/Iron Dust/Flint too ...
For 16 mined blocks, it would consume: 1 Water "sources" (cells, by using pump, Water Bucket) so if you want to use it in a long way, you'll have to use Watercells (to carry a large amount of it) and so use tin;
For 128 mined blocks, it would also consume 8 Sand/8 Gravel/4 Flint/1 Iron Dust/1-2 Chemical additives (I don't know the word in english, hopping this is the good one) depending on the cost of it (for example if it's Redstone, it would be 2, but only one if it's made out of Glowdust)
Notice that when I say "consume", I let the choice to the Modder to make it via recrafting or harder, GUI or whatever you would like too GreG.
A "Reffiling Pack" (renamed it as you want) could also exist, that could be refilled in larger amount and by using pump (so not wasting tin for Tinpinchers) but ... would have the huge problem that it couldn't be worn with Lappack (but you could have the 2 in your inventory, but it wouldn't be very convenient to change every 64 Blocks minde
[I guess the value of max refueling of that tool would be 4, so 64 blocks, and it could use directly Watercells from your inventory)
It would be cool if you could make an upgrade to a Mining Drill, Diamond Drill, Rock Cutter, Chainsaw and all other tools so they have more internal energy storage (maybe using the Energy Storage Upgrades or something like pressing a key to open the upgrade GUI where you would place those upgrades).
Having a Lappack instead of the chest plate can be fatal sometimes.
It would be cool if you could make an upgrade to a Mining Drill, Diamond Drill, Rock Cutter, Chainsaw and all other tools so they have more internal energy storage (maybe using the Energy Storage Upgrades or something like pressing a key to open the upgrade GUI where you would place those upgrades).
Having a Lappack instead of the chest plate can be fatal sometimes.
Or how about just making thesame tools, but then with Lapotrons, advanced circuits and iridium plates/ingots?