[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
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Neikei911 I like that way
I have 3 Barrels full of Redstone (3x64x64) and a lot of Redstone Ore. Then more than 5 Stacks Rubys (Place a Quarry in a desert, you got so much...., same with sapphire in ocean, I got to much of them)
Well... I dont have Buildcraft installed -> no Quarry.
I simply dont like the Quarry.
Kills most of the fun later in the game - all you do is build+maintain+move quarry(s) around.
But I will install it - just to get the needed redstone+rubys (hopefully) in any reasonable time.
I could cheat the chrome in - but I wont ; even if it would take weeks to get that fusionreactor :evil: -
You can also use IC2 and make Miners. Has the same Effect as a Quarry, but with less Cobble.
Added Cloakingdevice, which grants 100% Invisiblity when worn (the 10Million Charge holds for just 50 seconds), its Recipe is a bit temporary.
Added a new Component, the monitor. Its now used for Computers and similar Devices.
Added Oredictsupport for the Miner of IC². When your log says, that there is an unknown Ore, please tell it to me. It will still be registered at the Miner, but with a Value of 1 -
Quoted from "Hironimo"
As far as I can see it's needed to build a Matterfabricator and thus more iridum ore or other uu-matter stuff. It seemes it's needed in so much stuff in your mod .... I assume thats intentional?It's configurable (you can disable a lot of things or enable a lot of others, as Matterfabricator recipes)
Added Cloakingdevice, which grants 100% Invisiblity when worn (the 10Million Charge holds for just 50 seconds), its Recipe is a bit temporary.Cloaking devices effectively disables rendering , but does not apply invisibility effect correctly, as mobs can see you and will attack you.
A key to deactivate/activate cloaking device would be nice so it doesnt use energy all the time?I like the cloaking device but it lasts for too few. A cloaking suit (boots,legs,chestplate,head) would be nice. However it would provide only 50% dmg reduction.
It would use cloaking devices + IDSU + lots of stuff + nanosuit (as a base armor). [All parts have 1 billion EU storage but these are shared with player IDSU]
Each part can effectively stealth the player, however the more parts of cloaking armor you have, less energy per second is used. -
Yes, its linear.
I cant correct the Pictures on the Wiki as the only one, who can do that is offline.
There is a Dropboxlink on the wiki, which shows the most recent Recipes. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88825306/GT_Recipes.PNG
Since that thing got kinda hidden by the friendly Guys from the Wiki, i will place it in the Thread again.Hironimo, this is part of the reason why I made the second wiki. No one is able to add images or additional pages on the first one. That's why everything is a wall of text and all the recipes have 32px placeholders.
@Greg, Sorry, I forgot about that link. I have placed it on the "home" and "Recipe" pages of the un-official wiki.
Cloaking devices effectively disables rendering , but does not apply invisibility effect correctly, as mobs can see you and will attack you.
It only disables rendering, when the Potioneffect is applied. Maybe its only happening Clientside the correct way. I will increase the effect itself by 5 secs.
What ? I could agree for Deuterium Tritium but ... Uranium is maybe contained in seawater, but I guess the exctracting price is SO expensive that you couldn't get energy profits even with using it in Nuclear Reactor ^^. At least, if you really want something that create energy out of nothing (or almost nothing), there's greengen/Fusion Reactor.
using real life numbers, extracting uranium from sea water is at least 600 times cheaper (ie using the current, ineffecient systems, not using the one developed by ORNL this year that is a few times faster, and probably cheaper) per energy unit that oil, after accounting for how low the concentration in the water is.
The uranium from sea water however is currently 10x more expensive than mining it (again, expected to be less after implementing the new technology by ORNL, which would probably drop to the 2-5x more expensive range).
You can basically find EVERYTHING in Oceanwater. Oceanwater has to be finite and specially declarable (impossible as far as i know), to make any use of that, and then we still have the Problem about needing better Liquidmovement.
It supposed to be an (current) endgame energy source. And if you want Infinite energy source, you also could use Grengen. And I see you decided to simply ignore my advice saying that it would be so energy-consuming to create Ura from seawater that you wouldn't get any energy benefit. (And for something very, very expensive in ressources.)
uranium from sea water does not take that much energy, it can be selectively absorbed with certain fibers, from which the yellow cake (uranium ore) can be easily extracted. The main energy needed is for the pumps for flowing the water past the fiber. This is not the same extraction method used for hydrogen or many other compounds involving centrifuges, this is a much much cheaper and energy efficient method.
As for the being finite, with scrap you can already get an unlimited supply of most minerals, so that shouldn't be a concern. Stuff from ocean water is supposed to be practically unlimited anyway, just certain things are more difficult to extract.
As for determining if it is ocean water, you could do a check that it is in the right biome, then some sort of check for volume of water (when placing the extractor make sure there are more than a certain number of water blocks connected to the one it is extractring from, then have it only be able to use water it collects, not any other source of water)*. This way the only way to cheat it would be to build a giant artifical pond in an ocean biome, ie a waste of time.
*you could have it run a check on the block next to the water block it is placed in, make sure it is water, then check one next to that, and repeat for some large number. only if it is enough water will it allow the extractor to be placed at all.
The simplest way would be to ignore any of the above checks, and just have a biome restriction to ocean and beach biomes. and have the extractor not accept any other input besides the water surrounding it.
A possible mechanic for making the extractor more limited, would be to have it consume an extraction fiber, where different fibers can extract either specific or a range of specific materials, and take different times to do so. Then to make it more bulky you can have it require some large number of filled fibers to create a single piece of ore. also limiting the stack size of the unfilled fibers would then require a system to provide the extractor with fibers and remove the fibers when done. This would make it a bit more difficult to just have one machine that makes everything, like a high speed recycler turning cobble into anything you need.
uranium from sea water does not take that much energy, it can be selectively absorbed with certain fibers, from which the yellow cake (uranium ore) can be easily extracted. The main energy needed is for the pumps for flowing the water past the fiber. This is not the same extraction method used for hydrogen or many other compounds involving centrifuges, this is a much much cheaper and energy efficient method.
As for the being finite, with scrap you can already get an unlimited supply of most minerals, so that shouldn't be a concern. Stuff from ocean water is supposed to be practically unlimited anyway, just certain things are more difficult to extract.
As for determining if it is ocean water, you could do a check that it is in the right biome, then some sort of check for volume of water (when placing the extractor make sure there are more than a certain number of water blocks connected to the one it is extractring from, then have it only be able to use water it collects, not any other source of water)*. This way the only way to cheat it would be to build a giant artifical pond in an ocean biome, ie a waste of time.
*you could have it run a check on the block next to the water block it is placed in, make sure it is water, then check one next to that, and repeat for some large number. only if it is enough water will it allow the extractor to be placed at all.
The simplest way would be to ignore any of the above checks, and just have a biome restriction to ocean and beach biomes. and have the extractor not accept any other input besides the water surrounding it.
A possible mechanic for making the extractor more limited, would be to have it consume an extraction fiber, where different fibers can extract either specific or a range of specific materials, and take different times to do so. Then to make it more bulky you can have it require some large number of filled fibers to create a single piece of ore. also limiting the stack size of the unfilled fibers would then require a system to provide the extractor with fibers and remove the fibers when done. This would make it a bit more difficult to just have one machine that makes everything, like a high speed recycler turning cobble into anything you need.
Okay, I guess the method is good, and after checking the proportions of Ura in seawater, I guess it could be industrialized at a very high cost (ressources + EU/way of crafting maybe ?) But ... I guess if it should be implemented, others things should come before (ex way of getting Ura from Basalt/Lava/other mineral) -
Special pump?
Okay, I guess the method is good, and after checking the proportions of Ura in seawater, I guess it could be industrialized at a very high cost (ressources + EU/way of crafting maybe ?) But ... I guess if it should be implemented, others things should come before (ex way of getting Ura from Basalt/Lava/other mineral)the main advantage of my suggestion is the fact that it can be extended to provide more than just the uranium. irl it can be industrialized to produce uranium at a very low cost relative to other fuels (uranium is absurdly cheap as it is, so 10 times really cheap is still cheap http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U…ng#Recovery_from_seawater $240/kg is about $530/lb, current price is about $40 or so, to be comparable to oil would need to be $240 000/lb or so, for coal about $40 000/lb or so). This sea water idea could be used as a way to provide multiple different needed materials, such as lithium, iridium, etc, and only when using the right fiber to exctract, that fiber is where you can stick the expense for getting certain materials you want to keep rare.
Edit 1: sorta, i was suggesting a special pump like thing that only works in ocean biomes and rather than giving water, turns fiber into a full fiber that you can then extract ore from. modeled after the current methods of uranium extraction from sea water.
Edit 2: The main inspiration for this idea is the currently existing Scrap boxes. They allow Cobblestone to be turned into most materials in the game. Also, using the right setup will produce materials fairly quickly. This water extraction method would allow for a more realistic way to obtain the materials, in a way where you can more easily choose what you get (rather than current systems of determining the probability of getting what you want and dumping the rest of the useless junk)
Edit 3: On the composition of these Fibers. From my understanding of basic principles involved, they would probably consist of a nanofiber polymer to maximize surface area which has been coated in the absorbent material. This indicates that a reasonable recipe would be to make carbon nanofiber from charcoal or coal dust, then to craft that with several dusts to represent the coating, then possibly cook that in a furnace to finalize the fiber. This would give a place to add an EU cost (the cooking of the fiber) as well as a way to make it as expensive as you want (you would have 8 types of dust to use, and up to 64 of each if you want)
Edit 4: for the material to coat the nanofiber with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amidoxime_group#Amidoximes There is a set of basic structures used by the system the Japanese designed. the ORNL version will probably still be a similar organic compound, so you could even make a second intermediate involving carbon, nitrogen, water and then craft that with the various modifying dusts, then craft the result with the nanofiber, then possibly smelt it.
Edit 5: What i am trying to show here is that this method could be made arbitrarily expensive by just modifying the recipe for the fiber used. You could even make some of the fibers non consumed, but horribly expensive, so they are still "end game" due to the initial cost, but result in a renewable energy source.
Edit 6: on the mechanics of the extractor, you could have it act similar to the miner but in more than 1 dimension, where it places the fibers similar to the mining pipes. It can only place them inside water in the right biome, and the yield is based on the number placed. when the blocks are retracted they can replace themselved with water source blocks, but can only extend into a source block. This would make it easier to make the system need a large area of ocean to work in, rather than using 1 block bits of source water. Related idea: allow it to go upwards as well, then you can have some interesting looking ocean floor collectors
Just to remind you, I live in flatfarlands, no ocean there
Just to remind you, I live in flatfarlands, no ocean there
in that case, just stick to the scrap boxes
>>You can aquire tons of Rubydust by centrifuging Redstone. As far as i
know Redstone is one of these Resources, which you ever have to much.Actually using redstone instead of ruby-gems does *NOT* make it better(?).
You need a total of 384 (24*4*4) chrome for the fusioncoils.
You need 1,5 stacks of redstone (=96 pieces) for one single piece of chrome.
Thats 36864 (96*384) pieces of redstone = 576 full stacks.
How many months would I need finding+mining those?
Redstone is more common than ruby (I think) - but thats still way too much material for the chrome...
Combined with the ruby and UUMs its better than only using ruby - but lets be honest : Its still insaneBtw, I can see that you are a bit frustrated hehe..You can make 48 redstone dust using 4 UUM so..you will need 576 *64 * (4 / 48 ) = 48 full stacks of UUM well... that's a hell lot of UUM...to build one.. even more than the IDSU !!
in that case, just stick to the scrap boxes
NO! Since the latest update, good scrapbox percentages are at an all time low, stuff like flint dust is now pulling a 5% chance to get (up from 0%), and stuff like diamonds or sapphires are now at .13% (down from .18%)
NO! Since the latest update, good scrapbox percentages are at an all time low, stuff like flint dust is now pulling a 5% chance to get (up from 0%), and stuff like diamonds or sapphires are now at .13% (down from .18%)
Solution to this problem: make a bigger scrap box factory
Okay... now seriously why the fuck these expansive recipes are true for default? Why not making them false? ._.
why can't you just make them false?
Edit: If they were false, nobody would know about them.