F4113n C0r3
WARNING: The update to F4113nC0r3 4.0.0 greatly changed much of the internal code. All addons for previous versions will not be compatible, except for BiomeGenerators!!!
Have you ever wanted a way to make your mod more concise,
Or perhaps your here because a mod said you need this.
Either way, you are at the right place
What it is:
This addon is a api designed to make making an addon as easy as posible.
It's features include:
single line crafting item creating (items used in crafting recipes only),
easy config creating/access,
automatic block/item/gui id properties (even looks for open id's!)
automatic loading management (so id's don't get screwy)
gui and container handling
tileentity hooks
tileentity super classes for handling of gui opening, energy net handling, generators, and machines
single method block with multiple tile entities initiation
simplifies the process of making a tile entity
from: making the block, tileentity, container, and gui classes,
to: making a tile entity and super simple container and gui classes
audio support
full in code documentation (new and improved since 1.106!)
sample mod for copy and paste simplicity and examples of usage
distributable with your mod!
and more to come!
SRC(for modders):
Older Versions:
Change Log:
I, the creator of this addon, F4113nb34st, give permission for addon creators to distribute this addon with their addon as long as the link is in this forum.
Any usage of this mod, distribution or otherwise, must follow the terms and conditions stated by Alblaka here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…?page=Thread&threadID=344