Can you make a contraption, that consumes whole world and puts it neatly in chests, using fraction of materials to make block breakers, tubes and chests, increasing speed of the harvest geometrically?
Challenge: The Harvester
Duuuuude..... That's... just bizarre
it would be self growing LIFE FORM! well i think i bent too much for life but, it would be possible to have that stuff extend and grow sideways but i doubt about square-ic growth since it would need to produce new growth sections instead of having 1 in the middle and also maybe hardest thing would be building machines in required order for example extend frame put there breaker put red wire put retriever put tube and stuff.. i mean also wait for resources to be collected and reproduced, some of them needs early stage and some late for example iron and refined iron.. core for only processing would be huge.. well i just exploded after seeing this post
Bizarre stuff.. really deep
You need a Supercomputer to so so. My 4x64-Sidewaysquarry is already lagging like hell, imagine what happens, if that thing grows. Also the selfgrowing Part is not possible as you need to place Covers on the outer Side of that contraption. But i think its possible to build a Factory for these Devices.
It would propably be possible but it would have to stop every once in a while to mine out the stuff from the sides to expand, and building one would be ridiculously difficult and laggy, my 20x128 tunnel bore makes the game unplayable if I get anywhere near it.
With redpower, sure. Vanilla IC2 or Vanilla + buildcraft, not so much -- but for the theory, check out:…ann_universal_constructorIn theory, should be implementable by anything turing-complete.
With redpower, sure. Vanilla IC2 or Vanilla + buildcraft, not so much -- but for the theory, check out:…ann_universal_constructorIn theory, should be implementable by anything turing-complete.
i don't think the Von Neumann machine works here, since we don't want a self replicating machine, we want a growing machine more like a living organism.
i still think it would be possible to realize it as a growing ring. you'd have to create start state where you use it as a normal framequarry, creating the "centre" of your ring. after that you split it into 8parts, moving into 4directions where 2parts are a side. those 2parts aren't connected, so you can move them apart and fill the space between them with new parts to let them grow. the middle between those 2parts must ever consist of frames, so they won't connect, but you need a reconfiguration mechanism to change that once a new part becomes the middle. -
Quarries are so 2011
I'm acturally in progress of making a autonomous self expanding strip miner. Have allready made a drillbit that can expand, and is finnishing up on the drill part constructer
I'd probably say the easiest way of doing this would be some form of auto-crafting auto-dispensing turtle system, a la Elo's strip mining system.
If you started with 4 turtles on each cardinal point, and had them strip the entire area below them, then, when that's done, each turtle places 1 to one side, programmed for the same refuel/dropoff solution. The all turtles move forwards one and mine out everything below them.
For each advancement, the cardinal turtles make another drone to the left, so you'd end up with a complete harvesting in a diamond pattern working out from a central point.
I'm sure that wouldn't be the most efficient method, and it wouldn't be able to chunkload dynamically, so it'd only stip out until the turtles got unloaded, but it's probably the easiest method I can think of, in terms of initial effort to reward. There'd obviously need to be an ender chest system and autocrafting of the turtles, as well as the fuel and storage (after a while you'd need turtles automated and extending a storage system indefinitely.
Chunkloader mining turtles. Now the only issue is programming, which you could probably set up an automated thing for somehow.
i don't think the Von Neumann machine works here, since we don't want a self replicating machine, we want a growing machine more like a living organism.
i still think it would be possible to realize it as a growing ring. you'd have to create start state where you use it as a normal framequarry, creating the "centre" of your ring. after that you split it into 8parts, moving into 4directions where 2parts are a side. those 2parts aren't connected, so you can move them apart and fill the space between them with new parts to let them grow. the middle between those 2parts must ever consist of frames, so they won't connect, but you need a reconfiguration mechanism to change that once a new part becomes the middle.
If you want a Von Neumann machine, use Computercraft. Crafty Turtles to build new turtles, mining turtles for everything else. Facility on RP frames to scrap and convert to UUM all the cobble and crap, and to store everything else. It would also need to be out in the open, and have a method of recharging the turtles from renewable resources, but theoretically possible.