Breeder not breeding consistently.

  • I'm new to nuclear reactor, so I apologize if my vocabulary is a bit off. I hope you will understand. I just made 2 breeders today exactly the same. This is the type of breeder I used.
    "Baby Snowmen" Neutral CASUC Breeder.
    One of them works perfectly. The other one, however, does not. 20 of the depleted uranium are working fine. However, the four in the top left corner are increasing at about 25% of the rate. For some reason they don't change for 75% of the ticks. I have no idea what could be causing this. I have tried googling and searching the forums. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it.

  • i think i have the same problem. i made nearly the same breeder (6 uranium and 24 isotope) and when the temperature is more than 9500 (nuclearcontrol) i cool it with water buckets, so the temperature is near 9200. earlier it worked fine, but in the new 1.103 update the last isotope cells (right bottom corner) are faster then the first (left top corner) and it is annoying. so in the past i could breed 2x24 isotope cells and now not because of slowpoke isotope cells =\ (i hope you understood my russian english)

    • Official Post

    My guess: Reactors update their values in real-time from top left to bottom right slot.
    If your reactor got 9001 heat in the start, then drops to 8990 due to outward cooling and then a Isotope cell is read, it will behave accordingly and assume 8990 heat. Afterwards the reactors hat may increase (by running over uranium cells) again and give other isotope cells the effects of 9k+ heat.

    Best bet is to keep the reactor a good number above the level of heat necessary.

  • I have had a similar problem with my four units: The cells randomly get out of synchronization. I will point out the I run mine at 6750 mean temp, am only attempting to breed four cells per cycle, and am using a 1.7x (IC2 build #, not MC build) version due to a lack knowledge in the art of manual porting (TMM: Too many mods to try to make work together and some may not have updated).

    A Rock Raider trained as an Engineer, among other things.

    • Official Post

    Does that mean that near-depleted cell AFTER ice block will work at 300 more temperature than one BEFORE?

    From left to right and then iterating like that from top to bottom. Thats how current Nuclearreactortechnology works, so place the Ice in the Bottomrow aligned to the right to ensure maximum Breedingefficiency.

    Wouldn't that be 300 less temperature, as the ice block before would've eaten 300 heat from the reactor?


    A Reactor can have temporarily 10000000000000 Heat, if there is enough ice to cool it down before the Iteration ends, and then after the Iteration, the Reactor checks if it is too hot, and then it eventually explodes.