Any way to switch power source at nighttime?

  • Hi everyone. I'm running a giant quarry with a Fast Electric Engine hooked up to 1 Advanced Solar Panel. The engine sucks the panel dry so no energy can be stored for the quarry to operate during nighttime. Right now I have two aux redstone engines that slowly run the quarry when there's no power.
    So I crafted another solar panel and a mfe that stores energy during the day.
    Question: Is there any way to automatically switch between given power sources?

  • For IC2 power, you can use power switch cables and a solar detector:

    S = single solar panel
    C = detector cable
    L = lever set to on
    I = induction furnace or other advanced machine

    Ill go ahead and explain this,

    Induction furnace acts as a EU sink.
    Lever sets Induction furnace to "Always hot" mode causing it to build heat. (Consumes exactly 1EU/t)
    Single solar provides the required 1EU during the day but 0EU during the night.
    The detector cable is used to sense the change in EU flow.

    voilà! A perfect light detector.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • What if people don't have RedPower2?

    Da horror! Y wud you evar assume da ppl dun't play w da same mods az u?!?!22111?1?1!!!

    Joking aside, It's a clever setup, really... Course it would be better if the OP invested in other power alongside his solar setup... /shrug

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • instead of a energy sink like an induction furnace, you could actually use the detector to power a splitter cable, while as energy sink you use a sufficient large storage blok (mfe/mfsu)

    That way the energy won by the solar panel(s) is not wasted but instead used to fill the night supply. once the sun goes down, the panels dont produce eu -< detector cable switches off, splitter cable enebles current, and your mfe/mfsu starts emitting power to the engines.


  • instead of a energy sink like an induction furnace, you could actually use the detector to power a splitter cable, while as energy sink you use a sufficient large storage blok (mfe/mfsu)

    That way the energy won by the solar panel(s) is not wasted but instead used to fill the night supply. once the sun goes down, the panels dont produce eu -< detector cable switches off, splitter cable enebles current, and your mfe/mfsu starts emitting power to the engines.


    Except if the MFSU fills up it totally breaks your system.
    When some friends were designing a city (this was before RP2 had the light detector) they had a few solar panel scattered about (because even RP2 wires have their limits) and a mass fab for each one.
    The mass fabs dumped their uu-matter into an ender chest where it got converted to snowballs with a BC autocrafting table and wasted with a dispenser.

  • thats why I said a sufficient large storage block. an mfe is enough when using a few solar panels. then again, it wont last a full night.

    It's a bit mix and match in how many resources you are willing to spend versus the amount of nightwork required

    you might aswell replace that induction furnace with a mass fab in the original post. or even place it parallel with the mfe/mfsu. that way there will still flow current even with a full storage block.