I think IC2 need sth. special like a generator using partikels as fuel. The generator should give 0.1 eu/t per particle beeing in a 5x5x5 radius around the generator.The max. output would be 128 eu/t.The recipe would be like this.A nice feature would be if the particles are sogged in by that machine.

Partical absorbing generator!
- Keep
- Closed
So i have to set the Particleoptions to "All", what causes Lag. And then i just have to build a good Particlesource, like Netherrack+Fire to get ~0.5 EU/t per piece of burning Netherrack. Then i will get a maximum of (5*5+5*5-1+5*5)*~0.5EU/t = ~37EU/t, just for putting burning Netherrack around a Windmill + a bit UUM.
P.S. thats overpowered.
Why do you neeed to waste that much UUmatter on a stupid generator, when you could make a 1840 EU/T Nuclear Reactor by using only UUMatter from Greg's MISEL MK-III?!
btw Greg, It would be epic to see you do that.
Why do you neeed to waste that much UUmatter on a stupid generator, when you could make a 1840 EU/T Nuclear Reactor by using only UUMatter from Greg's MISEL MK-III?!
Possible in theory, but my Blackholechest with random Junk (almost anything gets sorted into it) is too full to autocraft Reactors with UUM only. And i also have (or had until yesterday) three Direwolfwaterbucket-CASUCs, 4 Lightningrods (but still only ONE Thunderstorm in MC, while i had 5 in real Life, since the invention of the Lightningrod) and one of SpwnX Superwindtowers (256 Windmills) for Pureenergymassfabrication.
And since all my Waterbucket-CASUCs were blowing up on Chunkload, i no longer make them. Now i make an Ice-CASUC with extra Failsafe.
:O A new CAUSUC!
Could you please show us this new piece of Hayoish technology on your Forumpost, or is it a Gregtech Intergalactical secret? -
:O A new CAUSUC!
Could you please show us this new piece of Hayoish technology on your Forumpost, or is it a Gregtech Intergalactical secret?Its no secret since IC2 for 1.3.2 will kill all the CASUCs. I will add a Picture of the tiny failsafe tomorrow.
And since all my Waterbucket-CASUCs were blowing up on Chunkload, i no longer make them. Now i make an Ice-CASUC with extra Failsafe.
Hah, that reminds me of something...
Also new energy generators were denied. Ignorance is part of the generation it seems eh XFmax?
Also new energy generators were denied.
I doubt such a statement was ever made, but if it was, I would like to revoke it.If there is a good, reasonable, useful, balance and NECESSARY new energy generator suggested, I don't see a reason not to be implement it.
(Though this suggestion does clearly NOT fullfill those criteria) -
Also new energy generators were denied. Ignorance is part of the generation it seems eh XFmax?
Honestly, denying every new energy generator in a mod that its all about energy generation its... well... stupid.
At least lets distinguish the good generators from the bad.
P.S: This one its in the latter category btw.