You can fix the TE Error by removing the TE Api folder from within the Jar file.
As for the config issues, im not having them, just went and swapped my ID's around a bit to test (Using forge 426)
[Addon v1.115] Advanced Alloys [Beta v0.8a] MC[1.5.2]
Not sure if i am allowed to post this here, but I updated the thermal expansion API on my own, works now like a charm. Delete when officially updated please!
You can fix the TE Error by removing the TE Api folder from within the Jar file.
As for the config issues, im not having them, just went and swapped my ID's around a bit to test (Using forge 426)Yeah sorry the config error was me I missed that the ISU block ID was added, which meant that it conflicted as I hadn't adjusted it yet to fit in with the rest of my installed mods, so totally user error there. (which is why I edited the post earlier and this convo looks somewhat odd)
I noticed something quite... weird
I have CTRL bound as my sneak key, the new ADV alloys makes that not work :\ I have fiddled around and cannot work out why.
But removing or downgrading fixes the issue.Also changing key configs to something else, but that is less than ideal.
Have also swapped around my lwjgl to help rule that out. -
Will you share the code at github, for instance? EE3 gets a lot of PR's (the most of these are localization, but it doesn't matter). BC is really helpful storage of code snippets. Nice to see your addon being developed by community...
As promised. Updated Faithful32x textures (not proud of titanium plate, but have to do for now). And Thanks for the new Saws and Sabre! AWSOME!
I noticed something quite... weird
I have CTRL bound as my sneak key, the new ADV alloys makes that not work :\ I have fiddled around and cannot work out why.
But removing or downgrading fixes the issue.Also changing key configs to something else, but that is less than ideal.
Have also swapped around my lwjgl to help rule that out.oh yeah i was playing around with some keybinding stuff if you change it in options it should fix it but it will be removed in the next version.
Not sure if i am allowed to post this here, but I updated the thermal expansion API on my own, works now like a charm. Delete when officially updated please!yep fixed for next update
I Await the next update with great anticipation.
could anyone test that the osmium saber ignores armor, like just try to fight someone with full quantium armor or something and see if its easy to kill them
With the current IC2 armor bugs its a bit hard to check.
I shall see what i can do. -
With the current IC2 armor bugs its a bit hard to check.
I shall see what i can do.just tested it agents my armor and it didnt work
So I've noticed that several times your sprites have NOT loaded, is there a fix for this already? I know how to fix it if you want my to help you, I know I had no idea what was up until I was following a forge tutorial and it brought it up, then I was like "OHHHH, that explains EVERYTHING!!!"
So I've noticed that several times your sprites have NOT loaded, is there a fix for this already? I know how to fix it if you want my to help you, I know I had no idea what was up until I was following a forge tutorial and it brought it up, then I was like "OHHHH, that explains EVERYTHING!!!"
i may have a way to fix it im not sure if it will though
Would you find it rude if I asked for just a port to the latest ic2 instead of an update?
Not really
I don't even realise when there is an update
I'll do it tomorrow after work
Code2012-12-14 15:05:53 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [ItemTracker] The mod Advanced_Alloys is attempting to overwrite existing item at 25270 (thaumcraft.common.items.ItemFlyingCarpet from Thaumcraft) with Advanced.common.OsmiumSaber 2012-12-14 15:05:53 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] [ItemTracker] Adding item Advanced.common.OsmiumSaber(25270) owned by Advanced_Alloys 2012-12-14 15:05:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 25015 item slot already occupied by thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.ItemGolemPlacer@401e9c3f while adding Advanced.common.OsmiumSaber@19a40cfc 2012-12-14 15:05:53 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [ItemTracker] The mod Advanced_Alloys is attempting to overwrite existing item at 25271 (thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.ItemGolemPlacer from Thaumcraft) with Advanced.common.OsmiumSaber 2012-12-14 15:05:53 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] [ItemTracker] Adding item Advanced.common.OsmiumSaber(25271) owned by Advanced_Alloys 2012-12-14 15:05:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 25016 item slot already occupied by thaumcraft.common.items.ItemGoggles@6c68bcef while adding Advanced.common.TitaniumAlloy@504c2683 2012-12-14 15:05:53 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [ItemTracker] The mod Advanced_Alloys is attempting to overwrite existing item at 25272 (thaumcraft.common.items.ItemGoggles from Thaumcraft) with Advanced.common.TitaniumAlloy
Display Moreitems { I:DiamondChainsawID=25007 I:OsmiumBootsID=25058 I:OsmiumChainsawID=25004 I:OsmiumChestID=25056 I:OsmiumCrystalID=25011 I:OsmiumDrillID=25003 I:OsmiumHelmetID=25055 I:OsmiumLaserID=25013 I:OsmiumLeggingsID=25057 I:OsmiumPackID=25012 I:OsmiumSaberoffID=25014 I:OsmiumSaberonID=25015 I:OsmiumTreetapID=25006 I:OsmiumchunkID=25000 I:OsmiumoreID=25001 I:OsmiumplateID=25002 I:PortableTeleporter=25005 I:ReinforcedTitaniumAlloyID=25010 I:ReinforcedTitaniumID=25010 I:TitaniumAlloyID=25016 I:TitaniumAxeID=25052 I:TitaniumDustID=25008 I:TitaniumHoeID=25054 I:TitaniumIngotID=25009 I:TitaniumPickID=25050 I:TitaniumSpadeID=25051 I:TitaniumSwordID=25053 }
Thaumcraft IDs
Display Moreitem { I:BlockJarFilledItem=25035 I:BootsTraveller=25031 I:ItemArcaneDoor=25029 I:ItemEssence=31725 I:ItemFlyingCarpet=25014 I:ItemGoggles=25016 I:ItemGolemCore=25026 I:ItemGolemPlacer=25015 I:ItemInkwell=31720 I:ItemNugget=25030 I:ItemNuggetBeef=25033 I:ItemNuggetChicken=25032 I:ItemNuggetPork=25034 I:ItemPortableHole=31718 I:ItemResearchNotes=31721 I:ItemResource=31723 I:ItemShard=31722 I:ItemThaumometer=31717 I:ItemThaumonomicon=31719 I:ItemWispEssence=31724 I:ThaumPick=25022 I:Thaumaxe=25023 I:Thaumboots=25020 I:Thaumchest=25018 I:Thaumhelm=25017 I:Thaumhoe=25025 I:Thaumlegs=25019 I:Thaumshovel=25021 I:Thaumsword=25024 I:WandCastingAdept=31729 I:WandCastingApprentice=31730 I:WandCastingMage=31728 I:WandExcavation=25028 I:WandFire=31727 I:WandLightning=31726 I:WandTrade=25027 }
In the Configs there are other IDs than in the log.
How could I fix this... -
Yeah, it's quite easy, it just involves client and common proxy stuff and the MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture function. I can help if you need, but I'm sure you will have no problem figuring it out.
This mod uses an outdated version of thermal expansion. If you get this crash (or something similar) with this mod and thermalexpansion installled, delete the thermal expansion folder from the advanced alloys mod zip:
For more details, join #ThermalExpansion on
Note for riza8:
PM me here or even better on irc once you fixed this so i can put a notice here that this issue is fixed. -
Yeah, it's quite easy, it just involves client and common proxy stuff and the MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture function. I can help if you need, but I'm sure you will have no problem figuring it out.
yeah i already have that.
This mod uses an outdated version of thermal expansion. If you get this crash (or something similar) with this mod and thermalexpansion installled, delete the thermal expansion folder from the advanced alloys mod zip:
For more details, join #ThermalExpansion on
Note for riza8:
PM me here or even better on irc once you fixed this so i can put a notice here that this issue is fixed.yeah i PM you back and will be fixed tomorrow.
I tossed together a simple bugfix for the Advanced Alloys textures being white. Source is included
Just put this int he mods folder