How much EU each cobble must cost? 39
10 (14) 36%
20 (5) 13%
30 (3) 8%
40 (0) 0%
50 (5) 13%
60 (0) 0%
70 (0) 0%
80 (0) 0%
90 (1) 3%
150 (3) 8%
230 (8) 21%
Hey guys. Now i would like to present my first addon named CobbleGenerator.
What does it to?
Takes 50 EU (by default, you can change it in config, as well as the block id) to generate 1 cobblestone. As of v0.2, it has its energy storage = 2049 (max possible voltage + 1). It drops cobblestone on the top of it.
It is located on "IC2" creative tab (again, as of v0.2)
If you don't have BC (and you aren't able to create snow factory), this mod is probably for you. If you install it, you probably will not have problems with SCRAP. Also you could use stone as building material.
~ Captain Obvivious
How to use it?
1) Craft it. (As of 0.2, water and lava cells can be swaped)
2) Give it enough energy
3) Result blocks will be on the top of block.
4) ????
Evolitist for his help on IC2 api, SeNtiMeL for his QGenerator code (and getting IC2 tab).
Download links:
Addon is universal for client and server. It is open source, i think it might be helpful for beginners. (I will upload new source in next version)