I said GOALS. like in "stuff you want to have but don't yet have and try to get". Things will only get less realistic in GT when there is no other way with reasonable effort, and implementing pipes combined with cables is neither much of an effort for greg nor for the players, and it simply is more realistic.
also, i think i mentioned this to greg some time ago, "but this *whatever* is even worse" isn't an argument. And if you really don't want to use electricity, it would still be more the style of GT to implement and item reader giving out a redstone signal and a sorter sorting on redstone signal, and leaving the sorting circuit to you. Also, i just found another solution the problem: enable sorting machines to filter batteries into their powering slot, or to fill batteries in the power slot from sorted batteries, then you just have to dump filled batteries into the system, pull empty ones out, refill them, and dump them in again.

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Battery is barrely a sollution. What kind of automation this is if you have to replace batteries all the time? I am just want more consistency. Just want to fings been made one way or another way. I want cables and machines to have same power loss mechanics. I want automation units to not require power, because pipes are not requiring power. It is different supply line. Mixing them make construction ether less efficent or ugly.
And can anyone explain me please, why conveyour cover draining power from atached machine but can work perfectly without any power on pipe? If i can easyly avoid power to leak this way, why this leakage exist in the first place?I dont think what realism is really a goal. Complexity - yes, but not realism. Greg making a system, but it isnt simmilar to real. Its a game after all. I doubt what GT style is about inconvinience.
And can anyone explain me please, why conveyour cover draining power from atached machine but can work perfectly without any power on pipe? If i can easyly avoid power to leak this way, why this leakage exist in the first place?
This is a fundamental game-design error, I'm surprised greg still tolerates it. I could see him fudging this a couple years ago but he knows better now. -
Well, models are never perfect, but when you make a map, you don't say "nah, it's not going to be perfect anyway, so why try?", either. I guess it is more likely that greg will do things in favor of realism than in favor of "game balance" if it is possible - and in this case, it definitely is, you just have to add pipes that can transmit power/add cables to the recipes of pipes and make them require power. Or you have pipes that can speed up items and pipes that transmit items normally but the items get slower in them, and after a while, you need to add another powered pipe to keep things going. Anyway, it is in no way absolutely necessary to disable energy use of automation.
In reality you make things completely different since you are not bound to 3D-grid of cubic meter volume boxes. And game balance have to be in favor since its a game. Greg will clearly do the things what he has in mind. IMO he will do things what he thinks nessesary regardless realism or game balance as we imagine it. Only things what limits him is his own vision of things and programming enviroment. He makes realistic things if he feels like it. If he thinks what that things is intresting and worth realizing. Or if he wants to troll people a little bit (little joke there
However how we can talk about realism if all things around are complitely abstract? Only thing what matter is to make a consistent system what have some real industry references. I dont think what ZPM or battery buffers or type sorters are real things anyway. They are grey boxes. What if them are mechanical? What if they are separating specific matterials one from another because of they physical propeties? What if they powered by the same power as item pipes? Compressed air for example. We dont know. For that purpose it consume energy in the first place? Realism generation?
to end this stupid argument about what or what not should/could be more important, realism or convenience(game balance is always in favor, but you can combine balance and realism), greg will do what he deems the right thing to do, we will suggest what we deem interesting and game-enhancing, and everyone is happy. and nobody clogs up suggestion thread with unnecessary arguments. And once i think of a suggestion, i will add this here so that this post is actually useful for the purpose of the thread.
EDIT,THE SUGGESTION: As GT is all about nerfing things and making them available again when you progress on the tech tree, maybe one could nerf the "normal" pipes, and add powered pipes with a much higher capacity and speed higher on the tech tree.
Im just trying to make ground of my suggestion more solid. I very doubt what more convinient automation will people somehow less happy. And i dont think what if abstract thing will stop draining abstract power will hurt realism much. Logic and item transfer are free by themselfes anyway
I just read the opening post of the GT thread, the part about "read the tooltips, the hammer for example can crush blocks in-world, so the recipes aren't in NEI", and remembered that ex nihilo for example adds recipes for its in-world crafting(the hammer, for example), and AE2 does it, too(sort of), so why not GT too? It would definitely be nice to have all the crushing recipes(for example) in-game.
The recipes for that actually were in NEI in early builds of GT5. But many recipes were just spamming the recipelists, so they were removed to show the rest better.
then show them only when you hit "u" on a hammer.
Suggestion: Add some kind of Archimedes Ships Intergration. Like having jet motors and plane parts, ship controls and stuff. Say like, making an engine room on the boat, take some kind of pipe to output the heat and other fluids, making some sort of friction disc to put the propeller on under the boat. And on a plane make some fuel tanks pipe the fuel to a jet motor, and to the controls make some sort of control wing at the back of the plane, and a metal pole that goes from the steering stick to the back part. It ould be awesome if you did this!
Damn now I want all of those features...
Suggestion: Add some kind of Archimedes Ships Intergration. Like having jet motors and plane parts, ship controls and stuff. Say like, making an engine room on the boat, take some kind of pipe to output the heat and other fluids, making some sort of friction disc to put the propeller on under the boat. And on a plane make some fuel tanks pipe the fuel to a jet motor, and to the controls make some sort of control wing at the back of the plane, and a metal pole that goes from the steering stick to the back part. It ould be awesome if you did this!
All this is technically only possible to do on Archimedes Ships side. -
Since GregTech needs to be Intergalactical, I request World Gen Integration with Atum.
The Atum is basically a huge Desert, but it uses it's own materials for the underground, resulting in no generated ores with GT6 Worldgen and the mod itself only provides some vanilla ores to be generated
The underground consists of AtumStone (ID: atum:tile.stone) and the overlay is out of AtumSand (ID: atum:tile.sand), would be cool if the GT worldgenerator would replace them with Sand/Sandstone ores.
The modID can be found here. -
The Mod ID is literally "atum", as seen on the Block and Item Names (which cannot start with anything other than the right Mod ID)
Do they behave like regular Sand/Stone?
Oh, and does the Stone have a Cobble Variant (which String ID / MetaData?)
The Mod ID is literally "atum", as seen on the Block and Item Names (which cannot start with anything other than the right Mod ID)
Do they behave like regular Sand/Stone?
I should really get more into MC modding to not always sound like a n00b when posting such stuff ...
The Stone, yes, when mined it turns into a "cobble" version (atum:tile.cobble). Also every possible decoration object is craftable like from regular stone (bricks, slabs etc.)
The Sand, kind of, has no gravity (because of being more solid than normal Sand and taking longer to shovel).Oh and something else you might want to know, out of the cobble versions, tools are craftable equivalent to the vanilla stone tools.
IDs og them are:
atum:item.limestoneHoeIdk why the dev named the cracked variant of the stone limestone
Extra Info: It's really hard surviving there, because the mobs who spawn there are a lot more stronger than in the overworld. (obviously not saying because hoping for more rare materials to find :P)
All this is technically only possible to do on Archimedes Ships side.Thanks for answering though
Suggestion: Add some kind of Archimedes Ships Intergration. Like having jet motors and plane parts, ship controls and stuff. Say like, making an engine room on the boat, take some kind of pipe to output the heat and other fluids, making some sort of friction disc to put the propeller on under the boat. And on a plane make some fuel tanks pipe the fuel to a jet motor, and to the controls make some sort of control wing at the back of the plane, and a metal pole that goes from the steering stick to the back part. It ould be awesome if you did this!
And normal wings for the planes. And air intakes. these have to be a thing. -
As far as I understood, simple machines won't have any GUI.
That has good and bad sides; even though the tooltips explain everything, they do not show in realtime what's going on in a machine. I also read you want to let the engineer read the information right from the machine's outer texture, which is good and straight forward.
But how about some Waila integration?
So one can directly see additional information even when looking from behind/some information which would not be possible to display on the outer of a machine. (I don't think I have to link Waila)
If this seems to overpowered, a craftable "Waila upgrade" would mabe be a little nerf, or only enable with a config. -
I thought of a cool idea. Could you please add a heat based battery? It's fully possible in real life, it would just need to have a temperature loss over time. Maybe different materials would have different a temperature loss modifier. In addition, biome type should impact the temperature loss as well as set a baseline for the temperature level in the battery. Temperature loss could be based on the difference between the current temperature and the biome temperature. This may or may not be useful at the moment, but it would definitely have its use once more heat based machines come into play.