No I didn't. I implemented it before your Post. The Release however, was after your Post.

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
I was playing around with the config and had harder stone set to true and I really liked the game play change, but it also makes it so TNT and ITNT mining is impossible by upping the blast resistance of stone. I think it would be a great change if this was another configuration option so that you could play with stone that takes longer to mine but encourages blast mining witch I think is more realistic and fun.
I didn't change the Blast Resistance of Stone, so TNT mining is still possible.
Are you sure? I just tested it ( and I am playing with your last 1.5.2 edition) with B:harderstone=true and I can not break stone with TNT but when it is set to false I can and everything works as normal.
perhaps lower stones BR so that Expensive (at least early game) and would mean that picks are only for ores >:3
perhaps lower stones BR so that Expensive (at least early game) and would mean that picks are only for ores >:3
Maybe make dynamites more accessible and encourage their use early?
gunpowder + string + sticky resin + paper = 32 sticky dynamites ?
sulfur + coal + string + sticky resin + paper = 16 sticky dynamitesGlyceryl (nitroglycerin) + string + 7 dynamite = Nitroglycerin bomb, will destroy all weak blocks in a sphere of 17x17x17. Ores has a 10% chance of being broken.
For the sake of implosion compressor, please, let us pump liquid glyceryl (nitroglycerin) into it as a ITNT replacement.
doubleposting because i feel like doing so :
Since nether stars are so powerful (100M EU), what about giving them the property of increasing machines efficiency, when inserted into one, as an upgrade?
Generators would increase total EU generated and higher EU/t output.
Machines would work faster and for less energy (to the point it doesn't cause loops). -
I see no logical reason for that, and it would be UP.
instead of putting the star into a magic gen, perhaps make it output 64 plasma :p 5x the energy but you need much heavier machinery.
and i think its way too op for early power gen. -
Machines would work faster and for less energy (to the point it doesn't cause loops).
Add "until netherstar is consumed" to that and I'd be all over that
Add "until netherstar is consumed" to that and I'd be all over that
If it would be consumed at magic energy converter rate (24 EU/t) it would last for 2,4 days.
If it would be consumed at magic energy converter rate (24 EU/t) it would last for 2,4 days.
I meant they should also be consumed when used as upgrades for machines
I meant they should also be consumed when used as upgrades for machinesYou mean, rightclick the machine with a nether star, upgrade is applied, star is gone?
You mean, rightclick the machine with a nether star, upgrade is applied, star is gone?
as a fuel i think he means -
Suggestion : Hextech Upgrades
(Hextech is technology fueled by magic)Hextech Upgrade :
Allow machines to use Magical Power as energy source.
Will convert magical items/liquids into Magic Power, at 2/3 ratio of magic converter.
Will absorb atmospheric vis into Magic Power, at 1/2 ratio of magic absorber.
Machines will store initially 10000 Magic Power. [1 MP = 1 EU]
Nether star can be inserted to increase efficiency of ratio to 1 of magic converter and 2/3 of magic absorber. 2 Stars will increase the ratio to 1 of magic absorber.Recipe :
4 Thaumium Ingots , 2 energy flow circuits, 1 eye of ender, 1 magma cream, 1 HV transformer.Magic Power Storage Upgrade :
Increase MP storage by 100000.Recipe :
6 Thaumium Ingots, 1 Digital Chest, 2 data circuit. -
(Hextech is technology fueled by magic)
No it's not. HexTech is the same as 6-Tech as Hex = 6. What you are referring to is either MagiTech or WizTech.
No it's not. HexTech is the same as 6-Tech as Hex = 6. What you are referring to is either MagiTech or WizTech.
Think about League of Legends. Hextech is actually a slang term for Techmaturgy.
Y u always talk about something instead of actual suggestion?
Y u always talk about something instead of actual suggestion
The same Reason why you sometimes doublepost.
The same Reason why you sometimes doublepost.
, meh.
as a fuel i think he meansPretty much, yes. Just instead of actually powering the machine it makes it work better in some way for a limited period of time.