[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2

  • Nothing that a reactor or tons of windmills can't do.

    @above : Thats because you don't have GregTech. MPS recipes would have changed drastically, requiring more iridium plates and other tier 4 stuff than anything (even more than your items mak).

    @MPS' items are more expensive than mine:
    Do not anger mad bullscientist.
    I can make them thousand times more expensive, but if I do so, nobody would be able to get LS's items.

    Random picture (not a edit!):

    And the fun thing is that Skeleton dropped this:

    And my 1.4.7 GT world:

    I miss TC. Like really do.

  • @above : Thats because you don't have GregTech. MPS recipes would have changed drastically, requiring more iridium plates and other tier 4 stuff than anything (even more than your items mak).

    Greg tech maybe good but for 24 hours servers , never install this for singleplayer

  • What's wrong with GT in SSP? I can't imagine playing without it :)

    He is probabl one of that players which dont like waiting for results. So, on SMP its chunkloader etc. you know :D

    public void getForumUserData(Signature signature, User user) { if(user.equalsTo("Cass") && user.isOnline() { Forum.Out.println("signature")})return;}

  • Pay attention to getLabel() method.

    Here we go: :P

    Since now and then, travelling to Antimatter Universe is going to be a risky business. Like really risky.
    Every tick there's a chance of explosion hapenning around you (with 10.0F power, which is ALOT, but, Antimatter Stone has 600 blast resistance, so not that bad :))
    Also, once again there's chance of lightning strike straight into your body.
    But, the good news are that there's no fall damage at all.

    EDIT 2:
    Going to change the entire mechanic Energy Rays work.
    Like they cannot be a straight line...
    It's really complicated, look at this:

    • Official Post

    It's really complicated, look at this:

    It would be much less complicated if you wouldnt call your Variables "var1" - "varX".

  • So, I'm taking over Greg-Style-Changelogs.

    1. You can now teleport to Antimatter Universe legitimately. Take 1 antimatter glob (which you CAN produce in Particle Accelerator BTW) and rightclick with it. If you're in Overworld, you will be teleported to Antimatter Universe, if you're in Antimatter Universe and rightclick, you will be teleported to Overworld.
    2. Added Ore Enriched Pillar as Antimatter Universe WorldGen. It's a Pillar that contains ALOT of ores (it will dynamically pickup any new ores which are correctly registered in OreDict as "oreXXX", so GT and IC2 ores will definetely work), wrapped with Quartz.
    3. Added various low-down tricks to Antimatter Universe. It's a really dangerous place now, get ready for... random explosions, lightning strikes, jumping like a rocket into the air, etc.
    You DO WANT to fly there, because if you stand on Antimatter Stone, ALOT of explosions will happen.. like alot of them.

  • So, I'm taking over Greg-Style-Changelogs.

    1. You can now teleport to Antimatter Universe legitimately. Take 1 antimatter glob (which you CAN produce in Particle Accelerator BTW) and rightclick with it. If you're in Overworld, you will be teleported to Antimatter Universe, if you're in Antimatter Universe and rightclick, you will be teleported to Overworld.
    2. Added Ore Enriched Pillar as Antimatter Universe WorldGen. It's a Pillar that contains ALOT of ores (it will dynamically pickup any new ores which are correctly registered in OreDict as "oreXXX", so GT and IC2 ores will definetely work), wrapped with Quartz.
    3. Added various low-down tricks to Antimatter Universe. It's a really dangerous place now, get ready for... random explosions, lightning strikes, jumping like a rocket into the air, etc.
    You DO WANT to fly there, because if you stand on Antimatter Stone, ALOT of explosions will happen.. like alot of them.

    Eh when i rightclick Antimatter Glob, my minecraft crushed.....

  • Crash Report


    at net.smart.moving.playerapi.NetServerHandler.func_72472_a(NetServerHandler.java:37)

    Probably SmartMoving bug. Cannot repeat myself.
    Try without SmartMoving in a test world, if problem persists, yell at me.

  • Weird.
    Okay, it says the problem is with TranslocationHelper, i'll see what I can do.

    What? It's angry with this line it seems:


    however it does nothing but

         * sets current screen to null (used on escape buttons of GUIs)
        public void closeScreen()
            this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacketToPlayer(new Packet101CloseWindow(this.openContainer.windowId));

    Erm... Player can't be null (it would've crashed earlier than there), and... WHAT?

    EDIT 2:
    It works for me in both normal and dev environment...
    Really weird.

    EDIT 3:
    I'm going to add an "UUM-Geyser" to Antimatter Universe.
    It'll be something line BuildCraft's Oil, but is going to be finite. (like it will only spawn on main island, and you'll get ~3 thousand buckets of UUM from it (seriously, it is barely enough for 2 quantum suits... nuff said))
    Also, some smaller islands will generate, so... yeah, you got it.
    Additionally, when you enter Antimatter Universe you're going to fight Wither there, before you can plunder there.
    There'll be something kinda like GT's Asteroids, these will contain enormous amounts of.. diamonds, uranium, probably small amounts or Iridium and Sheldonite (if GT is installed)

  • I think I'll nerf all the things next update.
    Like drill requires chrome, atomic disassembler requires 24 chrome, particle accelerator requires 10 iridium plates, etc.
    That's going to be a config option, ofc.

  • I think I'll nerf all the things next update.
    Like drill requires chrome, atomic disassembler requires 24 chrome, particle accelerator requires 10 iridium plates, etc.

    Enjoying GT, aren't you ? ^^

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

    Edited once, last by MatLaPatate ().