Idea: More efficient wires.

  • So any ways i was doing some research about what metals are the most conductive(I was Curious) and Did some reserch and here was my results.

    Most conductive: Silver
    Second on conductivity:Gold
    Third on conductivity:Copper :Copper Ingot:
    Fourth on conductivity:Tin :Tin Ingot:

    Now i was curious? Hmm why do we have 3 of the most conductive and effective metals are Being used for electricity in Ic2. Why don't we have silver?

    Also Regarding the HV wire That is just a giant tin wire so here is another idea, the size of the wire will change how much electricity can flow in the wire(its like having a larger pipe to have more fluids flow through it with out popping the pipe).

    So they will gome in several sizes (The EU Values are just Examples)
    Small-100 EU
    Medium-500 Eu
    Extra large-5000 EU

    So what do you guys think?

  • So you want a metal that does nothing (standalone IC2) but wiring?

  • Conductivity difference between silver and copper is quite minimal and on the borderline of measuring error. Gold is significantly worse than both.

    This is one of these parts where following reality would make the game less enjoyable :)

  • I think there should be a mix between IRL and IG.
    Also there should be an interest for going on higher tier wire, and higher voltage also! As in RL, low voltage and high current cables (especially if DC) are bulk and fire-prone. HVDC cables on the other hand are thin and can transfer lots of power. So the higher voltage you are going, the slimmer the wire. The current system works well for... current (tin for low, copper for medium/high and steel for extreme, as in RL) and this could be incorporated with wire section layers (as insulation layers): more layers=higher current allowed, too high current= FIRE! Keeping the section but raising the voltage would allow more power transfer without changing wires, and this is necessary (and boring) in current IC2. Insulation layer system would be kept to prevent shocks, although it wouldn't modify resistance of the cable (you may ask IRL why 200kV and higher power lines always uninsulated?). Let me know what you think!

  • The electric conductivity of Cu is higher than for Au --'
    But, there's no fun copying IRL for that, IC² is more like "more expensive = more efficient" ^^

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • What about good 'ol glassfiber cables? they can be made with rp2 silver.

    Except that RP2 is as good as dead.

    Also transmitting power via glass fibre cable has never made sense. If anything it could be used for transmitting redstone signal.

  • Except that RP2 is as good as dead.

    Also transmitting power via glass fibre cable has never made sense. If anything it could be used for transmitting redstone signal.

    Well to my knowledge, the logic behind glass fiber is similar to fiber optic? IRL its been theorized that energy could be transmitted without loss by first converting it to light.
    We have teleporters xD why are we arguing about how a cable works?

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • Except that RP2 is as good as dead.

    Doesn't matter, that recipe is integrated with the Ore Dictionary, so factorization silver also works for this purpose...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • Doesn't matter, that recipe is integrated with the Ore Dictionary, so factorization silver also works for this purpose...

    But GT is much better. Not only you can use Diamond Dusts for that sake, but Electrum saves even more stuff because it gives 8 Glass Fiber ^^

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • But GT is much better. Not only you can use Diamond Dusts for that sake, but Electrum saves even more stuff because it gives 8 Glass Fiber ^^

    I don't touch GT much, as I find alot of the EU costs on things to be a bit ridiculous, as well as said cost becoming a bit of a discouragement to work with an E-Net system...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.